Dr. Elton Peci, Obstetricians/Gynaecologist, Obstetricians, Gynaecologist


48 vjeç












Obstetrics and gynaecology, Obstetrics, Gynaecology


Obstetrician-Gynecologist - In Vitro Fertilization - Surgery - Hysteroscopy - Laparoscopy - Ultrasound - 3D/4D Ultrasound - Pregnancy monitoring and delivery - Colposcopy - Gynecological Oncology


Spitali Amerikan 2, Rruga Selaudin Zorba, Tirana, Albania, Tirane
Pjesëmarrje në aktivitete shkencore
Kongresi i 2-të panshqiptar në Obstetrikë - Gjinekologji 2011 Tiranë (SHQIPËRI)
Konferenca e 4-rt ndërkombëtare e Perinatologjisë 2010 Tiranë (SHQIPËRI)
Simpoziumi ndërkombëtar "The mechanisms underlied behind the phantom limb pain" 2009 Tiranë (SHQIPËRI)
Kongresi i 1-rë panshqiptar në Obstetrikë - Gjinekologji 2009 Tiranë (SHQIPËRI)
Konferenca e 1rë e Shoqatës shqiptare të endoskopisë gjinekologjike (AGEA) 2008 Tiranë (SHQIPËRI)
Konferenca e 16të Mediko-Kirurgjikale 2008 Tiranë (SHQIPËRI)
Workshopi ndërkombëtar "Teknika të reja në trajtimin e inkontinencës urinare dhe prolapsit uterin", Spitali "Euroclinic" 2007 Bukuresht (RUMANI)
Kongresi i 7të kombëtar (rumun) i Mjeksisë Perinatale 2007 Bukuresht (RUMANI)
Kongresi i 14-të kombëtar (rumun) në Obstetrikë - Gjinekologji 2006 Bukuresht (RUMANI)
Simpoziumi ndërkombëtar "Evidence based Contraception" 2006 Bukuresht (RUMANI)
Simpoziumi kombëtar (rumun) "News on Infertility" 2006 Sambata de Sus - (RUMANI)
Konferenca kombëtare (rumune) "Antibiotikët në kirurgji dhe njësitë e terapisë intensive" 2006 Bukuresht (RUMANI)
Annual profesional meeting of Albanian MD in Macedonia Association, 2011 Gostivar, MACEDONIA.
Current concepts in Ob-Gyn Interventions, Prenatal Diagnosis & IVF treatments – AH Tirana International symposium 2011 Tirane (SHQIPERI)
The 17th International Meeting of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology, 2012 Milan, ITALY
The 5th Conference of Albanian Association Of Clinical Morphology, 2013 Tirana, ALBANIA
3rd Congress Of The Albanian Association Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, 2013 Tirana, ALBANIA
5th Congress of The Albanian Association of Perinatal Medicine, 2013 Tirana, ALBANIA
The Society for Gynecologic Investigation (SGI) Summit 2013 Istanbul. TURKEY
The 1st International Gynecologic & In Vitro Fertilisation Conference of Hygeia Hospital Tirana, ALBANIA 2014 Tirana, ALBANIA
1st National Congress of “Care during pregnancy & Childbirth” – Albanian Society Of Reproductive Tract 2014 Tirana, ALBANIA
European Society of Human Reproduction & Embriology (ESHRE) annual meeting 2015 Lisbon, PORTUGAL.
10th Albanian Congress on Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Albanian Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2015 Tirana, ALBANIA
1st International Congress – Albanian Society of Reproduction & Andrology 2015 Durres, ALBANIA
Professional qualifications
Advanced sonographic techniques for the diagnosis of congenital anomalies & fetal echocardiography 2012 ISUOG, Paris, FRANCE
EFC (RCOG / AAOG) Colposcopy Course 2011 Tirana (ALBANIA) The 2nd Pan-Albanian Congress in Obstetrics - Gynecology
In Vitro Fertilization training 2010 HS Clinic, Ankara, TURKEY
Professional updating and technique perfection course in Ultrasound 2009 Sulmona, ITALY Obstetrics/Gynecology Department, Avezzano Hospital A.U.S.L Facility
Professional updating and technique perfection course in Colposcopy 2009 Sulmona, ITALY Obstetrics/Gynecology Department, Avezzano Hospital Health Authority
Professional updating and technique perfection course in Hysteroscopy 2009 Sulmona, ITALY - Obstetrics/Gynecology Department, Avezzano Hospital Complex, Local Health Authority
The course of hysteroscopy 2009 Durrës, (ALBANIA) Albanian Association of Gynecological Endoscopy (AGEA)
Graduated medical specialist "Obstetrician-Gynecologist" 2008 Bucharest (ROMANIA) Carol Davilla University of Medicine & Pharmacy
The advanced course "Ultrasound in Obstetrics-Gynecology" 2007 Bucharest (ROMANIA) "Ian Donald" Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound
Ultrasound in Obstetrics-Gynecology 2007 Bucharest (ROMANIA) Carol Davilla University of Medicine & Pharmacy
Graduated "General Practitioner" 2002 Tirana (ALBANIA) Faculty of Medicine, Public University of Tirana
Student in the General Medicine branch 1996-2002 Tirana (ALBANIA) Faculty of Medicine, Public University of Tirana
Teknika të avancuara në Endoskopi Gjinekologjike Operative 2013 European Institute of Telesurgery, IRCAD – University
From A to Z Laparoscopic suturing 2014 The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery, Ni
MEFS exchange course: The ABCs of Infertility Management: Revisited 2015 European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
Medical publications
“Histerektomia vaginale e asistuar laparoskopikisht” - (bashkëautor) Kongresi i 2të panshqiptar në Obstetrikë – Gjinekologji, Tiranë (SHQIPËRI) 2011
“Lezionet endometriale rrisin shanset për sukses në ciklin pasues FIV-ET” - (bashkëautor) Kongresi i 2të panshqiptar në Obstetrikë – Gjinekologji, Tiranë (SHQIPËRI) 2011
“Patologjia endometriale; Ekografia transvaginale, sonohysterografia dhe hysteroskopia”; Kongresi i 2të panshqiptar në Obstetrikë – Gjinekologji, Tiranë (SHQIPËRI) 2011
“Saktësia e ekografisë në diagnozën e sëmundjes trofoblastike gestacionale - (bashkëautor) Kongresi i 2të panshqiptar në Obstetrikë – Gjinekologji, Tiranë (SHQIPËRI) 2011
Libri “Ekografia në patologjinë gjinekologjike” - (bashkëautor dhe botues). ISBN 978-9928-114-01-3 2010
Libri “Ekografia në patologjinë obstetrikale” - (bashkëautor dhe botues) ISBN 978-9928-114-00-6 2010
Libri “Ekografia normale në Obstetrikë & Gjinekologji” - (bashkëautor dhe botues) ISBN 978-99943-0-145-4 2010
“Hemorragjia vaginale anormale – pjesa 2”; - (bashkëautor) Gineco.ro nr. 18; 4/2009 ISSN (print): 1841-4435 ISSN (online): 2065-250X 2009
“Hemorragjia vaginale anormale – pjesa 1”; - (bashkëautor) Gineco.ro nr. 17; 3/2009 ISSN (print): 1841-4435 ISSN (online): 2065-250X 2009
Case report: “Mungesa e fuzionit të duktuseve mullerianë me pasojë Uterus didelf dhe vaginë double” - (bashkëautor) 2009 http://www.eurorad.org/case.php?id=7773&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.eurorad.org/case.php?id=7773
“A është më i indikuar sterilizimi kirurgjikal në mijëvjecarin III?” - (bashkëautor) Kongresi i 14të kombëtar (rumun) në Obstetrikë – Gjinekologji, Bukuresht (RUMANI) 2006
A case of heterotopic pregnancy 2012 http://www.sonoworld.com/fetus/page.aspx?id=3144&lng=en" hreflang="en http://www.sonoworld.com/fetus/page.aspx?id=3144
Testicular sperm retrieval – American Hospital experience - (1st author).The 5th Conference of Albanian Association Of Clinical Morphology 2012
Oocyte Pick-Up during In Vitro Fertilisation: Only aspiration or flushing? - (1st author).3rd Congress Of The Albanian Association Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Tirana, ALBANIA 2013
The efficacity of embryo classification protocols in their selection during an IVF program. 3rd Congress Of The Albanian Association Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Tirana, ALBANIA 2013
Maternal and neonatal outcome in singletone IVF pregnancies. - (1st author). 5th Congress of The Albanian Association of Perinatal Medicine, Tirana, ALBANIA 2013
Hysteroscopic metroplasy of uterine septum in infertility - The Society for Gynecologic Investigation (SGI) 2013 Summit – Istanbul. TURKEY 2013
Hysteroscopic metroplasy of uterine septum in infertility - 3rd Congress Of The Albanian Association Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Tirana, ALBANIA 2013
Managing poor responders in In Vitro Fertilisation The 1st International Gynecologic & In Vitro Fertilisation Conference of Hygeia Hospital Tirana 2014
Modern management of uterine septum - 1st International congress of Albanian Society of Reproduction & Andrology 2015
Modern management of uterine septum - 10th Albanian Congress on Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Albanian Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2015
Published articles
Full-time embryologist? April 2016
IVF with correspondence April 2016
When IVF ends without success April 2016
Tubal infertility April 2016
Multiple pregnancy December 2014
Menopause December 2014
LEEP Agust 2014
Myomectomy Agust 2014
Endometrial cancer Agust 2014
Cesarean operation April 2014
Freezing of embryos March 2014
Egg donation February 2014
Laparoscopy in gynecology February 2014
Male Infertility February 2014 3 comments
Hysterosalpingography February 2014
Pre-implantation genetic screening January 2014
Gender selection December 2013
Colposcopy November 2013
In Vitro Fertilization November 2013 1 comments
3D & 4D Fetal Ultrasound October 2013
Morphological ultrasound October 2013 1 comments
Pregnancy monitoring February 2013 1 comments
Hysteroscopy March 2012
Amniocentesis February 2012 2 comments
Ultrasound during pregnancy February 2012
Down Syndrome - Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis January 2012 5 comments
Reviews from patients

Hello! I saw your page and thought to address you with a question:
Is there a risk of giving birth to children with deformities from the union of two parents who have the same blood group and can preliminary medication be taken to avoid these deformities?
I would welcome a response from you.
With consideration, M. Arapi

Sent by M. Arapi, më 01 February 2012 në 10:18

There is absolutely no need for medication. There is no scientific basis for your fear that the union of 2 parents with the same blood group would result in children with congenital deformities

Sent by Elton Peci, më 01 February 2012 në 14:39

Thank you for the answer and good work!

Sent by Marenglen Arapi, më 06 February 2012 në 06:42

Hello! How much does a hysteroscopic surgery to remove a uterine polyp cost?

Sent by Erion, më 28 September 2012 në 16:14

Dr. Elton,

I hope you have had a peaceful day. I congratulate you on your performance on a television show. I followed closely the discussion on the topic "Male Infertility".

Since such a problem is also present in my family, could you explain to me about the case I am citing below.

My brother and his wife have been married for 10 years, after 2 years they were blessed with the birth of a child, but for several years they have been looking for another child but have not been able to fulfill their desire. They live in Greece and from the many visits they have made there, they have been diagnosed with: blockage of the Fallopian tubes, and according to doctors, there are 2 possibilities: in vitro fertilization or surgical intervention (for the latter less likely). Where they live, it is impossible to perform the surgery.

The question I address to you.

Is there any natural possibility (with the help of medication) to conceive a child?

If in vitro fertilization is necessary, what procedures should be followed at your hospital?

I hope I have been somewhat clear in the problem I presented, and to receive a response from you.

I wish you health and success at work.

With respect,
Gjyste Luf

Sent by gjyste , më 29 January 2013 në 17:24

Dear Doctor. Recently, I have started practicing oral sex with my partner, but upon hearing about its risks in the media, I want to ask you, do you perform throat exams and how much does it cost?

Sent by Ermir, më 03 June 2013 në 04:05

Congratulations Dr. E. Peci! The material presented by you is clear and concise. Through this material, couples in need are helped to recognize the problem, to fulfill their request, without falling prey, to direct them to incompetent specialists who might claim that they can "help" these couples in their inability

Sent by Viktor Qereshniku, më 07 November 2013 në 00:21

Hello ... I wanted to tell you I had an ultrasound and they told me that my uterus is underdeveloped and I went to another gynecologist who prescribed me Yasmin, I used it for 3 months and in the first month, I had a tiny spot of blood and then nothing more ... but now, 2-3 days ago, I had blood for 2 days in a row but it was pinkish in color .... I don't have any appetite at all ..I am engaged, I just turned 21. My fiancé knows about the problem I have ....do you think I got my period ..is it a good sign? I want to know, I am very worried, I also want to have a baby ?..thank you

Sent by Segi Dufo, më 24 December 2013 në 06:06

For Segi Dufo. First and foremost, we need to actually verify if we are dealing with a small-sized uterus or not. This is determined by ultrasound, and there are clear criteria in this regard. We need to express it in cm, not just in words.
Even then, I would not continue with Yasmin, but rather with the Kauffman scheme for several months.
Regarding your fertility, I can only comment on it if I have a complete picture in front of me: that means ultrasound / hormonal profile and other analyses that cannot be described here

Sent by Elton Peci, më 30 December 2013 në 10:01

For Gjyste: The blockage of the Fallopian tubes forces you to proceed directly with In Vitro Fertilization. Any other alternative is a waste of time

Sent by Elton Peci, më 30 December 2013 në 13:11

Can I ask you, Dr. Elton, how much does in vitro cost?

Sent by Reli, më 15 January 2014 në 16:24

Hello, I wanted to ask you a very broad question but to keep it short. I have not been able to get pregnant. I have been married for 11 years and am 35 years old. I have seen many gynecologists, had many tests and interventions done but still can't get pregnant. I live in Kosovo. If I say, could I send you all the documents, all the tests, and everything I have done by email and you give me an answer? Could you suggest which gynecologist I should see or what to do to get pregnant, please?

Sent by buqja, më 05 February 2014 në 07:18

For Buqe from Kosovo. I am waiting for you for a consultation along with all the old analyses

Sent by Elton Peci, më 08 February 2014 në 23:50

Hello Doctor, from the blood tests Beta HCG shows that I am 2-3 weeks pregnant. When is the best week to have an ultrasound check? Thank you for your time

Sent by ani, më 14 February 2014 në 05:21

Hello, I am from Kosovo and I wanted to know if a hypothesis analysis can be done in Albania. If it can be done, please write me the exact address

Sent by fatlindi, më 24 March 2014 në 12:11

I am a 34-year-old man living in England. I was diagnosed with chronic Hepatitis B four months ago. I had an ultrasound for my liver and the surrounding organs, and they came out fine, unaffected. I also did blood tests where initially; 1300 the second time Viral load 300 and this last one ALT 35 and Hep B DNA level 3200. When I met the doctor, he told me LFT normal, HBsAG+ and HBeAG-. Can you please tell me if there is any medication for curing and if Hep B disappears in the situation I am in, and anything else that would help me.

Please reply to me, thank you

Sent by Daniel, më 31 March 2014 në 14:25

Hello, I would like to know if Tocilizumab infusion exists in Albania. Has it been introduced in Albania and do they administer it to people with arthritis?

Sent by Ana, më 03 April 2014 në 21:20

Hello, I have had gynecological visits and my uterus and ovaries turned out to be very good, but the problem is that these days I have cramps at the bottom of my abdomen and I have bleeding. Please tell me why this happens...thank you..

Sent by Reza, më 07 April 2014 në 14:01

Hello doctor, my husband and I are both blood type B+ and we want to have a child, but my concern is whether our child might have problems because of the same blood type we have? I look forward to your answer

Sent by luli, më 21 October 2014 në 05:33

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