Dr. Marsel Haxhia, Embriolog Klinik


40 vjeç









Embriolog Klinik


Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) which include Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - ICSI, IVF, PGD, AHA, embryo freezing and thawing, etc


Spitali Hygeia, Rruga "Dritan Hoxha" në hyrje të Autostradës Tiranë-Durrës, Tirane
Professional qualifications
General Practitioner 2003-2009 Tirana, Albania
Clinical Embryologist 2009-2010 Ankara, Turkey
Certified Clinical Embryologist by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 2015 Europe
Medical publications
Prezantimi i punimit “Fertilizimi in-Vitro” ne konferencen e departamentit te Obstetrike Gjinekologjise dhe Fertilizimit in-Vitro te Spitalit Amerikan 05.11.2011
Prezantimi i punimit “Teknika e riprodhimit te asistuar” ne konferencen “Laboratory medicine standartization for best diagnostic accuracy” 28.11.2012
Prezantimi i punimit: “ICSI ne infertilitetin mashkullor” ne konferencen “Histologjia dhe Morfologjia Klinike” QSUT. 30.03.2012
Published articles
IVF or ICSI? January 2017
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis February 2014
Embryo selection January 2014 1 comments
Infertility June 2013
History and development of the ICSI technique February 2013
In Vitro Fertilization January 2013 2 comments
Reviews from patients

I am very happy that I have found a doctor in this medical field. First of all, are my heartfelt congratulations on your work.
I wanted to ask you about the female egg cell. I am 47 years old and have 3 children whom I have given birth to naturally and everything has gone well, all three of my children are in the best of health. But my concern is this; my sister doesn’t have children and she is 50 years old, she wants to get pregnant but the doctor has found that a family member needs to donate her an egg cell. I have decided but, is my age of 47 years old too old to donate the egg cells?
I am waiting for your answer?
With respects and understanding from Mirvete Morina

Sent by Mirvete Morina, më 22 February 2017 në 16:20

Yes, your age is not suitable for donating eggs.
For any other questions, feel free to contact me.
All the best!

Replay from Dr. Marsel Haxhia, më 19 November 2017 në 23:50

Please, my son has done a biopsy in the testicles, and he has been diagnosed with germinal aplasia. Please, what answer can you give me? Does he need any operations, or can he have children? Please, return the answer

Sent by Lendita, më 06 December 2017 në 04:56

Hello Mrs. Lendita,
if no sperm was found in the testicular biopsy then it means that it does not produce cells. For possible solutions, I would prefer to tell you privately.
All the best!

Replay from Dr. Marsel Haxhia, më 06 December 2017 në 05:17

Dr., is there any chance for sperm revival or in vitro?

Sent by Lendita, më 06 December 2017 në 05:20

Until the moment science is now, it is not possible!

Replay from Dr. Marsel Haxhia, më 06 December 2017 në 05:27

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