Nail Diseases

The skin is the largest organ of the body with a larger surface area than any other organ, healthy skin means beauty and to be beautiful and healthy, people and especially women spend money and hours of their time to achieve what they desire. The skin and its components such as hair and nails are of special importance, to have beautiful and healthy nails it is necessary to know some of the most common nail diseases, and to know how to treat them.

The nail is about 0.5-0.7 mm thick. It is made up of 100-150 layers. The thickness of the nail increases from childhood 600 um to 900 um in adulthood and to 1100 um in old age.

The nail grows 0.9 mm per week. Growth also depends on the seasons and age. The nail of the middle finger grows faster than the others and the nails of the dominant hand grow faster than those of the other hand. The nail transmits sunlight in UVA waves 1-3% and UVB 5-10%, this amount of light is sufficient to cause photo onycholysis, (nail damage.)

The most common nail pathologies.

Onychoshisis, nail dehydration

Often, the front part of the nail separates into several horizontal layers, called Onychoshisis. The main cause is drying, the loss of the nail's moisture, which comes as a result of frequent hand washing. In this case, the nail loses water and separates into layers.

The excessive use of chemical nail cleaners (such as acetone) aggravates the condition. The therapy is the use of moisturizing creams containing urea, several times a day and after every hand wash. This has been seen to lead to improvement.


Onycholysis is the painful separation of the nail from its bed. Minor repeated trauma can be the cause of it. The most common clinical appearance is semicircular onycholysis. It occurs when the nail is exposed to frequent hand washing and keeping them in water for a long time such as in the case of dishwashers, cooks, housewives, etc. The free part of the nail allows the entry of water inside it through the formed channels and thus the separation of the nail from its bed is realized.

The treatment here too is the use of moisturizing creams and the elimination of repeated nail trauma such as indiscriminate hand washing or keeping them in water for a long time, in the case when this pathology has come from mycotic infections, the mycotic infection must be treated for this refer to your dermatologist.

Nail infection with pseudomonas

When the color of the nail changes from normal, the changes that have brought this color disorder can be on its surface, inside it, or beneath it. The most common color change occurs from nail infection with pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that after infection gives the nail a green color, and often occurs in people who use water a lot and keep their hands in water like dishwashers, bartenders, cooks, etc.

Treatment in this case after accurate diagnosis is keeping the diseased nails in acetic acid (vinegar) for 5 minutes a day for 2 consecutive weeks and the use of antibiotic ointments.

One of the most common nail infections are fungal infections. Initially, the fungal infection only affects one nail and then spreads to all other nails.

Nail with fungal infection.

More often, fungal infection of the nails comes from fungal infection of the skin around the nail. Early treatment of the skin fungus prevents the nail fungus which is a challenge to be treated due to the long duration of antifungal medications that need to be used and their side effects due to this long use.

Nail hematoma.

Continuous damage to the surface of the nails towards the nail bed causes subungual hemorrhage (under the nail) or nail hematoma. Subungual hematoma of the nail initially is red and then the color changes to blue and then to black. It is often accompanied by swelling of the damaged finger, redness, and pain. If the patient does not know what caused the coloring of his nail and this hematoma has been present for a while then it needs to be differentiated from malignant melanoma.

Nail eczema

Drilling the nail plate with a hot sterile needle leads to a reduction of pain and pressure.

Chronic eczema of the hands and feet can lead to nail damage. The more often and faster the cuticle and lateral edges of the nails are damaged, this leads to cracking, breaking, and thickening of the nails. Some authors have also called this nail eczema. The faster and better the eczema is treated with cortisone-based ointments, the faster the nails will begin to improve.

As for the use of manicures or artificial nails (with gel), their use should not be indiscriminate, repeated often, after every such application it is necessary to continuously use moisturizing creams and gel creams containing vitamins and hyaluronic acid that are applied to the nail surface, after removing artificial nails it is necessary to give our nails time for regeneration before making another application with gel. Creams with hyaluronic acid are the best for nail regeneration.

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For nail fungus, I am very worried, please help me how I can treat it

Sent by Denisa, më 03 April 2013 në 15:18

Hello Denisa, firstly you need to undergo an examination for nail fungus (mycelial filaments), to determine if it is indeed nail fungus, if this analysis turns out positive then you will be treated with antifungal medications. There are several treatment plans for nail fungus which are discussed with the patient and the most suitable one is chosen for them

Sent by Dr. Ardiana Sinani, më 05 April 2013 në 03:06

I am interested in making an appropriate doctor's visit for nail fungus, if possible please provide me information about any Doctor, their Phone or email...
I look forward to your response!
All the best

Sent by Mejreme Bajoku, më 20 June 2013 në 06:54

Hello Mejreme,
You have the contacts of Dr. Ardiana Sinani on her profile; just click the link at the beginning of this article.
All the best

Sent by Webmaster, më 20 June 2013 në 07:24

In Albania, they wait for it, operate they say on the infected part and then stitch it up, this causes the infection to decrease. This applies to the initial stage, because if it worsens, it has many problems, requires years of treatment to heal.
Prevention, washing the feet and drying with a hairdryer, hot air.
Fungal infections on nails are treated with external treatment (with creams and oils) that lasts over 6 months, but tablets are more reliable.
A German medicine for the treatment of fungal infections, Terbinafine-Actavis 250mg, 42 tablets. Three boxes are needed, 42x3=126 tablets for a full 6-month treatment.
Those who buy these must first do blood tests to confirm that they do not have problems with the kidneys and liver, therefore initially consult with a dermatologist before using them.
After healing in Germany, the narrowed nail is opened with wires like teeth to regain its former shape

Sent by Bujari, më 23 June 2013 në 09:28

Hello! I did a nail fungus analysis and the result is espergallis sn... I used Lamisil (oral) for two months without results... Then Terbinafine capsules for 14 days...they caused me lung problems (I had difficulty breathing)... What treatment would be appropriate?!

Sent by Rina, më 05 September 2013 në 09:33

Hello. After an accident I had and lost the toenail on my foot, the new toenail always grows into the flesh. I have had surgical intervention and had the toenail removed once, but it always grows back in the same way and causes great pain and accumulation of pus in the flesh around the nail. What therapy or doctor would you recommend, thank you

Sent by niku, më 08 October 2013 në 08:39

NIKU, against infection, (decay) look for PVP-Iodine-ratiopharm ointment. (German, no prescription needed)
(Antiseptic for skin wound infections).
There are also other similar companies to this, but I recommend this one as the most effective.
As for the others, read my comment above

Sent by Bujari, më 12 December 2013 në 05:37

Hello! Lately, I have noticed some changes in the nails of my hands! In the upper part, where the nail connects to the skin, I've noticed that the skin is gradually peeling away, increasing the surface area of the nail more and more and risking detaching it from the part connected to the skin, especially on the index finger. Can you please help me?!

Sent by Eris, më 26 December 2013 në 13:23

Hello Eris, you are a bit unclear in what you are clinically describing. It would be better for you to make a visit where your problem can be precisely determined. Meanwhile, you can use a soothing ointment containing glycerin

Sent by Ardiana Sinani, më 30 December 2013 në 03:53

For Niku. I don't know if you have found a remedy or not.
For the infection, you can also use an antibiotic, for example, ELOBACT. It has 12 tablets, two a day after meals.
At the same time, you can use an antibiotic ointment (gentamicin) Refobacin Cream. The swollen, protruding flesh from the nail that hurts is treated once a week with silver nitrate to draw it out. The nail is not cut until it comes out on its own, and this is achieved by inserting disinfected bandages carefully pushing from the inside to force the nail to retreat. For the operation that is done vertically, consult with a good surgeon

Sent by Bujari, më 21 February 2014 në 15:54

Hi. I'm worried about my mom! She has problems with her toenails as they grow on top of each other on both feet on the big toes, and they look somewhat black. When she wears shoes, she feels pain. She has removed them herself at home twice, but they keep growing back the same way. Thanks for the answer

Sent by shkuri elda, më 18 September 2014 në 13:18

The big toenails on my feet are very thick and raised from the flesh. It appears to be a fungus because I also inherited it. I will visit a doctor, but I have heard that medications for fungus cause problems in the liver. Is there any traditional remedy for washing or a cream that works? I used a French medication in the form of nail polish for 3 months, but it didn't give me any results (Mycoster)

Sent by ana, më 04 October 2014 në 13:41

Ana, the best homemade remedy is vinegar (you can dilute it with alcohol) and apply it every day (several times) for about a year.
The acid in the vinegar penetrates the fungus. Give it a try.
Be careful if new nails start to grow, do not cut the old ones completely because the new ones can penetrate into the flesh. If this happens, place a small bandage or sponge at the edge of the nail as long as it is growing and there is no longer a risk of it penetrating into the flesh

Sent by Bujari, më 07 November 2014 në 17:37

The big toe of my left foot keeps getting numb. Should I be worried about this?
Thank you in advance!

Sent by vilma, më 08 November 2014 në 14:52

The fingertips of my left hand have a slight and internal blackening, and the fingertip of the index finger of my right hand has a similar but more pronounced blackening. They have been in this condition for a week. I have no pain or anything, just blackening. Thank you, I hope you will answer

Sent by Valton Gashi, më 16 December 2014 në 16:21

Hello! A large corn on my foot has penetrated the flesh, causing swelling, and collects blood and pus. Apart from surgery, is there any other solution to heal it? Thank you for your advice! I await your response

Sent by Ana, më 05 February 2015 në 06:42

Hello, My big toenails are falling off now and then, I am worried if I can be cured, thank you for understanding, wish you well

Sent by Ela, më 21 February 2015 në 12:28

Hello! I have a problem with the nails of my big toes, actually with both of my big toes and the problem that I have is this: my nails are deteriorating by creating space from the nail bed and this thing continues often. My nails on both of the big toes have thickened, I have a lot of pain and I fear that I might lose my nails. Please, can you tell me why does this happen??????? Thank you... I hope that you will return an answer as soon as possible....

Sent by Aisela Tuci, më 26 February 2015 në 15:00

Hello! I suffer from deformed toenails. I had a deformed fingernail and it healed on its own. Please, how can I treat them at home, since in the summer I can't wear sandals because my toes look very unsightly. Please respond to me. Regards

Sent by Emanuela Doka, më 19 March 2015 në 07:07

Hello! I have a problem that really bothers me related to both of my toenails. They create a fake space in the nail, it's yellowish, and I take great care to prevent any dirt from getting into the nail. This has happened many times and now both of my nails are being removed. Please, what can I do? How can I take care? Why does this happen so I can be extra cautious about it? PLEASE RESPOND I CAN'T STAND BEING WITHOUT NAILS :*(

Sent by Dajana Hidri, më 04 May 2015 në 12:22

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