Dr. Sabri Raza, Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmologist


46 vjeç










Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology



Spitali Amerikan 1, Pranë Spitalit Ushtarak - Laprakë, Tirane
Professional qualifications
Medical Doctor 30,06,2006 Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Specialization in Ophthalmology January 30, 2012 Ataturk Education and Research Hospital, Ankara,
Fellowship in Ophthalmology Research 01,10,2008-15,09,200 Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida
ECFMG Certificate 2009 Miami, Florida
3rd Congress of the Mediterranean Retina Meeting 2008 Istanbul
Cataract and Refractive Surgery Congress 2009 Miami, Florida
Angiogenesis, Exudation, and Degeneration 2009 2009 Miami, Florida
Retinopathy of Prematurity 2009 2009 Miami, Florida
Vitreoretinal Course Update 2009 2009 Miami, Florida
4th Congress of the Mediterranean Retina Meeting 2010 Istanbul
RETINA: Current Diagnosis and Treatment, April Course 2008 Ankara, Turkey
30. Ulusal Oftalmoloji Kursu 2010 Ankara, Turkey
31. National Ophthalmology Course 2011 Ankara, Turkey
TOD 44. National Congress 2010 Antalya, Turkey
TOD 45th National Congress 2011 Girne, North Cyprus
"Innovations in KNVM treatment" 2007 - January Ankara, Turkey
VII. Gazi Live Surgery Course 2007 - May Ankara, Turkey
Innovations in Cataract Surgery 2007 - November Ankara, Turkey
Refractive Surgery Limitations and Complications 2007- December Ankara, Turkey
Limitations in Glaucoma Surgery 2008- February Ankara, Turkey
Amblyopia 2008 - March Ankara, Turkey
Innovations in Behçet's Disease Treatment 2009 - November Ankara, Turkey
Innovations in Hereditary Macular Diseases 2009 - December Ankara, Turkey
IV. Live Surgery Symposium, TOD-Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2010 - February Istanbul, Turkey
Ulucanlar Eye Days Symposium-1 2010 - May Ankara, Turkey
X. Gazi Ophthalmic Live Surgery course 2010 - May Ankara, Turkey
"Oculoplastic Live Surgery Days" 2010 - November Istanbul, Turkey
TOD XII. Applied Glaucoma Surgery Symposium 2010 - December Izmir, Turkey
Ulucanlar Eye Days Symposium-2 2011 - March Ankara, Turkey
XI. Gazi Ophthalmic Live Surgery Course 2011 - May Ankara, Turkey
TCOD 1. International Congress 2012 - June Istanbul, Turkey
Medical publications
Short-term effects of intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin(®)) on retrobulbar hemodynamics in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Shkurt 2011 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21232081&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21232081
Evaluation of efficacy of topical povidone-iodine and different types of fluoroquinolones in the sterilization of bacterial flora on the conjunctiva Dhjetor 2011 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21834670&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21834670
Corneal white-to-white distance and mesopic pupil diameter 2012 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22937514&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22937514
Surgical outcomes of intermittent exotropia associated with concomitant hypertropia including simulated superior oblique palsy after horizontal muscles surgery only by YA Cho and S-H Kim 2008 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18670464&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18670464
Comparison between efficacy of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide and bevacizumab on visual acuity in retinal branch vein occlusion 2009 http://www.journalagent.com/z4/vi.asp?pdir=tjo&plng=tur&un=TOG-96658&look4=&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.journalagent.com/z4/vi.asp?pdir=tjo&plng=tur&un=TOG-96658&look4=
Comparison Between Efficacy of Triamcinolone Acetonide and Bevacizumab in a Case with Type 2A Idiopathic Parafoveal Telangiectasia 2011 http://www.oftalmoloji.org/tr/arsivsayi/28/Arşiv/Sayı&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.oftalmoloji.org/tr/arsivsayi/28/Arşiv/Sayı
Pigmented Paravenous Retinochoroidal Atrophy: Case Report 2010 http://oftalmoloji.turkiyeklinikleri.com/abstract-tr_59222.html&lng=en" hreflang="en http://oftalmoloji.turkiyeklinikleri.com/abstract-tr_59222.html
Comparison between efficacy of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide and bevacizumab in a case of type 2 Idiopathic Juxtafoveal Telangiectasia 2008 Poster:Third Mediterranean Retina Meeting, İstanbul, Turkey, 13-15 June 2008
Effect of baseline BCVA on visual prognosis after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection in proliferative diabetic retinopathy 2008 Poster:Third Mediterranean Retina Meeting, İstanbul, Turkey, 13-15 June 2008
Retinal ven tıkanıklığında intravitreal triamsinolon asetonid ve bevacizumabın görme keskinliği üzerine olan etkisinin karşılaştırılması 2008 Poster: 42th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
İntravitreal triamsinolon asetonid enjeksiyonu sonrası görme keskinliği ve göz içi basınç değişimi: Endikasyona göre karşılaştırma 2008 Poster: 42th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
Psödoeksfoliasyon varlığının gözyaşı üzerine etkisi 2008 Poster: 42th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
Tip 2 idiopatik jukstafoveal telenjiektazili bir olguda intravitreal bevacizumab ile triamsinolon asetonidin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması 2008 Poster: 42th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
Hidroksiklorokinin kesilmesine rağmen progresyon gösteren Bull’s makulopati 2008 Poster: 42th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
İnferior oblik hiperfonksionu olan hastaların cerrahi sonuçları. 2008 Poster: 42th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
DSEAK in Fuchs endothelial dystrophy 2010 ASCRS 2010 (Oral presentation).
DSEAK vs. PK in patients with Fuchs endothelial dystrophy. 2010 41th Resident Day 2010` Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (Oral presentation)
Kornea alkali yanık sonrası limbal stem cell transplantasyonu. 2010 Poster: 44th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
Pigmente paravenöz retinokoroidal atrofi 2010 Poster: 44th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
Diyabetik vitreus hemorajilerinde preoperatif intravitreal bevacizumab uygulamasının postoperatif vitreus hemorajisi üzerine etkisi 2010 Poster: 44th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, Turkey
Short term effects of intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) on retrobulbar hemodynamics in patients with wet AMD 2010 Poster:10th Euretina Congress, 62, Paris, France, 2-5 September 2010
Steroids after laser trabeculoplasty: SALT Trial design and recruitment 2011 Poster:World Glaucoma Congress. June29-July 2, 2011. Paris, France
Corneal white to white distance and mesopic pupil diameter 2011 Poster:15th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-20 February 2011
Corneal edema as a complication of collagen cross-linking 2011 Poster:41st Congress of ECLSO 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Ranibizumab tedavisi sonrası gelişen retina pigment epitel rüptürleri 2011 Poster: 45th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Girne, North Cyprus
Keratokonus olgularında pakimetre ölçümleri ile altimetrik ölçümler arasındaki ilişki 2011 Poster: 45th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Girne, North Cyprus
Primer pigmente vitreus kisti 2011 Poster: 45th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Girne, North Cyprus
Retinal makroanevrizmanın kilinik seyri 2011 Poster: 45th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Girne, North Cyprus
Diyabetik virtreus hemorajili olgularda eş zamanlı katarakt cerrahisinin postoperatif vitreus hemorajisi üzerine etkisi 2011 Poster: 45th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Girne, North Cyprus
Ranibizumab Enjeksiyonu Sonrası Okuler Kan Akmınının Renki Doppler Ultrasonografi ile Değerlendirilmesi 2012 http://www.abstractagent.com/av2/pro_detail.asp?pdir=2012tod&plng=tur&id=239&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.abstractagent.com/av2/pro_detail.asp?pdir=2012tod&plng=tur&id=239
Reviews from patients

May God increase Dr. with such qualifications, may they be in the service of humanity..

Sent by landi, më 10 July 2013 në 01:11

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