Ozone in cosmetology (Part one)

Many cosmetic problems (acne, wrinkles, cellulite, fat deposits, allergies, hair loss) reflect the internal condition of the body, therefore they should be treated from the outside (with local applications) and from the inside (systemic applications). This can be successfully achieved with ozone thanks to its effects: detoxifying, antimicrobial, antiviral, and immunoregulating.

Ozone therapy is unique in preserving and restoring the natural health and beauty of the skin. It does not mask skin defects but normalizes its functions and work.

The aging process at the level of the epidermis is induced by the inhibition of cell division, a decrease in elasticity, an increase in the keratinous layer, and residual deformation of the epidermis with the appearance of "crow's feet".

The skin functions properly and looks young only if there is adequate nutrition and cell division of the epidermis. Natural cell nutrition is achieved with the help of tissue fluid, lymph, and blood plasma. The efficiency of this process is significantly reduced under the influence of negative environmental factors.

Aging at the level of the dermis comes from structural changes in collagen and elastic fibers. During the exposure of collagen to free radicals, a "cross-linking" of collagen occurs, so that collagenase cannot perform its normal function of degrading collagen. As a result, modified collagen fibers accumulate and the water-holding capacity of the dermis decreases. This leads to a functional disorder of hyaluronidase, a specific enzyme with an effect on hyaluronic acid and skin penetration.

As a result of aging, the activity of several key enzymes of respiration decreases, leading to an energy deficit in the cells. This inhibits the regeneration of epidermal cells, disintegrates and fragments the elastic fibers, and as a result of all these processes, wrinkles form.

Ageing of the skin can be slowed down, and its structure can be restored by neutralizing the above pathological processes. This is precisely the target of ozone therapy.

For treating the "cutaneous problem" and wrinkles, local ozone applications (subcutaneous injections, ozonated oil) and systemic ozone applications (ozonated physiological saline, major and minor autohemotherapy, rectal insufflation) are recommended. The approach and methods are individual for each patient.

Subcutaneously administered ozone activates metabolic processes in macroergic cells, normalizes active membrane transport, its penetrative, deformative, and electrical properties. Simultaneously, oxygen supply to tissues is optimized (in the presence of ozone, erythrocytes transport 10 times more oxygen towards tissues) and its utilization by cells is increased (aerobic glycolysis, Krebs cycle, β-oxidation of fatty acids are activated).

Also, ozone therapy stops "oxidative stress", activates the antioxidant system, and neutralizes the destructive effects of free radicals. This leads to the stimulation of protein synthesis (including collagen and elastin), an increase in the regenerative and water-holding potentials of the skin. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed and the "crow's feet" appearance disappears.

The fundamental difference between ozone therapy and other cosmetic procedures is that it acts from the outside and inside the body, providing a general cleansing, healing, and toning (and not just a temporary cosmetic effect). Ozone therapy is a revolutionary anti-aging tool that allows restoring the barrier, immune, water-holding, reparative, and separating function of the skin and improving its structure.

For body detoxification, elimination of solid foods and toxins, which play a negative role in the skin, rectal insufflation with ozone is recommended. It creates conditions for the regeneration of the “healthy” intestinal flora, therefore it is beneficial for the whole body.

Fig. 1 Wrinkles and telangiectasia before and after ozone treatment

For correcting signs of skin aging after the age of 35, refreshing courses of ozone therapy in the form of subcutaneous injections in the areas of wrinkles and where skin aging manifests (forehead, chin, cheeks, neck) are very useful. After the procedure, manual massage of the injected area is recommended to evenly distribute the ozone.

The positive effect of ozone is visible after 3-4 procedures: smoothing of small wrinkles, increase in skin turgor, reduction in facial puffiness, improvement in facial complexion, appearance of radiance. The patient reports a decrease in cutaneous dryness, disappearance of the sensation of skin tightness, even after washing. Both the patient and the doctor notice a lifting effect in the submaxillary, cheek, and chin areas. And most importantly, there is an improvement in the overall condition.

The use of ozone in the treatment of telangiectasia (spider veins) can achieve amazing results. Most traditional methods have a range of undesirable side effects such as pain, the possibility of burning during the injection of the drug into damaged vessels, which can cause dark spots and scarring. When we inject the ozone-oxygen mixture into the blood vessel, complete disappearance of telangiectasia occurs, painlessly and with a very low chance of recurrence in the same place. Nowadays, this method is seriously competing with laser treatment methods.


Ozone therapy in the form of ozone injections in the inflamed areas (infiltrates, pustules). The depth and number of injections under a lesion depend on the size of the element.

An average treatment course consists of 5-6 procedures with a 5-day interval. All patients show clinical improvement after the first procedure. This is evident in the softening of the infiltrate, reduction of edema, exudate, hyperemia, pain. The treatment time is reduced by 2-3 times compared to traditional methods. There are no side effects, nor complications. In advanced and diffuse cases, minor autohemotherapy greatly helps by boosting immunity.

After the wide introduction of plastic surgery methods (deep chemical peeling, mechanical or laser skin resurfacing, contour plasty with injections) hypertrophic scars become a serious problem. Ozone injections around the scar induce the disappearance of the sensation of cutaneous tightness, limitation and softening of the scar, and further resorption of it. As a result, there is a noticeable smoothing of the surface and restoration of inner elasticity.

Cellulite or edematous-fibrosclerotic panniculopathy is an exclusively female problem and represents a pathological condition of the fat cells (adipocytes). Causes and risk factors include genetics, family history, puberty period, pregnancy, hormonal disorders, contraceptive use, age, and lifestyle.

According to various sources, 80-95% of women suffer from cellulite. The affected areas are the thighs and buttocks, less often the back and arms. The initial stage of cellulite is characterized by microcirculatory disorders, edema, and stagnation of fluids in the subcutaneous tissue. Thus, the edematous form of cellulite progresses further and transforms into a fibrosclerotic form.

Fig. 2. Normal skin

1 - epidermis and dermis;
2 – hypodermic fat tissue;
3 – second and third layer of fat;
4 – muscle
Fig. 3. Skin with cellulite
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