BCG Vaccine

The BCG vaccine is a weakened bacterial vaccine, the only one of its kind used in Kosovo. The vaccine is known as BCG based on what it contains and those who discovered it: B-Bacillus, C-Calmette, G-Guerin, which prevents or fights Tuberculosis.

When and who should be vaccinated: it is mainly applied to children, specifically infants on the 3-7th day of birth, no later than 1 year. The vaccine can also be applied in case of indication, i.e., when a case cannot be treated with therapy, or when there is a risk of spreading to others.

Other groups that should be vaccinated are healthcare workers and those who work in the relevant laboratories. In Kosovo, vaccination is usually done in one dose. Revaccination should be done at the age of 7, the second revaccination at the age of 13, in special cases, and at the age of 19.

Risks of the BCG: it can cause local allergies at the application site, thus its side effects are:

  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Redness at the injection site
  • Fever
  • Pain during urination
  • Abdominal pain, vomiting
  • The most severe side effect is death or serious illness

Contraindications: those who should not receive this vaccine are:

  • Persons with weakened immunity
  • Persons with HIV-AIDS
  • Those who have had organ transplants
  • Pregnant women
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