Dr. Leon Kaza, Obstetricians/Gynaecologist


49 vjeç










Obstetrics and gynaecology


Gynecological surgery Pelvic reconstructive surgery Endoscopic gynecological surgery (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy)


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Pjesëmarrje në aktivitete shkencore
" Die Zukunft beginnt heute" - Kongresi i Obstetër – Gjinekologëve Austriakë 14 – 17 Qershor 2007 Linz - Austri
11th International Meeting on Gynaecological Surgery 21-26 Shkurt 2007 Napoli, Itali
Endoscopic Surgery in Gynaecology 11-13 Dhjetor 2010 Firenze, Itali
5th European Congress of the European Federation for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology 27-29 Maj 2010 Berlin, Gjermani
12th International Meeting on Gynaecological Surgery 5-8 Maj 2010 Avelino, Itali
17th International Meeting of the European Society for Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) 11-14 Shtator, 2011 Milano, Itali
XXIII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 13-16 Qershor 2012 Paris, France
Subfertility and Reproductive Endocrinology, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 15-19 Prill 2013 Londer, Angli
The World Congress on building consensus out of controversies in Obstetrics and Gynecology 24-26 Prill, 2014 Barcelone, Spanje
The World Congress on building consensus out of controversies in Obstetrics and Gynecology 24-26 Prill, 2014 Barcelone, Spanje
Professional qualifications
Gynecological surgery February - March 2010 Avellino - Italy (Prim. Carmine Malzoni) Menaxhimi kirurgjik i endometriozës së thellë infiltruese, Histeroktomia radikale laparotomike, Riparimi vaginal i defekteve të dyshemesë pelvike
Endoscopic Surgery in Gynecology March - July 2008 LKH Bregenz - Austria (Prim. Hans Concin) Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
Urogynecology (Incontinence diagnosis and therapy) 2008 Austria (OA A. Berlinger) UI work up, urodynamic studies. Surgical treatment of stress incontinence. Howard Kelly procedure, retropubic urethropexy (Burch, Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz), pubourethral sling (TVT, TOT)
Course of Simplified Laparoscopic Surgical Technique December 13 – 20, 2019 Rome, Italy Simplified Laparoscopic Surgical Technique Course, translational teaching at the pelvic trainer
Fellowship in Advanced Gynecological Laparoscopy October 2021 - May 2022 Malzoni Advanced Gyn Endoscopy Center - Italy Fellowship in Advanced Gynecological Laparoscopy for the treatment of Endometriosis and Gynecological Malignancies
Anatomia e Avancuar Kirurgjikale Laparoskopike e Pelvisit Femëror dhe Teknikat July 11th–15th, 2022 Verona, Italy 3rd ISSA International, Hands-on Intensive Master in Basic and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of the Female Pelvis and Techniques. International School of Surgical Anatomy (ISSA) in collaboration
ISGE Laparoscopy Intensive Training Week October 17 - 22, 2022 Avellino, Italy The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) – ISGE Intensive Training Week. A) SEBHCOH-I certification B) Certification in laparoscopic suturing
Medical publications
Gjinekologjia - Diagnoza dhe trajtimi Traktat për mjekët specialistë në fushën e gjinekologjisë 2011 http://www.bksh.al/adlib/scripts/wwwopac.exe?DATABASE=catalo&OPAC_URL=/adlib/expert/index_al.html&LA&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.bksh.al/adlib/scripts/wwwopac.exe?DATABASE=catalo&OPAC_URL=/adlib/expert/index_al.html&LA
Debati dhe Reforma e munguar ne shëndetësi. 2012 http://www.shqiptarja.com/analiza/2709/debati-dhe-reforma-e-munguar-ne-shendetesi-75145.html&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.shqiptarja.com/analiza/2709/debati-dhe-reforma-e-munguar-ne-shendetesi-75145.html
Mes coup de grâce dhe Rilindjes së sistemit shëndetësor 2013 http://www.shqiptarja.com/analiza/2709/mjeket-politikane-politikanet-mjeke-159712.html&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.shqiptarja.com/analiza/2709/mjeket-politikane-politikanet-mjeke-159712.html
Inkontinenca urinare, proçedurat diagnostike dhe opsionet terapeutike. 2008 Konferenca e 14 mediko-kirurgjikale Tiranë 2007
Amenorea, menaxhimi i amenoresë primare 2007 Konferenca e obstetrikë-gjinekologjisë (Durrës) 2008
Klasifikim i ri i histerektomise radikale, propozimet e Querleu D, Morrow CP. 2008 Konferenca 15 mediko - kirurgjikale Tirane.
Te duash, te dish dhe te mundesh. 28.10.2014 http://www.shqiptarja.com/analiza/2709/te-duash-te-dish-dhe-te-mundesh--248674.html&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.shqiptarja.com/analiza/2709/te-duash-te-dish-dhe-te-mundesh--248674.html
Reviews from patients

Fantastic, communicative, and very accurate. I wish he was in Tirana. I went to Lezhe especially for this doctor

Sent by ela, më 25 Agust 2014 në 07:20

The doctor operated on my mom. I am very grateful. Thank you, Dr. Leon, besides your golden hands, your way of communication made everything easier for us

Sent by Lorena, më 30 September 2014 në 14:29

Magic hands doctor!

Sent by elda, më 11 March 2017 në 01:37

A devoted and extremely dedicated doctor on duty. I am happy that my city, Lezha, has such doctors who serve the citizens by putting, above all, their health first! I live abroad and was very satisfied with the reception in the office and the visit. Thank you again, Doctor Leoni!

Sent by Dorina ndreca, më 08 Agust 2019 në 08:35

Professional doctor, with European work culture. A fortune for Albanian medicine to have such a professional

Sent by Pranvera, më 25 June 2023 në 05:56

Jam operuar per kiste me laparoskopi te doktori. Sherbim shum i mire nga stafi i katit te pare te maternitetit. Faleminderit doktor.

Sent by Denisa , më 28 Agust 2023 në 11:32

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