Dr. Shk. Gjergji Bizhga, Otorhinolaryngologists (ORL)
59 vjeç
068 22 67 414
ENT (ear, nose, throat) visits, cosmetic surgeries of the nose, ears, and face (rhinoplasty, otoplasty, facelift), surgical interventions for nose diseases, operations for the removal of adenoids and foreign bodies in children and adults, operations for various diseases of the mouth, tongue, and face
Spitali Universitar i Traumes (Spitali Ushtarak), Rruga Lord Bajron, Laprakë, TiranePjesëmarrje në aktivitete shkencore
Epidemiologjia e efuzioneve timpanike ne vendin tone. (Konferenca e Shoqates se kirurgeve te kokes dhe qafes ne bashkepunim ne shoqaten "Besim Zyma") | Prill 2008 | Prishtine, Kosove. |
Prevalence of tympanic effusion in children in Albania, (VI Balkan Congress of ORL, H&N Surgery). | Tetor 2008 | Selanik,Greqi |
Trakeostomia si nje trajtim paraprak ne traumat e kokes dhe te qafes.(Konferenca e Shoqates se kirurgeve te kokes dhe qafes ne bashkepunim me shoqaten "Besim Zyma") | Prill 2010 | Prizren, Kosove. |
Tracheostomiy as a inicial management in patients with head and neck trauma (15th Balkan Military Medical Committee Congress). | Maj 2010 | Pirea, Greece. |
Augmentation Rhinoplasty in post traumatic cases, (VII Balkan Congress of ORL,H&N Surgery). | Qershor 2010 | Nis, Serbia. |
Trajtimi i rasteve me hemoragji massive ne regionin ORL me orgjine pas traumave qe shoqerohen me demtime te shumta. (Simpozium - Abdomen acuta, free topics). | Tetor 2010 | Kumanove, Maqedoni. |
Plaget nga armet e zjarri ne sektorin koke-qafe. | 2011 | Gjakove, Kosove. |
E-poster: Augmentation, revision rhinoplasty and repair of through and through defects of alar nose rim margine in several post traumatic cases (2-nd meeting of European Academy of ORL-HNS). | Prill 2013 | Nice, France. |
Disa patologji qe i hasim rralle ne sferen ORL. Konferenca e Shoqates se kirurgeve te kokes dhe qafes ne bashkepunim me shoqaten "Besim Zyma". | Maj 2014 | Prishtine, Kosove. |
Iceberg tumor (poster) (IX Balkan Congress of ORL,H&N Surgery). | Qershor 2014 | Budva, Montenegro. |
Professional qualifications
Programi i trajnimit në shëndetin dhe menaxhimin rajonal | 2000-2001 | University of Montreal, USA | |
Specialization | 1995-1996 | Ankara, Turkey | |
Specialization in the ENT Clinic | 2004 | Air Force Hospital, Greece | |
Scientific Degree "Master" | 2003 - 2004 | University of Medicine, Tirana | Topic: "The epidemiology of tympanic effusion in school-age and preschool children in our country." |
Doctor of Medical Sciences | September 2011 | University of Medicine, Tirana | Topic: Trauma in the ENT sphere in times of peace |
Medical publications
Epidemiologjia e efuzioneve timpanike te femijet ne Shqiperi. (punim profesional) | Qershor 2010 | Revista Medicus |
Osteomat e panderlikuar te sinusit frontal. | Mars 2010 | Buletini i shkencave mjekesore. |
Injuries of the larynx and soft tissues of the neck. (prezantim rasti) | Dhjetor 2010 | Revista Medicus |
Deviatio septi nasi. (artikull origjinal) | Dhjetor 2010 | Buletini i Shkencave Mjekesore |
Kompleksiteti i trajtimit te traumave kontuzive dhe penetrante te laringut. (prezantim rasti) | Prill 2009 | Revista Otorinolaringologjia Shqiptare |
Published articles
Ear diseases | May 2016 |
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