Peripheral Blood Analysis.

The complete Peripheral Blood Analysis is:

Complete blood count + platelet + reticulocyte

It includes:


a) Red series (erythrocyte)

  • Erythrocytes (RBC).
  • Hemoglobin.
  • Erythrocyte constants (MCV, MCH, MCHC) when the complete blood count is done by a machine.
  • Hematocrit.
  • Description of the red series (color, size, shape of erythrocytes, granulations).
  • Reticulocyte.

b) Sedimentation (The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation)

c) White series (leukocyte)

  • Leukocytes (WBC).
  • Leukocyte Formula.
  • Description of the white series (shape, size, granulations).
  • Platelets (Plt).
  • Description of the platelet series (size, granules).

Today, peripheral blood analysis in most laboratories is performed using Cell Counter machines. With today's clinical laboratory rules to get the complete blood analysis, you need to write:

  1. Hemogram.
  2. Description of the morphology of the red series (and of the other two series, leukocyte and platelet).
  3. Reticulocyte.
  4. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
  5. Leukocyte formula on a peripheral blood smear.
  6. Counted platelet on a peripheral blood smear (the exact number of platelets is that of the platelets counted on a peripheral blood smear and by a specialist).

If "Complete blood + formula" is noted, the patient does not get platelets and reticulocyte. So, this way of writing for peripheral blood analysis is incorrect (the leukocyte formula is included within the complete blood).

If the analysis is not complete, often the hematologist is forced to send the patient again for blood analysis (at a cost to the patient and the laboratory).

The Hematologist should not give an answer even when one of the elements of the Peripheral Blood Analysis is missing.

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Hello, a little more information about reticulocytes would be very helpful

Sent by gezim bregu, më 02 July 2016 në 12:07

Hello, reticulocytes are the precursors of erythrocytes (red blood cells), their normal range is 0-20 per thousand or 0-2%. Their increase indicates an increase in the function of Erythropoiesis, which is the process of producing erythrocytes from the Bone Marrow

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2016 në 03:23

Greetings for the information with competence, where I find the opportunity to thank you. It is help for us leukemia patients.
If possible, I would like to ask: in blood tests, if the elements LYM%, LYM#, MON, GRA% are outside the reference norms, what situation does it indicate?
With respect, Agur Aliraj

Sent by Agur, më 11 October 2017 në 10:09

Hello Agur, the references for devices vary. In hematology, we use references that are generally broader than those produced by the devices. Not everything that the device outputs is completely accurate (it is assessed by a specialist in Microscopy and even more accurate is the assessment with Flow Cytometry, which is not done in daily practice). It is good for you to write the analysis as you have it and for us to assess the deviation from the references and their importance

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 October 2017 në 02:53

Test Report Polyclinic ..Vlore
Name: Agur Aliraj, age 70 years. Diagnosis CLL since 1.12.2006-11 years.
Type: Whole blood
Reference: General
Last Analysis: 15.09.2017
WBC 26.81, LYM#23-10^9/L, MID#067-10^9/L, Gra#2.99-10^9/L, LYM%87.25, MID%2.76, GRA%9.99, RBC- 4.89, HGB-13.6, MCHC31.69, MCH27.82, MCV87.78, RDW-CV11.10, RDW-SD42.28, HCT42.91%, PLT102-10^9/L, MPV8.61fL, PDW13.15%, PCT0.09%, P-LCR-21.97%
-I have not had a fever, normal spleen, liver. Concerns in respiratory organs during flu seasons.
-I have undergone a session of 6 chemotherapy cycles with Fludarabine and allopurinol and nothing else since April 2010.
-I would kindly ask for an assessment and evaluation from your side, based on the above panorama that continues at these levels since April 2010 or after chemotherapy, but also before, since the year 2006 when I was diagnosed, the analyses have not been normal but also not problematic.
With much respect, Agur Aliraj

Sent by Agur, më 13 October 2017 në 10:37

Hello Agur, your disease is present but currently the peripheral blood values and the fact that you do not have lymph nodes, enlargement of the spleen, and liver, are such that there is no need for treatment. Platelets if possible to be counted on a slide

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 October 2017 në 01:41

Hello, platelets 37,000 and granulopenia, what does this indicate, doctor?

Sent by Rone, më 21 October 2017 në 20:54

Hello Rone, they show many things, but the blood analysis needs to be written in full for me to have an idea

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2017 në 08:14

Hello, I am sending you the complete blood analysis for both myself and my mother. I am 49 years old with the following results: WBC 4900, RBC 5300000, Ht 40.6, Platelets 257000, NEUT 62.9, LYM 27.9, Monocytes 9.2, MCV 76.6, MCH 24.9, MCHC 32.5, SE 29. My mother is 69 years old and had these results: WBC 5700, RBC 4780000, HGB 12.5, HCT 37.9, MCV 79.3, MCH 26.2, MCHC 33, PLT 293, LYM 44, MXD 12.2, NEUT 43.8, LYM# 2.5, MXD# 0.7, NEUT# 2.5, RDW_SD 40.6, RDW_CV 12.8%, PDW 10.6, MPV 8.7, P_LCR 16.6%

Sent by albana, më 02 December 2017 në 16:00

Hello Albana, your analysis is missing the value of hemoglobin. But as for you and your mother, you will do the Ferritin and Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 03 December 2017 në 09:34

Hello, in an analysis I did, I found out I have thrombocytopenia of 30,000, granulopenia, leukopenia, RBC 4.03, WBC 3.9, hemoglobin 12.9, and myelogram 10% blasts, neutrophil myelocytes 15%, neutrophil sticks 25%, and segments 10%, polychromatophilic normoblasts 17%, neutrophil myelocytes 15%. I am very anxious, and no one has given me any solution

Sent by erjola, më 25 January 2018 në 04:40

Hello Erjola,

You have discussed with the doctors at QSUT. I believe they have explained to you.

The discussion is between two diseases; ITP and MDS.

I do not know what stance they have taken and what treatment they have started for you?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 January 2018 në 07:46

Hello, in an analysis I did, I came out with thrombocytopenia of 30,000, granulocytopenia, leukopenia, RBC 4.03, WBC 3.9, hemoglobin 12.9, and myelogram 10% blasts, myelocytes neutrophils 15%, neutrophil rods 25%, and segments 10%, polychromatophilic normoblasts 17%, neutrophilic myelocytes 15%. I am very anxious, they haven't given me any solution

Sent by erjola, më 25 January 2018 në 04:48

Hello Erjola,

You have discussed with the doctors at QSUT. I believe they have explained to you.

The discussion is between two diseases; ITP and MDS.

I don't know what stance they have taken and what treatment they have started for you?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 January 2018 në 07:47

Hello, I have done a peripheral blood smear and the results are:
Mixed population with mild hypochromia in places
There are granules in the cytoplasm of some lymphocytes
Platelets present
Can you tell me if these results are good?
Thank you!

Sent by Blinera, më 05 March 2018 në 12:26

Hello Blinera, I cannot provide an answer with so few details, the full analysis of the peripheral blood must be written

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 March 2018 në 02:57

Hello Doctor. Please could you give me an answer and what treatment should be used if my tests results are here RBC 4.35, HCT 28.9, MCV 66, MCH 21.1, MCHC 31.7, RDW 16.8 H, PLT 244, MPV 9.9 ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE 15. SERUM IRON 44.9, FERRITIN 2.01. WBC 5.0 NEU 55.2. LYM 33.7, MON 7.9, EOS 3.0, BAS 0.2

Sent by Liindita , më 08 April 2018 në 06:03

Hello Lindita, you need to write down the value of hemoglobin (it is likely supposed to be around 10 gr/dl). If it is so, you have; Mild Iron Deficiency Anemia. What is your age, for the treatment you need to take?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2018 në 03:17

Hello Doctor. Thank you for the answer, I am 43 years old. HGB 9.2 g/dl, I believe Hemoglobin. What worries me is that Ferritin is 2.0 ng/ml while the normal values given in the analysis are 20-150. Waiting for your reply. Thank you

Sent by Lindita, më 09 April 2018 në 07:54

Hello Lindita, you currently have Mild Anemia, due to Iron Deficiency (ferritinemia < 20 ng/ml), the most common health problem among females. You will be treated for at least 3 months (if you do not have an allergic reaction to these preparations) with:

1- Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day.
2- Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day.
3- Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day.

Peripheral blood analysis will be done after 1 month and at the end of 3 months of treatment and Ferritinemia (the goal is to reach ferritinemia around 60 ng/ml, which is the optimal value for females)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 April 2018 në 01:42

Hello, I wanted to ask you, I have a 10-month-old girl who had a fever for 7 days. After performing some tests, I found out that her white blood cell count was 17.1, and she was given antibiotics through an infusion. After 6 days, we repeated the test, and her white blood cell count had dropped to 6, and her temperature was also 34-35. I wanted to know from you if there is anything I should be worried about, or if there is a need for any additional tests or not. Thank you for your understanding

Sent by liridona, më 08 May 2018 në 11:20

Hello Liridona, the fact that the leukocytes have decreased due to antibiotic treatment indicates that the cause of their increase was the inflammation triggered by the bacterial infection. For the temperature, you should consult with the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 08 May 2018 në 11:59

my mother suffers from CKD her blood tests show hemoglobin 6.5 hematocrit 18 erythrocytes 1800000

Sent by liljana , më 30 June 2018 në 14:28

Hello Liljana, the current values you have written indicate that your mother currently has Grade III (severe) Anemia, likely Macrocytic. I don't know what the other blood parameters are, the value of Ferritin, Folic Acid. The nephrologist who follows her is very familiar with the problems of anemia that accompany chronic kidney disease. I don't know if you use Erythropoietin, blood transfusion?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 July 2018 në 03:24

my mother suffers from CKD her blood tests show hemoglobin 6.5 hematocrit 18 erythrocytes 1800000

Sent by liljana , më 30 June 2018 në 14:37

Hello Liljana, the current values that you have written indicate that your mother currently has Grade III (severe) Anemia, likely Macrocytic. I don't know what the other blood parameters are, the Ferritin value, Folic Acid. The nephrologist who follows her is very familiar with the anemia issues that accompany chronic kidney disease. I don't know if you are using Erythropoietin, blood transfusion?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 July 2018 në 03:24

Hello, my mom suffers from CKD, her blood tests show hemoglobin 6.5, hematocrit 18, erythrocytes 1,800,000

Sent by liljana , më 30 June 2018 në 14:40

Hello Liljana, the current values you have written indicate that your mother currently has Grade III (severe) Anemia, likely Macrocytic. I don't know what the other blood parameters are, the value of Ferritin, Folic Acid. The nephrologist who is following her is very familiar with the problems of anemia that accompany chronic kidney disease. I don't know if you are using Erythropoietin, blood transfusion?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 July 2018 në 03:24


Sent by ARTJOLA, më 16 Agust 2018 në 02:58

Hello Artjola, in the analysis you have sent, we notice a slight increase in leukocytes and platelets. It depends on the purpose for which it was done (if your father had complaints, or just for a check-up). If it was done for a check-up, we will repeat it, and if we see that the values are stable or have a tendency to increase, we will look for the causes

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 Agust 2018 në 03:17


Sent by ARTJOLA, më 16 Agust 2018 në 06:47

If you have the opportunity to consult with a hematologist. To exclude blood diseases not inherent to them, but that are accompanied by the increase and slight elevation of leukocytes and platelets, as long as these changes are not random, but persistent

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 Agust 2018 në 06:54


Sent by ARTJOLA, më 16 Agust 2018 në 06:49

If you have the opportunity, consult with the hematologist. To exclude blood diseases, not his, but those that are accompanied by an increase and slight elevation of leukocytes and platelets, as long as these changes are not random, but stable

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 Agust 2018 në 06:55


Sent by ARTJOLA, më 16 Agust 2018 në 06:50

If you have the opportunity to consult with a hematologist. To exclude blood diseases not his, but those that are accompanied by the increase and slight elevation of leukocytes and platelets, as these changes are not random, but persistent

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 Agust 2018 në 06:55

Hello. Can you tell me if the use of Sedoxil brings side effects, for example, in relation to heart function? Thank you

Sent by ARTJOLA, më 23 Agust 2018 në 09:24

Hello Artjola, I do not use the drug Sedoxil (Maxazolam) and likewise, I am not familiar with all heart diseases, and for this, it should be discussed with a cardiologist. Mexozalam is not found as a prescription leaflet on Google

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 Agust 2018 në 13:40

Hello, I have an increase in leukocytes from 12, going up to 18, other analyses I have done are normal, I have also done CRP and all others are normal. I have done a peripheral smear at the hematologist and it came out normal but I don't know why the leukocytes are increasing. I am waiting for an answer from you, where to direct me to the hematologist, I have been, thank you

Sent by Roni, më 07 September 2018 në 16:12

Hello Roni, apart from the number of leukocytes, we are also interested in the leukocyte formula, possible enlargement of the spleen, spleen, lymph nodes? So it is good to make a visit to a hematologist. Leukocytes increase due to acute inflammation (including infections), physical activity, stress, and blood diseases

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 08 September 2018 në 05:01

Hello doctor, I have done a blood analysis with the leukocyte formula in a slide with these results:
Segment 56%
Lymphocyte 30%
Monocyte 8%
Eosinophils 1%
Basophils 1%
Rod 4%
I would like to know what "rod" is. What is it called in English or in medical language? And what acronym does it have?
Thank you in advance for your answer!

Sent by lili, më 12 October 2018 në 15:31

Hello Lili, your white blood cell count is normal. A "stick" refers to a precursor cell of neutrophils, known as "Band" in English. If their number increases, it indicates that there is an increased demand for neutrophils, which are the cells that protect the body from infections. It can also increase in the absence of infections, such as in blood diseases, etc

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 October 2018 në 04:55

Thank you immensely for the answer!
Good luck with your work!

Sent by Lili, më 13 October 2018 në 05:21

And I wish you all the best. Sotiraq

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 October 2018 në 08:43

Hello Dr. Lako. Please, if possible, could you tell me if these blood tests with the Leukocyte Formula are okay or if I should be concerned? Also, what does the term "sticks" mean in your medical language?: Segment 66.9% Lymphocyte 22% Monocyte 6% Eosinophils - % Basophils - % Sticks 2%. I thank you in advance for your response. All the best

Sent by Arta, më 29 October 2018 në 11:05

Hello Arta, The leukocyte formula is normal. Bands are immature forms of neutrophils. The norm is 1-5%

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 October 2018 në 04:14

Hello Dr. Lako. Please, if possible, could you tell me if these blood tests with the Leukocyte Formula are okay, or should I be concerned? Also, what does the term "sticks" mean in your medical language?: Segment 66.9% Lymphocyte 22% Monocyte 6% Eosinophils - % Basophils - % Sticks 2%. Thank you in advance for your answer. All the best

Sent by Arta, më 29 October 2018 në 11:46

Hello Arta, The leukocyte formula is normal. Rods are precursors of neutrophils. The norm is 1-5%

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 October 2018 në 04:14

Hello doctor. My 17-year-old son had these values in his blood analysis: RBC 5.99, HGB 16.2gr/dl, and HCT 48.6%. The other values are within the norm. Please, if you can tell me if these values are too worrisome. Of course, I will refer to a clinic as well, but I wanted your preliminary opinion. Thank you

Sent by Alda, më 17 November 2018 në 14:36

Hello Alda, there are threshold values between the norm and increase. Initially, weight (obesity), body size, tobacco use, heart disease, lung disease, stress are evaluated. We repeat once again, complete blood, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Vitamin B12, LDH, Abdominal Ultrasound

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 November 2018 në 04:29

Hello, I did that ASO analysis and from 200 which was the norm, mine came out as 271. I took a medication for 15 days and did the analysis again, it came out as 291.50. It had increased even more.. I am also 11 weeks pregnant, I am very worried about the baby, please reply to me

Sent by Anxhela Saraci, më 12 January 2019 në 13:40

Hello Anxhela, the analysis you have done is not hematological. You will discuss with the ENT doctor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 January 2019 në 11:47

Hello Doctor Lako! Please tell me about these test results of a 53-year-old who had an artery blockage in one eye. WBC 10.99, LYM 2.08, MID 0.23,
GRA 7.51, LYM% 21.2, MID% 2.3, GRA% 76.5, RBC 4.83, HGB 12.8, MCHC 30.5, PLT 473, Total Chol 328, HDL 68, LDL 241, Triglycerides 97, Uric Acid 2.9, Blood Urea 20, Creatinine 0.9, PT 90.3, INR 1.05... Thank you for the opportunity to consult with you

Sent by linda, më 29 January 2019 në 06:27

Hello Linda, except for a slight increase in platelets, the other values are normal. You will initially do ferritinemia and CRP

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 January 2019 në 14:21

Hello Dr., I am 49 years old

I have done the tests and my results are MCV 78.8
RDW-SD 33.6
P-LCR 48.7
NEUT 2.43
LYMPH 3.08
MONO 0.47
EO 0.11
BASO 0.01

Sent by mimoza , më 06 February 2019 në 02:16

Hello Mimosa, A complete blood analysis needs to be sent for evaluation. From what you have written, a decrease in MCV, which assesses the average size of erythrocytes, and a decrease in neutrophils are noticed

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 February 2019 në 09:26

Hello doctor! I have done thyroid tests and they have come out with T4 2.85, antithyroglobulin Antibodies 1116 IU, and the previous ones AST 28.3, ALT 53.9, total bilirubin 1.407, direct bilirubin 0.447, indirect bilirubin 0.96, while in the complete blood count everything is within the norm only lymphocytes 45.4, RDW 36.5, and P-LCR 43.2. Thank you

Sent by Mimoza, më 21 March 2019 në 14:48

Hello, you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, I believe you are being followed by an Endocrinologist, who has requested specific analyses. Bilirubin is slightly elevated, you will discuss with a hepatologist doctor, if the peripheral blood analysis was normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 March 2019 në 12:18


I have done a complete blood analysis and my LYM% value came out to be 21.70, but the reference is 24-44. What problem do I have?

Similarly, I have also done a complete urine analysis and the value of leukocytes came out to be 4-5 while the reference is 0-2. What problem could I have?
Thank you!

Sent by Ana, më 20 April 2019 në 04:14

Hello Ana, both values are within the normal range (Lymphocytes 20-50%)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 April 2019 në 05:25


I have done a complete blood analysis and my LYM% value came out to be 21.70, but the reference is 24-44. What problem do I have?

Similarly, I have also done a complete urine analysis and my leukocytes value came out to be 4-5 and the reference is 0-2. What problem could I have?
Thank you!

Sent by Ana, më 20 April 2019 në 04:44

Hello Ana, both values are within the norm (Lymphocytes 20-50%)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 April 2019 në 05:25

MCV 78.80 low
LYM % 17.90 low
Lym 1.47
RDW-CV 15.30 high

Sent by Marsela, më 27 May 2019 në 11:54

Hello Marsela, I replied to you by email. If you have also done the ferritin test, you can write it

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 May 2019 në 05:48

MCV 78.80 low
LYM % 17.90 low
Lym 1.47
RDW-CV 15.30 high

Sent by Marsela, më 27 May 2019 në 11:55

Hello Marsela, I replied to you by email. If you have also done the ferritin, you can write it down

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 May 2019 në 05:48

MCV 78.80 low
LYM % 17.90 low
Lym 1.47
RDW-CV 15.30 high

while Leukocytes in urine have come out 7-8

Sent by Marsela, më 27 May 2019 në 11:59

Hello Marsela, I replied to you by email

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 May 2019 në 05:47

lymph analysis 2.6

Sent by Blerta, më 19 June 2019 në 08:09

Hello Blerta, the analysis is written in full

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 June 2019 në 09:32

Hello doctor! I did a blood test and the data are as follows:
Erythrocytes - 4,530,000
Hematocrit - 40%
MCV - 88%
Hemoglobin in gr - 13.90 gr%
Hemoglobin % - 86
Leukocytes - 10,400 and here I got a little worried because the doctor said that since the Serum Iron is a bit low (49), this is caused by the digestive system, as I have problems with bloating, indigestion. I don't know what relation these could have. But I'm only worried about these serious blood diseases. Maybe it's nothing, but I'm a bit fixated on health. Thank you!!

Sent by Camila, më 19 Agust 2019 në 09:05

Hello Camila, the values you currently have are normal. We do not use sideremia much as a basic analysis, to evaluate iron reserves we use Ferritinemia. If that is normal, you are currently normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 Agust 2019 në 09:31

Hello doctor. I wanted to ask about the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which in my last analysis turned out to be 4 mm/h. Is this value below 5 a problem, while RBC=5.38 and HGB=15.4? Thank you

Sent by Hektor Mula, më 19 Agust 2019 në 09:14

Hello Hector, the values you currently have are normal, including the ESD (0-20 mm/h)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 Agust 2019 në 09:28

Hello Dr. Sotiraq,
From the blood tests, these results came out:
Neutrophils neu=74.5
Neutrophils neu=10.72
Monocytes mono=0.81
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate=17

Could you please explain these to me a bit?
Thank you

Sent by AE, më 22 Agust 2019 në 03:19

Hello AE, the analysis above shows a slight increase in leukocytes and neutrophils, which in most cases is reactive, a response to inflammation, stress. The value of platelets is also needed for a better judgment. As a rule, we repeat the analysis after a few days to see if it is something transient or persistent

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 Agust 2019 në 09:12

Hello doctor,
In my 5-year-old son's blood tests, everything came back within normal values except for: MPV is low at 7.2 (reference values 8-11) and LYM % 53.5 (15-50).
What do these two values imply, is there cause for concern? Thank you very much

Sent by Njomza, më 29 Agust 2019 në 06:39

Hello Njomza, for the age of your son these values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 September 2019 në 11:50

Hello doctor,
In the blood tests of my 5-year-old son, everything came out within normal values except for: MPV is low at 7.2 (reference values 8-11) and LYM% 53.5 (15-50).
What do these two values imply, is there cause for concern? Thank you very much

Sent by Njomza, më 29 Agust 2019 në 08:19

Hello Njomza, for your son's age, these values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 September 2019 në 11:50

Hello doctor,
In my 5-year-old son's blood tests, everything came back within normal values except for: MPV is low at 7.2 (reference values 8-11) and LYM% 53.5 (15-50).
What do these two values imply, is there cause for concern? Thank you very much

Sent by Njomza, më 29 Agust 2019 në 10:30

Hello Njomza, for your son's age, these values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 September 2019 në 11:50

Hello doctor,
In the blood tests of my 5-year-old son, everything came back within the normal range except for: MPV is low at 7.2 (reference values 8-11) and LYM% 53.5 (15-50).
What do these two values imply, is there any reason for concern? Thank you very much

Sent by Njomza, më 29 Agust 2019 në 10:31

Hello Njomza, for your son's age, these values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 September 2019 në 11:50

Hello, doctor
In the blood tests of my 5-year-old son, everything came back within normal values except for: MPV is low at 7.2 (reference values 8-11) and LYM % 53.5 (15-50).
What do these two values imply, is there cause for concern? Thank you very much

Sent by Njomza, më 29 Agust 2019 në 13:01

Hello Njomza, for your son's age, these values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 September 2019 në 11:49

Hello doctor,
In the blood tests of my 5-year-old son, all values were within normal range except for: low MPV 7.2 (reference values 8-11) and LYM% 53.5 (15-50).
What do these two values imply, is there cause for concern? Thank you very much

Sent by Njomza, më 30 Agust 2019 në 04:37

Hello Njomza, for the age of your son these values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 September 2019 në 11:49

Hello, my boy is 4 years old and he often gets a fever of 37.5 and then it goes higher. From the tests we've done, these are the results:
Lymphocytes: 67.7
Granulocytes: 27.7
Hemoglobin (Hgb): 11.3
Hematocrit (Hct): 34.3
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV): 75.1
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH): 24.7
Platelets (Plt): 499
All others are within normal range.
Please advise what should I do next and what could be wrong with my boy with these results

Sent by denisa, më 14 September 2019 në 12:30

Hello Denisa, in the parameters you have presented, I do not see a hematological change, except for a slight increase in platelets, which occurs in inflammatory conditions. You will discuss with the pediatrician and the infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 September 2019 në 04:21

Hello, my son is 4 years old and often has a temperature of 37.5 which then increases. From the tests performed, these results came out: lymphocytes: 67.7, granulocytes: 27.7, hemoglobin: 11.3, hematocrit: 34.3, MCV (mean corpuscular volume): 75.1, MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin): 24.7, platelets: 499, the rest are within the normal range. Please, how should I proceed now and what could my son have with these results?

Sent by denisa, më 14 September 2019 në 12:30

Hello Denisa, in the parameters you have presented, I do not see a hematological change, except for a slight increase in platelets, which occurs in inflammatory conditions. You will discuss with the pediatrician and the infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 September 2019 në 04:20

Hello, my 4-year-old son often has a temperature of 37.5 and then it goes higher. From the tests we've done, these are the results:
Lymph: 67.7
Granulocytes: 27.7
Hgb: 11.3
Hct: 34.3
MCV: 75.1
MCH: 24.7
PLT: 499
The rest are within the normal range.
Please, what should I do now and what could be wrong with my son with these results?

Sent by denisa, më 14 September 2019 në 12:32

Hello Denisa, in the parameters you have presented, I do not see a hematological change, except for a slight increase in platelets, which occurs in inflammatory conditions. You will discuss with the pediatrician and the infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 September 2019 në 04:20

Hello, my 4-year-old boy often has a temperature of 37.5 which then increases. The results from the tests we did are as follows: lymphocytes: 67.7
Granulocytes: 27.7
Hemoglobin: 11.3
Hematocrit: 34.3
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV): 75.1
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH): 24.7
Platelets: 499
The rest are within the normal range.
Please, what should I do now, and what could be wrong with my son based on these results?

Sent by denisa, më 14 September 2019 në 12:32

Hello Denisa, in the parameters you have presented, I do not see a hematological change, except for a slight increase in platelets, which occurs in inflammatory conditions. You will discuss with the pediatrician and the infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 September 2019 në 04:20

Hello, my 4-year-old son often gets a fever of 37.5 and then it goes higher. From the tests performed, these results came out:
Lymph: 67.7
Gran: 27.7
Hgb: 11.3
Hct: 34.3
Mcv: 75.1
Mch: 24.7
Plt: 499
The rest are within normal limits.
Please, how should I proceed now and what could my son have with these results?

Sent by denisa, më 14 September 2019 në 12:32

Hello Denisa, in the parameters you have presented, I do not see a hematological change, except for a slight increase in platelets, which occurs in inflammatory conditions. You will discuss with the pediatrician and the infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 September 2019 në 04:20

I am 24 years old, is there anything to worry about? RBC 6.25 MCH 26.9 RDWs 48.4

Sent by Metin, më 30 September 2019 në 02:05

Hello Metin, you need to write the values of Hb, WBC, Plt

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 September 2019 në 06:04

I am 24 years old is there anything to worry about RBC 6.25 MCH 26 9 RDWs 48.4

Sent by Metin, më 30 September 2019 në 02:41

Hello Metin, you need to write down the values of Hb, WBC, Plt

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 September 2019 në 06:04

I am 24 years old is there something to be worried about RBC 6.25 MCH 26.9 RDWs 48.4

Sent by Metin, më 30 September 2019 në 03:14

Hello Metin, you need to write down the values of Hb, WBC, Plt

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 September 2019 në 06:04

I am 24 years old, is there something to worry about? RBC 6.25, MCH 26.9, RDWs 48.4

Sent by Metin, më 30 September 2019 në 03:14

Hello Metin, you need to write down the values of Hb, WBC, Plt

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 September 2019 në 06:04

Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6 Here are all the values, sir

Sent by Metin, më 30 September 2019 në 17:00

Hello Metin, the RBC, Hb, and Hct values are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat them in 2-3 months and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the cause of their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:00

Hello, here are all the blood test values
Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6

Sent by Metin, më 01 October 2019 në 10:34

Hello Metin, the RBC, Hb, and Hct values are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat them in 2-3 months and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the reason for their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:02

Hello, here are all the blood test values:
Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6

Sent by Metin, më 01 October 2019 në 10:48

Hello Metin, the values of RBC, Hb, and Hct are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat them in 2-3 months, and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the reason of their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:01

Hello, here are all the blood test values:
Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6

Sent by Metin, më 01 October 2019 në 10:49

Hello Metin, the values of RBC, Hb, and Hct are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat them in 2-3 months and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the reason of their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:01

Hello, here are all the blood test values
Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6

Sent by Metin, më 01 October 2019 në 10:49

Hello Metin, the values of RBC, Hb, and Hct are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat in 2-3 months and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the reason for their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:01

Hello, here are all the blood test values:
Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6

Sent by Metin, më 01 October 2019 në 10:50

Hello Metin, the values of RBC, Hb, and Hct are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat in 2-3 months and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the reason of their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:01

Hello, excuse me, is there anything to be concerned about? These are the results:
Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6

Sent by Metin, më 04 October 2019 në 10:00

Hello Metin, the values of RBC, Hb, and Hct are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat them in 2-3 months and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the cause of their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:08

Hello, excuse me, is there anything to worry about? These are the results:
Wbc 8.76
Lym 2.73
Mon 0.42
Gra 5.61
Lym% 31.2
Mon% 4.8
Gra% 64.0
Rbc 6.25
Hgb 168
Hct 51.11
Mcv 82
Mch 26.9
Mchc 330
RDWs 48.4
RDWc 16.3
Plt 231
Pct 0.21
Mvp 9.0
PDWs 12.4
PDWc 39.6

Sent by Metin, më 04 October 2019 në 10:00

Hello Metin, the values of RBC, Hb, and Hct are higher than normal. As a rule, we repeat in 2-3 months and if we see the same values, you will be consulted for the reason of their increase

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2019 në 12:08

Hello, I wanted to ask about my mother. My mother loses blood very often, every month she needs to take 3 blood transfusions. We were at the Prizren Hospital, but the doctors can't figure out where she is losing blood from. They have done a gastroscopy, and the final diagnosis was gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Melena, Secondary Anemia D-63, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus type 2 E11, Drug-induced hypoglycemia, Mental retardation post-traumatic. The laboratory analyses showed creatinine 145, urea 14.1, MCV 91.2, RTW 14.6, RDWa 46.6, HCT=L 28.7, Platelets 264, MPW 10.5, PDW 12.9, PCT 0.28, LPCR 31.5, WBC 9.8, HGB 95, MCH 30.2, MCHC 331, LYM 3.2, GRAN 5.2/MID 1.4, LYM% 33.0, GRA% 53.6, MID% 13.4

Sent by Afordit, më 12 November 2019 në 07:20

Hello Afordit, you will write to me the value of erythrocytes (RBC) and Ferritinemia. If the area from where the blood comes is not found with gastroscopy, colonoscopy and CT abdomen with contrast are also done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 November 2019 në 06:05

Hello, I wanted to ask about some tests. A 50-year-old has a sedimentation rate that has come out as 80, as the doctor has shown. They have had a lung x-ray, and it’s normal. I emphasize that three weeks ago, the sedimentation rate was normal at 8. What could be the issue here that it has increased so quickly in three weeks? I note that they have been taking pills for blood pressure and blood fat. Thank you for your time!

Sent by Qendresa, më 13 November 2019 në 14:52

Hello Qendresa, The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased by many factors. The first in line are diseases that induce inflammation, including infections. You will do: complete blood count, CRP, Total Protein, Fibrinogen, serum protein electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 November 2019 në 09:22

Hello, I wanted to ask about the tests, a 50-year-old has a sedimentation rate (ESR) that has come out as 80 as the doctor showed, has done a lung X-ray and they are fine, I emphasize that three weeks ago the sedimentation rate was normal at 8, what could be the issue here that it has increased so quickly in three weeks? I point out that they have been taking pills for blood pressure and blood fats, thank you for your time!

Sent by Qendresa, më 14 November 2019 në 00:14

Hello Qendresa, The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased by many factors. The first in line are diseases that induce inflammation, including infections. You will do: complete blood count, CRP, Total Protein, Fibrinogen, serum protein electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 November 2019 në 09:23

Hello, I wanted to ask about some tests. A 50-year-old has a sedimentation rate of 80 as the doctor has shown. They have had a lung x-ray and it is normal. I emphasize that three weeks ago, the sedimentation rate was normal at 8. What could be the issue here that it has increased so quickly in three weeks? I note that they have been taking pills for blood pressure and blood fat. Thank you for your time!

Sent by Qendresa, më 14 November 2019 në 02:09

Hello Qendresa, The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased by many factors. The first in line are diseases that cause inflammation, including infections. You will do: complete blood count, CRP, Total Protein, Fibrinogen, serum protein electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 November 2019 në 09:25

Hello, I wanted to ask about the tests, a 50-year-old's CRP level has come out to 80 as the doctor has indicated, they have done a lung X-ray and it's normal, I emphasize that three weeks ago the CRP level was normal at 8, what could be the issue here that it has increased so rapidly in three weeks? I emphasize that they have been taking pills for blood pressure and cholesterol, thank you for your time!

Sent by Qendresa, më 14 November 2019 në 02:32

Hello Qendresa, The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased by many factors. The primary ones are diseases that cause inflammation, including infections. You will do: complete blood count, CRP, total protein, fibrinogen, serum protein electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 November 2019 në 09:24

Hello Dr. Please, if possible, take a look at these analyses. They are of my mother, 61 years old. WBC 3.67, RBC 4.31, HGB 12.8, HCT 38.3, MCV 88.9, MCHC 33.4, PLT 267, LYM% 53.4, MONO % 6.8, EO% 0.8, BASO % 0.5, NEUT % 38.5, LYM 1.96, MONO 0.25, EO 0.03, BASO 0.02, NEUT 1.41, RDW-CV 12.4, PDW 12.6, MPV 11, PCT 0.29. The family doctor suspects leukemia. As a specialist, please, what is your opinion looking at these results? Thank you

Sent by julian, më 22 November 2019 në 05:10

Hello Julian, currently your mother has a slight decrease in white blood cells, which is practically not associated with any concern in the patient. Your mother will repeat the blood test and the leukocyte formula under the microscope. Leukemia is the smallest possibility for this problem

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 November 2019 në 09:42

I am amazed by your answers

Sent by Palndrezaj , më 17 December 2019 në 16:59

And I greet you. Blood diseases are very difficult, most of them are worsened, misdiagnosed, and mistreated, especially the milder anemias, those from iron deficiency and lack of vitamins B12 and Folic Acid, which are completely correctable and if the cause(s) are eliminated, curable. And there are not many diseases that are curable

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 December 2019 në 09:32

I am amazed by your answers

Sent by Palndrezaj , më 17 December 2019 në 16:59

And I greet you. Blood diseases are very difficult, most of them are worsened, misdiagnosed, and mistreated, especially the milder anemias, those from lack of iron and vitamins B12 and Folic Acid, which are completely correctable and if the cause(s) are eliminated, curable. And there are not many diseases that are cured

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 December 2019 në 09:32

Please, can you tell me the normal values of the complete blood count
Gender female
Age 55 years
Thank you

Sent by Lume, më 21 December 2019 në 16:04

Hello Lume, I cannot write about each normal value. You write your values, and I will judge if they are normal or not

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 December 2019 në 10:31

Hello, I am male (age 28), doctor, this is the result of the tests: wbc 4.3 - rbc 4.46, hgb 13.4, hct 40.5, plt 217, pct 154, lym 43.8, mon 5.0, gra 51.2, mcv 91, mch 30.1 mchc 33.2, rdw 13.1 mpv 7.1, pdw 16.7 and iron 14.3.. Doctor, from the previous tests 6 months ago there was a decrease in wbc which was 5.1 and rbc 4.87 and now I am feeling tired and have headaches. What should I do, please help me. Best regards

Sent by mark, më 28 December 2019 në 16:32

Hello Mark, your current analysis is completely normal. The number of leukocytes is not fixed, what matters is that it is within normal parameters. The number of leukocytes has no connection with fatigue, headache, etc

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 December 2019 në 03:48

Hello, I am male (age 28), doctor here are the results of my tests: wbc 4.3 - rbc 4.46, hgb 13.4, hct 40.5, plt 217, pct 154, lym 43.8, mon 5.0, gra 51.2, mcv 91, mch 30.1 mchc 33.2, rdw 13.1 mpv 7.1, pdw 16.7 and iron 14.3. Doctor, from the previous tests 6 months ago there has been a decrease in wbc which was 5.1 and rbc 4.87 and now I am feeling tired and have headaches. What should I do, please help me. Best regards

Sent by mark, më 28 December 2019 në 16:32

Hello Mark, your current analysis is completely normal. The number of leukocytes is not fixed, what matters is that it is within normal parameters. The number of leukocytes has no connection with fatigue, headache, etc

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 December 2019 në 03:48

Hello, I am male (age 28), doctor this is the analysis report: wbc 4.3 - rbc 4.46, hgb 13.4, hct 40.5, plt 217, pct 154, lym 43.8, mon 5.0, gra 51.2, mcv 91, mch 30.1 mchc 33.2, rdw 13.1 mpv 7.1, pdw 16.7 and iron 14.3. Doctor, from the previous analyses 6 months ago, there has been a decrease in wbc which was 5.1 and rbc 4.87 and now I am feeling tired and having headaches. What should I do, please help me. Best regards

Sent by mark, më 28 December 2019 në 18:22

Hello Mark, your current analysis is completely normal. The number of leukocytes is not fixed, what matters is that it is within normal parameters. The number of leukocytes has no connection with fatigue, headache, etc

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 December 2019 në 03:47

Hello, I was treated a month ago for a very high iron deficiency and continued the treatment for 2 months and then stopped. I did a complete blood test... I noticed that... P-LCR is 12% and MCHC 29g/dl... what do you advise me to do?

Sent by klara , më 17 January 2020 në 06:47

Hello Klara, these parameters that you have presented have no importance. If you have only had an iron deficiency, you need to measure ferritinemia (the minimal normal value for adult females is 20 ng/ml and the optimal value is 60-70 ng/ml), if you have also had anemia, you should measure hemoglobin (above 12 gr/dl in females)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 January 2020 në 08:36

Good morning, doctor. I had my tests done the day before yesterday, and I noticed that my P-LCR was 12% and my MCHC 29g/dl. Could I have a serious problem?

Sent by klara , më 20 January 2020 në 02:42

Hello Klara, these are parameters that we do not use in everyday practice. They have no practical importance

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 January 2020 në 09:44

Hello doctor! My son is 22 months old. The blood test results are: wbc(12.87), neu%(46.2), lym%(45.8), baso%(0.2), eos%(3.4), lym#(5.89), eos#(0.44), RDW-SD(36.2), erythrocyte sedimentation rate(21). The others are within parameters. What do you think about this case? Thank you!

Sent by Gerta, më 23 January 2020 në 09:07

Hello Gerta, the values you have written for the age are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2020 në 04:42

Good evening, doctor. Sorry to bother you at this hour, but I am very worried. Today, my son had a package of tests done at the American hospital. The results were within normal limits except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate which is 64, ferritin 371, and LYM% 50.50. They told us to consult with you but on Monday. Forgive me, I am a mother and I am worried. Please, an explanation. Thank you

Sent by Teuta Tundo, më 23 January 2020 në 13:53

Hello Teuta, the value of ferritin is slightly higher than it should be

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2020 në 04:43

Hello doctor! My son is 22 months old. The results of the blood tests are: wbc(12.87),neu%(46.2),lym%(45.8),baso%(0.2),eos%(3.4),lym#(5.89),eos#(0.44),RDW-SD(36.2),erythrocyte sedimentation rate(21). The others are within parameters. What do you think about this case? Thank you!

Sent by Gerta, më 25 January 2020 në 02:01

Hello Gerta, the values you have written for the age are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2020 në 04:40

Hello Gerta, the values you have written for the age are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2020 në 04:41

Hello, doctor! My son is 22 months old. The blood test results are: wbc(12.87), neu%(46.2), lym%(45.8), baso%(0.2), eos%(3.4), lym#(5.89), eos#(0.44), RDW-SD(36.2), erythrocyte sedimentation rate(21). The others are within parameters. What do you think about this case? Thank you!

Sent by Gerta, më 25 January 2020 në 10:00

Hello Gerta, the values you have written for the age are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2020 në 04:41

Hello doctor! My son is 22 months old. The blood test results are: WBC (12.87), NEU% (46.2), LYM% (45.8), BASO% (0.2), EOS% (3.4), LYM# (5.89), EOS# (0.44), RDW-SD (36.2), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (21). The others are within parameters. What do you think about this case? Thank you!

Sent by Gerta, më 25 January 2020 në 10:02

Hello Gerta, the values you have written for the age are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2020 në 04:41

Greetings doctor, I am a 30-year-old male

The blood results are

Lym 38.2
MON 3.5
GRA 58.3
LYM 1.9
MON 0.1
GRA 3.5

It seems like I have a problem with the decrease in Monocytes

Sent by Mikujon, më 29 January 2020 në 08:38

Hello, monocytes are normally 2-10%, you are within the normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2020 në 04:20

Hello doctor, I am a 30-year-old male

The blood results are

Lym 38.2
MON 3.5
GRA 58.3
LYM 1.9
MON 0.1
GRA 3.5

It seems like I have a problem with the drop in Monocytes

Sent by Mikujon, më 29 January 2020 në 08:40

Hello, the normal range for monocytes is 2-10%, you are within the normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2020 në 04:20

Hello doctor, I am pregnant for the first time. I did my blood tests and had WBC (10.67) LYM#(3.03) Mid#(0.40) GrA#(7.24) Lym%(28.4) Mid%(3.7) Gra%(67.9) RBC (4.49) Hgb(12.5) MCHC(33.4) MCH(27.9) MCV(83.6) RDW CV(11.6) RDW SD(39.2) HCT (37.5) PLT(472) MPV( 7.1) and P-LRC (9.7%)

Sent by Meri, më 04 February 2020 në 10:29

Hello Meri, the analysis is normal. You need to do the ferritinemia and once in a lifetime Hemoglobin Electrophoresis is also done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 February 2020 në 08:08

Hello doctor, I am pregnant for the first time. I did blood tests and had WBC (10.67) LYM#(3.03) Mid#(0.40) GrA#(7.24) Lym%(28.4) Mid%(3.7) Gra%(67.9) RBC (4.49) Hgb(12.5) Mchc(33.4) Mch(27.9) Mcv(83.6) Rdw cv(11.6) Rdw sd(39.2) Htc (37.5) Plt(472) Mpv( 7.1) and P-LRC (9.7%)

Sent by Meri, më 05 February 2020 në 03:46

Hello Meri, the analysis is normal. You need to also do ferritinemia and once in a lifetime Hemoglobin Electrophoresis should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 February 2020 në 08:08

Hello Doctor, I am pregnant for the first time. I had blood tests and my results were WBC (10.67), LYM# (3.03), Mid# (0.40), GrA# (7.24), Lym% (28.4), Mid% (3.7), Gra% (67.9), RBC (4.49), Hgb (12.5), MCHC (33.4), MCH (27.9), MCV (83.6), RDW-CV (11.6), RDW-SD (39.2), HCT (37.5), PLT (472), MPV (7.1), and P-LCR (9.7%)

Sent by Meri, më 05 February 2020 në 07:30

Hello Meri, the analysis is normal. You need to also do ferritinemia and once in a lifetime, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 February 2020 në 08:07

Hello doctor. I am Kristi from Korca, 42 years old, with these complete blood test results: WBC 4.52, RBC 4.92, HGB 15.3, HTC 45.9, MCV 93.3, MCH 31.1, MCHC 33.3, PLT 216, LYM% 38.1, MONO% 6.01, EO% 3.78, BASO% 1.21, NEUT% 50.9, Lym 1.72, MONO 0.272, EO 0.171, BASO 0.055, Neut 2.3, RDW-CV 15, PDW 18.8, MPV 9.16, PTC 0.198... GLUCOSE 99.09, BUN 42.8, CREATININE 0.7, ALT 20.1, AST 13.6, Total Bilirubin 0.37, Direct Bilirubin 0.16, Cholesterol 175.69, HDL cholesterol 35.2, LDL cholesterol 130.98, Triglycerides 44.58

Sent by kristaq, më 13 February 2020 në 11:24

Hello Kristi, the values you present are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 February 2020 në 09:47

Hello Doctor, the analyses of my 8-month-old son have generally come out well, but the value of lymphocytes is increased to 85% from the reference value of 20-40%, and neutrophils have a lowered value of 11.7% from the reference values of 50-70%.
Is this worrying and what do you recommend? I emphasize that he has not had a viral infection in the last 2 months, thank you

Sent by Luljeta, më 21 February 2020 në 06:11

Hello Luljeta, these changes are characteristic in children and after the age of 4-5 years, the inversion will occur as in adults

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 February 2020 në 09:08

Hello doctor, I am Monda from Tirana, 29 years old, the results of the blood tests are as follows for complete blood count:
WBC 7.32, NEUT 3.93, LYMPH 2.70, MONO 0.62,
EO 0.05, BASO 0.02, RBC 4.74, HGB 13.2,
HCT 39.1, MCV 82.5, MCH 27.8, MCHC 33.8
RDW-SD 38.4, RDW-CV 13.1, PLT 274, PCT 0.32, MPV 11.6, PDW 15.0, P-LCR 38.9

Sent by Edmonda Hysa, më 21 February 2020 në 13:53

Hello Monda, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 February 2020 në 10:05

Hello doctor, I am Monda from Tirana, 29 years old, and these are the results of my complete blood count analysis:
WBC 7.32, NEUT 3.93, LYMPH 2.70, MONO 0.62,
EO 0.05, BASO 0.02, RBC 4.74, HGB 13.2,
HCT 39.1, MCV 82.5, MCH 27.8, MCHC 33.8
RDW-SD 38.4, RDW-CV 13.1, PLT 274, PCT 0.32, MPV 11.6, PDW 15.0, P-LCR 38.9

Sent by Edmonda Hysa, më 21 February 2020 në 14:00

Hello Monda, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 February 2020 në 10:05

Hello doctor, I am Monda from Tirana, 29 years old, the results of the analysis are these data for complete blood count:
WBC 7.32, NEUT 3.93, LYMPH 2.70, MONO 0.62,
EO 0.05, BASO 0.02, RBC 4.74, HGB 13.2,
HCT 39.1, MCV 82.5, MCH 27.8, MCHC 33.8
RDW-SD 38.4, RDW-CV 13.1, PLT 274, PCT 0.32, MPV 11.6, PDW 15.0, P-LCR 38.9

Sent by Edmonda Hysa, më 21 February 2020 në 14:00

Hello Monda, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 February 2020 në 10:05

I have a 4-year-old son and the blood test has these values: granulocytes 1.32, lymphocytes 65.34, hemoglobin 9, MCHC 26, MCH 16.22, MCV 62.27, RDW-CV 23, platelets 342, PDW 9.12
What problem could he have, please?

Sent by Denisa, më 25 February 2020 në 11:50

Hello Denisa, your son has mild anemia. You will go to the pediatrician to get medication to correct it

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 February 2020 në 05:25

Hello, doctor. I am Monda from Tirana, 29 years old. Here are the results of the complete blood count:

WBC 7.32, NEUT 3.93, LYMPH 2.70, MONO 0.62,
EO 0.05, BASO 0.02, RBC 4.74, HGB 13.2,
HCT 39.1, MCV 82.5, MCH 27.8, MCHC 33.8
RDW-SD 38.4, RDW-CV 13.1, PLT 274, PCT 0.32, MPV 11.6, PDW 15.0, P-LCR 38.9

Sent by Edmonda Hysa, më 29 February 2020 në 14:48

Hello Edmona, your analysis is normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 March 2020 në 03:09

Hello doctor, a few days ago I did some tests and the results were RBC 5.92, HGB 16.6, HCT 49.7, and total bilirubin 0.99. These were a bit high, should I do any specific test?

Sent by mozi , më 03 March 2020 në 13:56

Hello Mozi, the values are slightly elevated, but we repeat the analysis. Only when we see consistently elevated values, do we evaluate them

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 March 2020 në 08:43

Hello doctor, I have done the tests and these values came out a bit out of the normal range,
RBC 5.06
MCV 79.2
MCH 26.5
RDW-SD 35.8
PCT 0.36

Sent by Eni, më 18 June 2020 në 12:36

Hello Eni, you need to write down the value of hemoglobin as well. These parameters that you have presented are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 June 2020 në 10:12

Hello Eni, you need to write the value of hemoglobin as well. These parameters that you have presented are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 June 2020 në 10:12

Greetings, doctor. Please, could you tell me if these tests are alright? They are for my father, who is 75 years old. A few days ago, his right arm and leg became immobilized and he had difficulty speaking. So, I conducted these tests as requested by the neurologist:

- WBC 6.3 x 10^9/L
- RBC 4.84 x 10^12/L
- HGB 14.9 g/dL
- HCT 46.4%
- MCV 96 fL
- MCH 30.8 pg
- MCHC 32.2 g/dL
- RDW 13.5%
- PLT 178 x 10^9/L
- PCT 0.13%
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 33 mm/h
- Leukocyte formula:
- LYM 2.4 x 10^9/L
- MID# 0.5 x 10^9/L
- GRN# 3.4 x 10^9/L
- LYM% 38.9%
- MID% 8.1%
- GRN% 53.0%
- MPV 7.8 fL
- PDW 14.7%

Please, doctor, I await your response on what I should consider given my father's condition. He had not been taking his blood thinner for some time; I don't know if that could be a problem

Sent by Kleodora, më 22 June 2020 në 17:13

Hello Kleodora, all the parameters you have presented are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 June 2020 në 09:36

Hello Doctor. My daughter has done these tests: WBC-7.97, LYM%-43.1, MID%6.9, GRA%-50, LYM-3.42, MID-0.55, GRA-3.97, HGB-12.4, MCH-28.6, MCFC-32.7, RBC-4.33. MCV-87.7, RDWs-50.8, RDWc-14.2, HCT-37.94, PLT-181, PCT-0.13, PDWs-8.9, PDWc-34.7, MPV-7.2, P-LCC-41, P-LCR-22.42, compared to the normal values LYM AND RDWs come out with higher values, while PDWs and MPV come out below normal. The girl has had thyroid surgery and has been taking levothyroxine for compensation, for the past 10 years. What do you recommend, Doctor? I am waiting for your response. Thank you

Sent by anila, më 01 July 2020 në 03:07

Hello Anila, the peripheral blood analysis is normal. There is no need for anything. If possible, also do the ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 July 2020 në 10:03

Hello Doctor,
I have done a Complete Blood Count and I kindly ask for your opinion regarding the tests which have come out above or below the norm:
NEU% - 45.8
LYM% - 44.2
MONO% - 8.8
MCV - 79.0
MCH - 27.4
Thank you,
Good luck with your work

Sent by Desiana Todolli, më 19 Agust 2020 në 02:06

Hello Desiana, these are normal values. To judge MCV, the values of RBC and Hemoglobin are also needed

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 Agust 2020 në 04:04

Doctor, the RBC value is 4.71 while HGB is 12.9.
Thank you for the response

Sent by Desiana Todolli, më 19 Agust 2020 në 04:15

Hello, you need to also do the ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 Agust 2020 në 07:24

Hello doctor.!! My mom has had some blood tests and has done the Coagulation test, in which the Prothrombin Index resulted in < Without medication (70%-100% INR=1-1.3) and with medication (25%-35% INR=2.0-3.0) and APTT 25”-43”. She has an appointment with the doctor in a few days. I wanted to know if everything is okay or if there is any problem. If yes, please inform me. Thank you!!

Sent by Megi, më 04 October 2020 në 13:26

Hello Megi, you have only placed the references

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 October 2020 në 06:52

Hello doctor.!! My mom has had some blood tests and has taken the Coagulation test, in which the Prothrombin Index resulted in < Without medication (70%-100% INR=1-1.3) and with medication (25%-35% INR=2.0-3.0) and APTT 25”-43”. She had a meeting with the doctor a few days ago. I wanted to know if everything is okay or if there is any problem. If so, please inform me. Thank you!!

Sent by Megi, më 04 October 2020 në 14:46

Hello Megi, you have only placed the references

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 October 2020 në 06:53

Hello doctor, I am 28 years old and from some tests I did, these are the results:
HLD-39.1, LDL-61.1, VLDL-33.32, Triglycerides-166.6, Phospholipid-140.40, R1 (CHOL/HDL ratio)-3.21, R2 (LDL/HDL)-1.56, Cholesterol-125.4, WBC-7.72, NEU%-53.4, LYM%-36.4,
MONO%-7.8, BASO%-0.8
EOS%-1.6, NEU#-4.13
LYM#-2.81, MONO#-0.60
BASO#-0.06, EOS#-0.12
RBC-4.32, HTC-37.1
HGB-12.5, MCV-85.9
MCH-28.9, MCHC-33.7
RDW-SD-39.7, RDW-CV-12.6
PLT-461, PDW-11.3
Mean platelet volume-9.7
P-LCR-22.4, PCT-0.45, ESR-53
I don't feel any discomfort, I did the tests just to check the fat in the blood since last year it was above the norm. Thank you

Sent by Teuta, më 21 October 2020 në 09:43

Hello Teuta, currently you have normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2020 në 06:36

Hello Doctor. I have a 3-year-old daughter and these are the results of her tests:
RBC 4.22, HCT 32.9, MCV 77.9, RDW% 14.5, RDWa 50.8, HGB 118, MCH 27.9, MCHC 358, PLT 202, PCT 0.15, MPV L 7.8, PDW 11.1, LPCR 15.2, WBC 8.1, LYM 4.8, GRAN 2.7, MID 0.6
Thank you

Sent by Dardana, më 23 October 2020 në 03:59

Hello Dardana, the analysis is normal for the child's age (children have more lymphocytes than neutrophils, at this age)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 October 2020 në 04:25

Hello Doctor. I wanted to know what the values of LYM%, LYM, RBC, PLT should be

Sent by Maria, më 05 November 2020 në 10:39

Hello Marla, Lymphocytes 20-50%, in absolute value lymphocytes < 5,000 mm3, RBC for females 4,000,000 to 5.33 million mm3, Plt 144,000 - 444,000 mm3

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 November 2020 në 08:33

Hello. I have had a temperature for a long time of 37.4. I took Augmentin because I had a tooth infection, but strangely the temperature continues again at 37.4. Under the circumstances, I tried to contact the family doctor but without results. I also did blood tests, the parameters look normal except for P-LCR which is 11.5%. Please, can you give me any information if this low value affects the temperature?

Sent by Eriola , më 06 November 2020 në 12:36

Hello Eriola, you will discuss with the infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2020 në 10:19

Hello doctor, I have a 3 and a half year old son for whom I did blood tests today and the results are these: Sideremia 43.4; Ferritinemia <10, WBC 11.5; HGB 12.5; RBC 4.76; PLT 464; PCT 0.46, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 10 mm/h

Sent by Dorela, më 06 November 2020 në 15:34

Hello Dorela, you will discuss with the pediatrician about taking iron supplements for 1-1.5 months to increase iron reserves. Currently, there is no anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2020 në 10:20

Hello, I have done blood tests and I wanted an opinion from you regarding the platelet counts, below I am sending you the data. All blood parameters are ok within norms, only in platelets there are some values:
Platelets 398
PCT 0.33
MPV 8.2
PDWsd 19.4
PDWcv 36.9
PLCR 30.23
PLCC 123

Sent by Dea, më 01 December 2020 në 03:18

Hello Dea, the current value of platelets is normal (144,000 - 444,000 mm3)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 December 2020 në 05:21

-As I have been consistent in following complete blood analyses, up to the analyses of October 2019, and before this period, lymphocytes (LYM)% and Lymphocytes (LYM) have always been normal within the standards, simultaneously all other parameters analyzed together in the blood analysis without any kind of problem ever,

-Meanwhile, I notice regarding Lymphocytes (LYM)% and Lymphocytes (LYM) that there begins an increase in them, a slight increase, and I have noticed it in the subsequent analyses, after October 2019, in the analyses of the date 11.07.2020,: 1)Lymphocytes (LYM)% from 52% from (25-45) and
2)Lymphocytes (LYM) 4.21 from (0.8-3.30),

(Not paying attention at that time, perhaps as a simple momentary infection that could pass, I now notice that even in the analyses done a few days ago, date 05.12.2020, 41.2%(25-40)... it means that the infection continues to be in the body still, which makes me pay more attention this time with more concern!

-How can I please, from a medical perspective, analyze this indicator more closely to understand more deeply regarding health?
And how problematic or concerning is this indicator?

I have always had lymphocytes within norms, in order... until July of this year when the change starts and which is still continuing to be slightly high?
(If it can help with other indicators regarding their result to have more complete information, let me know so I can write them down again)
Thank you for understanding!

Sent by Esmeralda, më 06 December 2020 në 07:22

Hello Esmeralda, the references we use for lymphocytes is 20-50%, or in absolute values 2,000 - 5,000 mm3. If we adhere to these norms, you are still within the normal values. A leukocyte formula can also be done under a microscope

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 December 2020 në 05:10

Hello doctor, when PLT is high in a 6-year-old child and there are symptoms of redness throughout the body and face, can you help us a bit?
WBC 8.75 LY 40.46 MO 7.26 EO 0.30 LYM 3.54 EO# 0.03 HCT 0.396 RDW 14.1 RDW-SD 37.3 PLT 428.2 MPV 7.61

Sent by Blerta Morina , më 12 December 2020 në 07:01

Hello Blerat, the value of platelets is normal (144,000 - 444,000 mm3) and it has no connection with the skin color

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 December 2020 në 08:39

Hello doctor, when PLT is high in a 6-year-old child and has symptoms of redness throughout the body and face,
Can you help us a bit?
WBC8.75 LY40.46 MO7.26 EO0.30 LYM3.54 EO#0.03 HCT0.396 RDW14.1 RDW-SD37.3 PLT428.2 MPV7.61

Sent by Blerta Morina , më 12 December 2020 në 11:13

Hello Blerat, the value of platelets is normal (144,000 - 444,000 mm3) and it has no relation to skin color

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 December 2020 në 08:39

Hello! I have done a complete blood analysis after a somewhat prolonged case of Covid-19... my platelets were not good, and I had to wait for the results. Does the use of antibiotics affect their accurate reading? Since I did the analysis one day after using antibiotics..

Sent by Mina, më 14 December 2020 në 15:35

Hello Mina, many factors influence the number of platelets and antibiotics can too. Always be careful in counting them and the exact value is the number under a microscope, by a doctor specialized in counting them

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 December 2020 në 02:02

Hello, I wanted to ask a question, doctor
I am pregnant in the 3rd month and my tests came back with these values:
Mon: 2.2 L
Gra: 78.3 H
Mon: 0.1 L
Specific gravity: 1.030
Ketone: 5
Bilirubin: weak
Sedimentation: 38
CRP: negative
Urea: 3.0

Sent by Fatbardha, më 29 January 2021 në 05:44

Hello Fatbardha, the values you have written are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2021 në 08:50

Hello, I wanted to ask a question, doctor.
I am pregnant in the 3rd month and my tests have come back with these values:
Mon: 2.2 L
Gra: 78.3 H
Mon: 0.1 L
P.sp.: 1.030
Ketone: 5
Bilirubin: weak
Sediment: 38
CRP: negative
Urea: 3.0

Sent by Fatbardha, më 29 January 2021 në 05:51

Hello Fatbardha, the values you have written are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2021 në 08:50

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time it happens to me as if I am going to faint. As if I am dizzy. Today I did the tests and my triglycerides came out: 161% Lym%: 46.4% and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 07 April 2021 në 12:50

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:32

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time, it happens to me as if I am about to faint. As if I am dizzy. Today I did the tests and my triglycerides came out as: 161%, Lym%: 46.4%, and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 07 April 2021 në 13:41

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with a neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:33

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time, it happens to me as if I am going to faint. As if I am dizzy. Today I did the tests and my triglycerides were: 161%, Fat%: 46.4%, and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 07 April 2021 në 13:41

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:33

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time, it happens to me as if I'm about to faint. As if I'm confused. Today, I did the tests and my triglycerides came out as 161%, Lym%: 46.4%, and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 08 April 2021 në 03:17

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:33

Hello doctor. I'm 21 years old. From time to time, it happens to me as if I'm about to faint. As if I'm dizzy. Today I did the tests and my triglycerides came out: 161% Lym%: 46.4% and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 08 April 2021 në 06:00

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:32

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time, I feel like I'm about to faint. Like I'm dizzy. Today I did the tests and my triglycerides came out: 161%, Lym%: 46.4%, and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 08 April 2021 në 06:00

Hello Kastrijot, these values are not related to fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:33

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time, I feel like I am about to pass out. As if I am dizzy. Today, I did the tests and my triglycerides were at 161%, Lymphocytes at 46.4%, and RDWs at 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 08 April 2021 në 11:56

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with a neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:33

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time, it happens to me as if I am about to faint. As if I am dizzy. Today I did some tests and my triglycerides came out as: 161%. Lym%: 46.4% and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 08 April 2021 në 11:56

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2021 në 03:33

Hello doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time it happens to me as if I'm going to faint. Like I'm dizzy. Today I did the tests and my triglycerides were: 161% Lym%: 46.4% and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 09 April 2021 në 15:07

Hello Kastrijot, these values are not related to the fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 April 2021 në 06:30

Hello, doctor. I am 21 years old. From time to time, it happens to me as if I am going to faint. As if I am dizzy. Today, I did the analyses and my triglycerides came out to be: 161% Lymph%: 46.4% and RDWs: 50.8%

Sent by Kastrijot, më 09 April 2021 në 15:07

Hello Kastrijot, these values have nothing to do with fiction. Discuss with the neurologist, cardiologist. From the hematological side, ferritinemia should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 April 2021 në 06:30

Hello doctor. The values of the analyses that are slightly high are these: WBC 14.73 10^9/L, Gra# 9.78 10^9/L, PLT 302 10^9/L. What could cause this increase?

Sent by Bastri, më 13 April 2021 në 10:08

Hello Bastri, you have a slightly elevated white blood cell and neutrophil count. There are many causes. In most cases, it is reactive, secondary, due to other factors. As a rule, we repeat it, and if it persists or increases, you will discuss with your family doctor first

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 April 2021 në 11:10

Hello doctor. The values of the tests that I have slightly elevated are these: WBC 14.73 10^9/L, Gra# 9.78 10^9/L, PLT 302 10^9/L. What could cause this increase?

Sent by Bastri, më 13 April 2021 në 10:08

Hello Bastri, you have a slightly elevated value of leukocytes and neutrophils. There are many causes. In most cases, it is reactive, secondary, from other factors. As a rule, repeat it and if it persists, increases, you will discuss with your family doctor first

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 April 2021 në 11:10

I want to emphasize, doctor, that I am also diabetic

Sent by Bastri, më 13 April 2021 në 11:32

Hello Bastri, you have a slightly elevated value of leukocytes and neutrophils. There are many causes. In most cases, it is reactive, secondary, from other factors. As a rule, we repeat it and if it persists, increases, you will first discuss with the family doctor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 April 2021 në 04:28

I wanted to ask you a couple of questions
question 1 The technique of preparing the reticulocyte
question 2 how are glucose levels determined in blood
question 3 the samples used in blood gas analysis

Sent by Harun, më 17 April 2021 në 06:27

Hello Harun, I am a hematologist, you will need to ask the laboratory doctor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 April 2021 në 11:59

How are you, doctor? I have a 4-year-old daughter and her blood tests came back with these values. NEU% 61.3 Lymphocytes LYM% 31.5 Basophils Baso% 0.3 RDW-SD 35.5 PLT 461 PDW 8.2 Mean Platelet Volume 8.5 P-LCR 11.4 PCT 0.39 ESR 32 and her vitamin D level was 22.24ng/mL

Sent by Alda , më 06 Agust 2021 në 11:51

Hello Alda, the values you have written are normal, except for the increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 04:57

How are you, doctor,,,, I have a 4-year-old daughter and her blood tests came back with these values. ,,NEU%61.3 Lymphocytes LYM%31.5 Basophils Baso% 0.3 RDW-SD 35.5 PLT 461 PDW 8.2 Mean Platelet Volume 8.5 P-LCR 11.4 PCT 0.39 ESR 32 and vitamin D came out to 22,,24ng/mL .....

Sent by Alda , më 06 Agust 2021 në 12:04

Hello Alda, the values you have written are normal, except for the increase in erythrocyte sedimentation

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 04:57

In the analysis, RDW came out 38.1% where the norm is 16%.
Age 14 years old. Is there any problem?

Sent by Gabriela , më 13 Agust 2021 në 15:59

Hello Gabriela, usually it is an indicator of iron deficiency. You will do ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 04:52

In the analysis, the RDW came out as 38.1% where the normal range is 16%.
Age 14 years. Is there any problem?

Sent by Gabriela , më 14 Agust 2021 në 13:03

Hello Gabriela, as a rule, it is an indicator of iron deficiency. You will do ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 04:52

Hello Doctor, please I have done the blood analysis as well as the anemia parameters and everything has turned out very well but my PLT has come out 594. What do you suggest? I am 30 years old and a year ago I had a mild case of COVID. Could it have affected it? Or should I undergo any additional examination? Thank you

Sent by Ori, më 27 September 2021 në 10:44

Hello Ori, we appreciate it. Initially, ferritinemia is addressed (iron deficiency is accompanied by an increase in platelets) and a consultation with a hematologist is recommended

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 September 2021 në 05:10

Hello Doctor, please I have done a blood test as well as the anemia parameters and everything turned out very well but my platelet count is 594. What do you suggest? I am 30 years old and had a mild case of COVID a year ago. Could this have affected it? Or should I undergo any additional examination? Thank you

Sent by Ori, më 27 September 2021 në 11:05

Hello Ori, we appreciate it. Initially, ferritinemia is performed (iron deficiency is accompanied by an increase in platelets) and a consultation from a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 September 2021 në 05:10

Hello Doctor, please I have done the blood analysis and the anemia parameters and everything turned out very well but my platelet count came out 594. What do you suggest? I am 30 years old and a year ago I had a mild form of COVID. Could it have had an impact? Or should I undergo any additional examination? Thank you

Sent by Ori, më 27 September 2021 në 12:43

Hello Ori, we appreciate it. Initially, ferritinemia is done (iron deficiency is accompanied by an increase in platelets) and a consultation with a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 September 2021 në 05:10

Hello Doctor, please I have done the blood analysis as well as the anemia parameters and everything turned out very well but my platelets came out as 594. What do you suggest? I am 30 years old and a year ago I went through COVID but it was mild. Could it have affected it? Or should I undergo any additional examination? Thank you

Sent by Ori, më 27 September 2021 në 12:54

Hello Ori, we appreciate it. Initially, ferritinemia is done (iron deficiency is accompanied by an increase in platelets) and a consultation from a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 September 2021 në 05:10

Hello doctor,
I am a mother who needs to talk about my 16-year-old daughter. I did some tests for my daughter and in the first week, the results were WBC 6.6; RBC 4.49; HGB 11.5; HCT 35.2; PLT 100; PCT 0.86, the rest were fine. I repeated them the next week, they changed as follows:
WBC 12.6; RBC 4.9; HGB 11.3; HCT 32.9; PLT 71; PCT 0.72; the rest were within the norms MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, MPV, PDW ok.
Now, my daughter does not have any signs of bleeding, bruising, joint or back pain, and the abdomen ultrasound was fine with all organs. Do you think we might have a disease like thrombocytopenia that needs treatment? She has not taken any kind of medication

Sent by Suela, më 27 September 2021 në 16:01

Hello Suela, for the girl, ferritin levels and platelet count under the microscope will be done by the specialist doctor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 September 2021 në 05:08

Dear doctor, thank you for your reply. I responded to your opinion, and the analysis results I got are these:
Hb 11.32
Erythrocytes 3,990,000
Leukocytes 5,600
Neutrophils 58
Eosinophils 4
Basophils 1
Lymphocytes 27
Monocytes 9
N (band) 1
Sedimentation 15mm for 1 hour, after 2 hours 30 mm
Bleeding time 3'
Clotting time 4'
Platelets 138,000
Hematocrit 35
From the specialist doctor
Gazmend Troshani (Shkodra)
I reside.
Your opinion, doctor, please, I am interested. I did not do the ferritin because I was satisfied with these analyses I got. Do you think it is necessary? Thank you!

Sent by Suela Kopliku, më 29 September 2021 në 04:42

Hello Suela, you need to do a ferritin test, because you have anemia and it might be corrected with iron supplements. Platelets at 138,000 mm3 are a good value, slightly lower than the normal value

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 September 2021 në 06:48

Hello Doctor, please I have done a blood test WBC 7.56, RBC 4.48, HGB 12.3, HCT 35.5, MVC 79.2, MCH 27.5, MCHC 34.6, PLT 407, RDWSD 39.1, RDWCV 13.3, PDW 11, MPV 10.1, PLCR 24.8, PCT 0.41, NEUT 4.21, LYMPH 2.49, MONO 0.71, EO 0.1, BASO 0.05, FERRITIN 33.07. My PLT came out a bit high, I would like your suggestions. Thank you

Sent by Aleksandra , më 29 October 2021 në 09:12

Hello Aleksandra, analysis normal. Plt 144-444,000 mm3

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 October 2021 në 12:52

Hello doctor, I have done the analyses these days and they are as follows: WBC = 6.2, RBC = 4.44, HGB = 13.4, HCT = 38.1%, MCV = -85.8fl, MCH = 30.2pg, MCHC = 35.2, PLT = 258, LYM = 36.0%, MXD = 10.2%, NEUT = 53.8%, LYM = 2.2, MXD = 0.6, NEUT = 3.4, RDW-SD = -36.5fl, RDW-CV = 12.4%, PDW = 10.3fl, MPV = -8.8fl, P-LCR = 16.6%, PCT = 0.23%. In the urine analysis, 2-3 white streaks and some squamous epithelial cells were found. Now, the problem lies in the values of MCV, RDW-SD, MPV that have a minus sign in front which I believe is not normal and this has worried me, I have sent the photos to the family doctor since I cannot physically go this week and I have not received a reply, therefore, I was forced to write here. The reason why I did the analyses is because I have been preparing for 8-9 months since I got some small glands around the thigh on the left leg, add here that 9 months ago I had a terrible back pain that lasted almost 1 month but I treated it with rheumatology sedatives and did MRI and X-rays and it showed mild scoliosis and damage to the discs near the nerve which could cause hernia if it gets more damaged. Add here allergies, stomach and abdominal pain, also during childhood I had foreign tissue removed from my nose and for this reason, I fear the repetition of something like that in other parts of the body although the previous analyses did not show something like that. I am 24 years old. For whatever problem it may be, I would kindly ask you to reply.

Thank you in advance!

Sent by Rina , më 23 December 2021 në 15:19

Hello Rina, your peripheral blood analysis is normal. You can do ferritinemia. It is not related to the complaints you have had

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 December 2021 në 03:30

Hello doctor, I have done my tests these days and here are the results: WBC = 6.2, RBC = 4.44, HGB = 13.4, HCT = 38.1%, MCV = -85.8fl, MCH = 30.2pg, MCHC = 35.2, PLT = 258, LYM = 36.0%, MXD = 10.2%, NEUT = 53.8%, LYM = 2.2, MXD = 0.6, NEUT = 3.4, RDW-SD = -36.5fl, RDW-CV = 12.4%, PDW = 10.3fl, MPV = -8.8fl, P-LCR = 16.6%, PCT = 0.23%. In the urine tests, there were 2-3 white strands and some squamous epithelial cells. Now, the problem lies in the values of MCV, RDW-SD, MPV that have a minus sign in front which I believe is not normal and this has worried me, I have sent the photos to the family doctor since I can't physically go this week and I haven't received a reply, hence I had to write here. The reason why I did the tests is because for 8-9 months I have had some small glands appear near the thigh on my left leg, add to that 9 months ago I had a terrible lower back pain that lasted almost a month but I treated it with rheumatology relaxants and did MRI and X-rays and it showed mild scoliosis and damage to the discs near the nerve which could cause a hernia if it gets more damaged. Add to that allergies, stomach and abdominal pain, and also during childhood I had foreign body removed from my nose and for this reason, I fear the repetition of something like that in other parts of the body even though the analysis back then didn't show anything like that. I am 24 years old. For whatever problem it might be, I would kindly ask you to reply.
Thank you in advance!

Sent by Rina , më 23 December 2021 në 15:20

Hello Rina, your peripheral blood analysis is normal. You can do ferritinemia. It is not related to the complaints you have had

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 December 2021 në 03:30

Hello doctor!
I wanted to ask you, please, after the blood test results, every value was within the norms except for MCHC which was slightly high at 38.6, could this be something that needs to be looked at again? I am 32 years old and do not have concerns about anything. Thank you..

Sent by Glenti, më 27 December 2021 në 01:42

Hello Gleni, it is not a value that is used in our practice

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 December 2021 në 02:50

Hello doctor, first of all, I hope you are well.
I wanted to ask you about the tests that my 75-year-old grandfather did in the city of Vlora these days.
I am writing to you only the data that are outside the normal limits (based on the data from the laboratory)
especially for the part of the platelets.
PLT-platelets 1189 (from 150-450) - note on the sheet from the lab
NEUT 72.4%
LYMPH 17.7%
Please give me a response as the concern is great and I want to know your opinion. I am asking you in advance because my grandfather does not move often due to physical inability. Otherwise, with all due respect to you, I would have undoubtedly brought him physically. However, depending on your stance on these platelet values, we will take measures. Thank you

Sent by jonll, më 17 January 2022 në 13:09

Hello Joni, grandpa probably has a disease called Essential Thrombocythemia. It's a disease that initially needs to be diagnosed and then treated. You have to see a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 January 2022 në 04:31

Hello doctor, first of all, I wish you well.
I wanted to ask you about the tests that my 75-year-old grandfather underwent in the city of Vlora these days.
I am writing to you only the data that are outside the normal limits (based on data from the laboratory)
especially regarding the platelets.
PLT-platelets 1189 (from 150-450) - noted on the lab sheet
NEUT 72.4%
LYMPH 17.7%
Please return an answer as the concern is great and I want to know your opinion. I am asking preliminarily because my grandfather does not move around much due to physical disability. Otherwise, with all due respect to you, I would have undoubtedly brought him in person. However, depending on your stance on these platelet values, we will take measures. Thank you

Sent by jonll, më 17 January 2022 në 13:22

Hello Joni, grandpa probably has a disease called Essential Thrombocythemia. It's a disease that initially needs to be diagnosed and then treated. You should see a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 January 2022 në 04:31

Hello doctor, I have done the tests and the parameters are
wbc 11.6
lym 24.9
mid 7.1
gran 68
lym 2.9
mid 0.8
gran 7.9
rbc 4.96
hgb 10.4
htc 32.1
mcv 64.8
mch 20.9
mchc 32.3
rdw cv 16.7
rdw sd 30.1
plt 461
mpv 6.8
pdw 7.1
pct 0.31
p lcr 2.0
plcc 9
I am 44 years old and hope for a quick response, thank you in advance

Sent by rajmonda cukaj, më 24 January 2022 në 05:29

Hello Rajmonda, you have mild Anemia, probably from iron deficiency, thalassemia minor, the combination of both. You will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 January 2022 në 03:47

Wbc 6.3 Lym 43.2 Mid 16.2 Gran 40.6 Lym 2.7 Mid 1.0 Gran 2.6 Rbc 4.63 Hgb 11.6 Hct 38.2 Mcv 82.6 Mch 25.0 Mchc 30.3 Rdw-sd 34.2 Rdw-cv 12.6 Plt 296 Mpv 9.2 Pdw 12.5 pct 0.27 P-lcr 16.8 33 years old. Thank you

Sent by Anisa, më 02 February 2022 në 08:53

Hello Anisa, you have mild anemia, probably from iron deficiency and you will be treated with iron supplements. You will do ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 February 2022 në 09:19

I am in the second month of pregnancy and have done the first trimester analyses, and the results are:
WBC - 9.73
RBC - 5.46
HGB - 11
HCT - 34.8
MCV - 63.7
MCH - 20.10
MCHC - 31.60
PLT - 254
LYM% - 15.2
NEUT% - 77.80
LYM - 1.48
MXD - 0.68
Neut - 7.57
RDW-CV - 15.4
RDW -SD - 33
PDW - 11.2
MPV - 9.11
P-lCR - 12.30
Are these values concerning?
Thank you for your response

Sent by Suela, më 01 March 2022 në 10:39

Hello Suela, you have mild anemia, probably Thalassemia Minor. You will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. And your husband will do complete blood count, ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 March 2022 në 02:49

I am in the second month of pregnancy and I have done the first trimester tests, and the results are:
WBC - 9.73
RBC - 5.46
HGB - 11
HCT - 34.8
MCV - 63.7
MCH - 20.10
MCHC - 31.60
PLT - 254
LYM% - 15.2
NEUT% - 77.80
LYM - 1.48
MXD - 0.68
Neut - 7.57
RDW-CV - 15.4
RDW -SD - 33
PDW - 11.2
MPV - 9.11
P-lCR - 12.30
Are these values concerning?
Thank you for your answer

Sent by Suela, më 01 March 2022 në 11:34

Hello Suela, you have mild anemia, probably Thalassemia Minor. You will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. And your husband will do complete blood count, ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 March 2022 në 02:49

Hello! I have done some blood tests because I had some pain in the lower part of my throat for a few days. I see that they are slightly elevated compared to the norms: WBC 4.54, RVC 5.33, HGB 17.1, HCT 48.4, MCV 90.08, MCH 32.1 AND PLT (platelets) 213. Please, could this be a problem for further examinations?

Sent by Luis , më 08 March 2022 në 10:41

Hello Luis, the value of 17.1 gr/dl for hemoglobin is not normal. Repeat the analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 March 2022 në 04:23

Hello! I have a 13-year-old daughter and in November, I had her undergo tests: Reticulocyte 0.5, Transferrin 272, Ferritin < 10.0, VitB12 237, Folic Acid 6.1, Bilirubin 1.2, WBC 8.66, RBC 4.44, HGB 12.3, Hct 35.6, MCH 27.6, PLT 191. She took Ferrograd 320 ml. In January, the Reticulocyte was 0.3, Hgb 13.3, Rbc 4.52, HCT 35.9, Wbc 11.20, Plt 202, she took medication again. Now in April, the blood parameters remained the same and the RETICULOCYTE again 0.3, Ferritin 63.7, total bilirubin 1.3. I am worried about the Reticulocyte values… Thank you in advance!

Sent by Vasfije Murati, më 15 April 2022 në 15:43

Hello Vasfije, the girl had an iron deficiency and it has been completely corrected by treatment. Ferrograd 105 mg twice a day, is the best preparation. Reticulocytes are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 April 2022 në 02:32

Hello doctor, the analysis for counting platelets under a microscope, is it taken from the finger or from the vein?

Sent by muharre osmani , më 18 April 2022 në 08:31

Hello, before from the finger, currently from the vein

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 April 2022 në 09:21

hello doctor, the analysis for counting platelets under a microscope is taken from the finger or from the vein

Sent by muharre osmani , më 18 April 2022 në 08:31

Hello, previously from the finger, currently from the vein

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 April 2022 në 09:21

Here's the translation:

"Dr, let's clarify once more if you have the chance, maybe I wasn't precise in my question. When I gave blood from my finger, PLT 149, when I gave blood from the vein, PLT 208."

Sent by muharre osmani , më 18 April 2022 në 09:39

In both cases, you are within normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 April 2022 në 07:25

for example, doctor, let's clarify again if you have the chance perhaps I was not accurate in my question when I gave blood from the finger plt 149 when I gave blood from the vein plt 208

Sent by muharre osmani , më 18 April 2022 në 09:39

In both cases, you are within the normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 April 2022 në 07:25

Sure, doctor, let's clarify again if you have the chance. Maybe I wasn't clear in my question. When I gave blood from my finger, the platelet count was 149, and when I gave blood from the vein, the platelet count was 208

Sent by muharre osmani , më 18 April 2022 në 09:47

In both cases, it is within normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 April 2022 në 07:25

e.g., doctor, is it possible, please, I need an explanation, I've become confused. My platelets are consistently low from capillary blood, 108,000, 125,000, 145,000, 160,000, 180,000, while from venous blood, 190,000, 208,000. In the counting of platelets from venous blood, 235,000. How can you explain this to me, please? This situation has worried me

Sent by ismet, më 30 April 2022 në 05:30

Hello Ismet, your values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 May 2022 në 02:52

Hello doctor. My 9-year-old son has the following values out of the normal range: Mono % 11.5, Mono # 0.95, PDW 8.2, mean platelet volume 8.2, P-LCR 10.8, ESR 22. Are they normal or should we schedule a visit? Thank you

Sent by Ornela, më 02 June 2022 në 12:58

Hello Ornela, a slight change. The analysis is repeated after 2-3 weeks

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 June 2022 në 13:15

Hello doctor!
I have done the analysis because I continuously feel a great deal of fatigue. Now, black spots have started to appear on my hands at the wrists for a few seconds and then they disappear. Do you think I have a problem related to the blood, or should I do another analysis to understand why these spots are appearing? The results of the analyses are as follows:
WBC-9.56 RBC-5.15, HGB -14.8 HCT- 45.5 PLT-292 NEUT- 7.6 NEUT% 79.5 LYMPH- 1.45 LYMPH%-15.2 MONO- 0.45 EO- 0.03 BASO 0.03
PCR 0.06

Sent by Adela, më 09 June 2022 në 08:13

Hello Adela, your tests are normal. The spots that disappear after a few seconds will be discussed with the dermatologist and allergist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 June 2022 në 02:24

Hello, Doctor!
I have done some tests because I constantly feel very tired. Now, I have started to see black spots on my hands around the wrists for a few seconds, and then they disappear. Do you think I have a problem related to the blood, or should I do another test to understand why these spots are appearing? Here are the results of the tests:
WBC-9.56 RBC-5.15, HGB -14.8 HCT- 45.5 PLT-292 NEUT- 7.6 NEUT% 79.5 LYMPH- 1.45 LYMPH%-15.2 MONO- 0.45 EO- 0.03 BASO 0.03
PCR 0.06

Sent by Adela, më 10 June 2022 në 13:02

Hello Adela, your tests are normal. The spots that go away after a few seconds will be discussed with the dermatologist and allergist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 June 2022 në 02:24

Hello doctor! I have done a blood test and some values came back abnormal. HGB 10.5, HCT 32.2, MCV 75.2, MCH 24.5, PLT 481, PLCR 11

Sent by Marsida, më 16 June 2022 në 07:19

Hello Marsida, you need to write down the number of erythrocytes and the value of ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 June 2022 në 14:09

Hello, doctor, if possible, a summary in relation to these analyses FERRITIN: ANALYSIS DATE: SAMPLE:
NOT ASSIGNED 11/07/2022
077419222 MALE
10 months
Intermedica Central
White blood cells and WBC morphology
White Blood Cells (WBC)* 8.35 Neutrophils NEU% 14.1 Lymphocytes LYM% 72.5 Monocytes MONO% 10.3 Basophils BASO% 0.1 Eosinophils EOS% 3.0 Neutrophils NEU# 1.18 Lymphocytes LYM# 6.05 Monocytes MONO# 0.86 Basophils BASO# 0.01 Eosinophils EOS# 0.25
Red cells and RBC line
Red Blood Cells (RBC)* 4.88 Hematocrit (HCT)* 34.1 Hemoglobin (HGB)* 11.3 MCV* 69.9 MCH* 23.2 MCHC* 33.1 RDW-SD 43.3 RDW-CV 17.3
Platelets (PLT)* 388 PDW 8.9 Mean Platelet Volume 8.8 P-LCR 15.4 PCT 0.34
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 4 < 15
5 - 19 13 - 33 46 - 76 < 5
0 - 0 < 3
2 - 7.5 0.5 - 4 0.2 - 0.8
< 0.1 < 0.4
3.8 - 5.2 29 - 43
x103/uL 2 months - 6 years % 6 months - 6 years
% 6 months - 6 years
% 6 months - 18 years % 6 months - 6 years % > 2 weeks
x103/uL x103/uL
x103/uL x103/uL x103/uL
x10^/μL 6 - 12 months
% 6 - 12 months 9.9 - 14.5 g/dL 6 - 12 months
73 - 87 24 - 30 32 - 36 37 - 54 11 - 16
fL 6 months - 1 year pg 6 - 12 months
g/dL 6 months - 1 year fL
Electronically evaluated by: DR. PALMIRA DAJA
150 - 450 x103/uL 0 - 18 years 9 - 17 fL
9 - 13 fL
13 - 43 % 0.17 - 0.35 %
mm/h 0 -

Sent by Blerina, më 11 July 2022 në 10:43

Hello Blerina, you have a mild anemia, probably due to iron deficiency. Ferritinemia should be done. It is not necessary to write the references, which are of no importance to us

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 July 2022 në 12:43

Hello Doctor. My daughter, who is 28 years old, had her tests done two months ago. Her ferritin was 4, and for two months she has been taking Globihem Quatrefolic acid 400 µg, an iron supplement. Today she had her tests and these are the results.
Complete Blood Count: Leukocytes 9.76 with a norm of 4-11, Erythrocytes 5.02 with 4-6.5, hemoglobin 14.6 with 12-16.5. Ferritin 22.06 ng/ml with 15-150, Iron 181.15 ug/dl with 37-145, which is high. Is there a problem with the high iron? She stopped taking Globifem today. I await your response. You are very special in your profession and humanitarian. Regards

Sent by mira, më 04 Agust 2022 në 06:18

Hello Mira, ferritinemia cannot be corrected with iron supplements. The best option we have in Albania is Heferol

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 Agust 2022 në 08:41

Hello Doctor, how are you? I thought of getting some blood tests done because I wasn't feeling well, and the results are concerning. I am very worried that I might have a serious disease.
Leukocytes 19.64 (very high) Hgb 13 RBC 4.59 HCT 39.6 MCV 36.3 MCH 28.3 MCHC 32.8 Platelets 239 Neutrophils 15.36 Monocytes 1.11 the rest are normal. I am very scared of having a serious disease

Sent by Era, më 27 Agust 2022 në 08:22

Hello Era, they are higher than normal. Generally, they are reactive, various infections. Repeat after a few days

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 Agust 2022 në 06:06

Hello doctor, I wanted to know about the analyses if there is anything to be concerned about. I am 16 years old.
RDW-CV 13.1[%]
RDW-SD 36.8[fL]
PDW 11.5[fL]
MPV 10.5[fL]
P-LCR 28.5 [%]
PCT 0.30[%]
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 4mm/h

Sent by Elda, më 14 September 2022 në 14:01

Hello Elda, your analysis is normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 September 2022 në 07:37

Hello doctor, I wanted to know about the analysis if there is anything to be concerned about. I am 16 years old.
RDW-CV 13.1[%]
RDW-SD 36.8[fL]
PDW 11.5[fL]
MPV 10.5[fL]
P-LCR 28.5 [%]
PCT 0.30[%]
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 4mm/h

Sent by Elda, më 14 September 2022 në 14:05

Hello Elda, your analysis is normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 September 2022 në 07:37

Hello doctor, I wanted to know about the analysis if there is anything to worry about. I am 16 years old.
RDW-CV 13.1[%]
RDW-SD 36.8[fL]
PDW 11.5[fL]
MPV 10.5[fL]
P-LCR 28.5 [%]
PCT 0.30[%]
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 4mm/h

Sent by Elda, më 18 September 2022 në 12:39

Hello Elda, normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 September 2022 në 02:50

Hello, I would like to know since I have had these low parameters for years and I do walking, running, and exercises. I am 62 years old and the three parameters I have found to be low are: Hemoglobin 11.7, hematocrit 37, MCV 74.1, and MCH 23. These are the parameters I have low, the others are fine

Sent by Vladimir , më 02 October 2022 në 15:38

Hello Vladimir, you have mild anemia. The most common anemia is from iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency. You will do ferritinemia, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total protein, urea, creatinine

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 03 October 2022 në 03:00

Hello doctor, I hope you are well. I have been on antibiotics, Levoximed and Cefaclor, for two weeks. After finishing the course, 5 days later, I had some blood tests done. I am sending them to you as follows: WBC 7.28, erythrocytes 4.93, hemoglobin 13.9, hematocrit 44.3, MCV 90, MCH 28.3, MCHC 31.4, RDW-SD 41, RDW-CV 14.6, platelets 282, all within normal range except for PLR 45.89% from 13-43 normal laboratory range. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 8. Should I wait to redo the tests, or is there a problem? Thank you in advance for your reply. Could the antibiotics have affected the tests?

Sent by Era, më 19 October 2022 në 11:41

Hello Era, your analysis is normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2022 në 13:57

For example, doctor how are you, my platelets are 188 but my bleeding time is 2.50s compared to a year ago when it was 1.05s, is there a chance please to tell me what to do next?

Sent by Ismet morina , më 31 October 2022 në 18:49

Hello Ismet, both values are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 November 2022 në 02:56

Hello doctor, please if you can, give me a more detailed description or if necessary, refer me for a check-up. I am suspected of having thrombocytopenia which hasn't always been confirmed. Sometimes my platelet count was 120, 130 but most of the time 190. However, my bleeding time used to be constantly 1’05 seconds, I mean before 1 year. Recently, my bleeding time has been 2.50 seconds. What do you think? How should I proceed? Does this condition pose a risk to me? Thank you in advance

Sent by Ismet morina , më 07 November 2022 në 18:38

Hello Ismet, we have discussed many times. You can come to repeat it here in Tirana. The values you have are normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 08 November 2022 në 03:16

Hello Doctor, how are you? I have done some tests with these results. Wbc 8.22 rbc 5.14 hgb 14.8 hct 44.7 mcv 87 mch 28.8 mchc 33.1 plt 202 rdwsd 38 rdwcv 11.7 pdw 8.3 mpv 8.4 plcr 11.5 pct 0.17 neu 5.21 lymph 2.02 mono 0.8 eo 0.15 baso 0.04 neutrophils 63.4% lymph 24.6% Mono 9.7% eo 1.8% baso 0.5%
Male, 31 years old, should I be worried?
Thank you for your answer

Sent by Andi, më 10 November 2022 në 17:09

Hello Andi, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 November 2022 në 04:39

Hi, how are you? I have done my tests and these are the values I got: RBC 4.57, HCT 37.2, HGB 12.2, MCV 81.4, MCH 26.7, MCHC 32.8, RDW-SD 37.6, RDW-CV 12.7, PLT 260, PDW 19.4, mean platelet volume 13.2, P-LCR 51.2, PCT 0.34.. are they okay?

Sent by Anxhela, më 28 November 2022 në 03:35

Hello Anxhela, good values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 November 2022 në 05:37

Hello, how are you?
I hope you are well.
I have a clarification if you can help me. I have done some blood tests and these are marked with a star; I can't explain them:
EO% = 12
BASO% = 1.94
PDW = 20
MPV = 6.02
Please help me

Sent by Eduart Mata, më 27 January 2023 në 11:49

Hello Eduart, only Eosinophils are to be considered. The normal range is 1-4%, their increase is usually associated with parasitosis and allergy

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 January 2023 në 12:49

Hello doctor,
In the latest tests, the values came out as: RBC 4.51 WBC 3.9 LYM 1.6 GRA 2.0 MON 0.3 HGB 12.3 HTC 36.1 MCV 80 MCH 27.3 MCHC 34.1 Ferritinemia 13.8. I have been treated for iron deficiency for some time. Please, are the borderline blood values and WBC below normal related to anemia, because I am worried about the low WBC. Thank you. With respect

Sent by Alda, më 20 February 2023 në 11:09

Hello Alda, you have an iron deficiency and need to be treated with an iron supplement, different from the one you are currently using. Iron deficiency is not related to the number of leukocytes

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 February 2023 në 08:09

Hello doctor,
In the latest tests, the values came out as: RBC 4.51 WBC 3.9 LYM 1.6 GRA 2.0 MON 0.3 HGB 12.3 HTC 36.1 MCV 80 MCH 27.3 MCHC 34.1 Ferritinemia 13.8. I have been treated for iron deficiency for a while. Please, is there a connection between the borderline blood values and low WBC with anemia, because I am worried about the low WBC. Thank you. Respectfully

Sent by Alda, më 20 February 2023 në 11:27

Hello Alda, you have an iron deficiency and need to be treated with iron supplements, different from the one you are using. The iron deficiency is not related to the number of leukocytes

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 February 2023 në 08:09

Hello doctor, I have a PSA of 7.0 and I wanted to ask if it has anything to do with the colon?

Sent by Malvina , më 10 March 2023 në 08:47

Hello Malvina, they are not related to my specialty

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 March 2023 në 02:57

Hello, I did my tests a year ago and my results were wbc 12.54, neu 45.8, lym 40.7, mono 11, lym 4.61, mono 1.25, rbc 5.69, mcv 83.7. Now, wbc 12.54, mono 10.8, lym 4.45, mono 1.36, rbc 6.00, hct 52.3, hgb 17.7, cholesterol 226, hdl 37, ldl 145.8, chol/hdl 6.11, ldl/hdl 3.94. Today, the hematologist told me to do the JAK-2 and V617F tests. Please reply

Sent by Hazir, më 03 April 2023 në 11:11

Hello Hazir, the slight increase in white blood cells, red blood cells, which persists, requires evaluation. And the tests that have been recommended to you are part of this evaluation

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 April 2023 në 02:58

Hello doctor, my brother is 18 years old and has had a blood test, and these are the results that came out: WBC 6.9, LYM 1.4, MON 0.3, GRA 5.8, LYM% 19.9, MON% 4.0, GRA% 76.1, RBC 7.40, HGB 14.5, HCT 41.9, MCV 56.6, MCH 19.6, MCHC 34.6, RDW 17.1, PlT 268, MPV 0.7, PCT 0.233, PDW 14.5. The RDW value came out a bit high, is this something worrisome and where should we consult, does he need medication? Thank you

Sent by Marina, më 05 April 2023 në 14:52

Hello Marina, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 April 2023 në 05:51


Sent by LETA, më 12 April 2023 në 09:03

Hello Leta, they are normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 April 2023 në 02:51

Thank you for your response. If possible, here are my analyses at age 50. Any opinion please, and again many thanks.

Wbc 6.5, Neu 59%, neu# 3.8, immature neu 3%
lym 29.3%, lym# 1.9, immature lym 31%
mono 7.08%, mono# 0.5, immature mono 4%
baso 1.82%, baso# 0.1, immature baso 1%
eos 2.72%, eos# 0.2, immature eos 4%
rbc 4.37, hct 38%, hgb 13.1, mcv 87, mch 30, rdw 10.8%
plt 208, mpv 6.4,

Sent by leta, më 13 April 2023 në 07:44

Hello Leta, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 April 2023 në 04:05

Thank you for your response. If possible, here are my analyses at age 50. Any opinions, please, and again, thank you very much.

Wbc 6.5, Neu 59%, neu# 3.8, immature neutrophils 3%
lymphocytes 29.3%, lymph# 1.9, immature lymphocytes 31%
monocytes 7.08%, mono# 0.5, immature monocytes 4%
basophils 1.82%, baso# 0.1, immature basophils 1%
eosinophils 2.72%, eos# 0.2, immature eosinophils 4%
rbc 4.37, hct 38%, hgb 13.1, mcv 87, mch 30, rdw 10.8%
plt 208, mpv 6.4,

Sent by leta, më 13 April 2023 në 07:44

Hello Leta, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 April 2023 në 04:05

Hello doctor, I wanted to know about the analysis if there is anything to worry about. I am 16 years old.
RDW-CV 13.1[%]
RDW-SD 36.8[fL]
PDW 11.5[fL]
MPV 10.5[fL]
P-LCR 28.5 [%]
PCT 0.30[%]
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 4mm/h

Sent by Elda, më 17 April 2023 në 07:33

Hello Elda, normal values. If possible, also do the ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 April 2023 në 06:38

The doctor told me to do a JAK2 blood test, where can I do this test?

Sent by Tani, më 26 May 2023 në 12:35

Hello, we realize it at the American Hospital

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 May 2023 në 02:43

I have done blood tests for my 16-year-old daughter and wanted to know how they turned out.
Stabs 1 5 - 11 % 1 - 18 year
Neutrophils (Segments) 54 32 - 54 % 6 - 16 year
Eosinophils 4 < 3 % > 2
Basophils 0 < 1 % > 6 year
Lymphocytes 38 27 - 57 % 6 - 16 year
Monocytes 3 < 5 % 6 month - 18 year

White Blood Cells (WBC)* 10.88 4.8 - 10.8 x10³/uL 6 - 18 year
Neutrophils NEU% 50.7 32 - 54 % 6 - 16 year
Lymphocytes LYM% 34.5 27 - 57 % 6 - 16 year
Monocytes MONO% 6.4 < 5 % 6 month - 18 year
Basophils BASO% 0.5 < 1 % > 6 year
Eosinophils EOS% 7.9 < 3 % > 2 week
Neutrophils NEU# 5.52 2 - 7.5 x10³/uL
Lymphocytes LYM# 3.75 0.5 - 4 x10³/uL
Monocytes MONO# 0.70 0.2 - 0.8 x10³/uL
Basophils BASO# 0.05 < 0.1 x10³/uL
Eosinophils EOS# 0.86 < 0.4 x10³/uL
Red Blood Cells (RBC)* 4.49 4 - 5.2 x10^/µL 6 - 16 year
Hematocrit (HCT)* 37.8 32 - 42 % 6 - 16 year
Hemoglobin (HGB)* 12.3 10.3 - 14.9 g/dL 6 - 16 year
MCV* 84.2 73 - 87 fL 6 - 16 year
MCH* 27.4 24 - 30 pg 6 - 16 year
MCHC* 32.5 32 - 36 g/dL > 6 year
RDW-SD 39.8 37 - 54 fL
RDW-CV 12.9 11 - 16 % PLATELETS
Platelets (PLT)* 259 150 - 450 x10³/uL 0 - 1

Sent by Adela, më 14 June 2023 në 13:44

Hello, normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 June 2023 në 03:25

Hello, I wanted to ask if in a peripheral smear is it possible to suspect if you have a sexually transmitted virus, for example, HIV etc

Sent by Adi, më 01 July 2023 në 03:24


Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 July 2023 në 03:25

Hello doctor! I just got the check-up results along with my spouse. The values that are not within the normal range for me are: RBC-5.94 HGB-15.5 HCT-46.9 MCV-79.0 BASO-1.33 PDW-19.3 MPV-6.76 PCT-0.159 Azotemia-45.00 Total Bilirubin-1.37 Direct Bilirubin-0.35 LDL 173.47 CHOLESTEROL-252.00 Triglycerides-157 Thank you immensely for your patience and dedication, RESPECT!

Sent by Albana Janko, më 24 Agust 2023 në 06:34

Hello Albana, there are small changes that need to be discussed in turn and may be repeated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 Agust 2023 në 06:56

Hello doctor! I just received the check-up results along with my spouse. The values that are not within the normal range for me are: RBC-5.94 HGB-15.5 HCT-46.9 MCV-79.0 BASO-1.33 PDW-19.3 MPV-6.76 PCT-0.159 Azotemia-45.00 Total Bilirubin-1.37 Direct Bilirubin-0.35 LDL 173.47 CHOLESTEROLEMIA-252.00 Triglycerides-157 Thank you immensely for your patience and dedication, RESPECT!

Sent by Albana Janko, më 24 Agust 2023 në 06:34

Hello Albana, there are small changes that need to be discussed in order and may be repeated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 Agust 2023 në 06:56

Hello doctor, thank you for the information you share with us. My 43-year-old husband has had a complete blood count with differential, and although the parameters are within the reference values, there is a comment "in the smear examination, some megathrombocytes are noticed. What does this mean? What kind of consultation should he have, or is another examination needed? Thank you

Sent by Eri, më 28 Agust 2023 në 08:58

Hello Eri, it doesn't matter in practice

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 Agust 2023 në 10:08

Hello doctor. After a check-up that I did for my 8-year-old son, some blood test values came back outside the normal range. MCV 78.3, RDW-SD 36.6, PLT 523, and PCT 0.55. Is there a problem?

Sent by Eva, më 22 September 2023 në 04:13

Hello Eva, minor changes without clinical significance

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 September 2023 në 09:28

Hello doctor, my husband did blood tests and his platelets came out low, 79, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is slightly high, 35, but he has no symptoms of any kind

Sent by Erjona, më 06 October 2023 në 06:47

Hello Erjona, no worries with these values. Why they are like this, is discussed with the hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2023 në 09:35

Hello Dr. My 3.5-year-old daughter has these test results that are out of the normal range. MCHC 35.5. RDW-SD 34.5. PLT 567. PDW 8.3. MPV 8.2. PCT 0.46 P-LCR 10.6 Is there anything to be concerned about? Thank you very much

Sent by Xhesi, më 07 October 2023 në 09:37

Hello, Xhesi has only a slight increase in platelets. It does not cause worries

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 08 October 2023 në 05:14

Hi Dr. My 3.5-year-old daughter got these test results that are out of the normal range. MCHC 35.5. RDW-SD 34.5. PLT 567. PDW 8.3. MPV 8.2. PCT 0.46 P-LCR 10.6. Is this something to worry about? Thank you very much

Sent by Xhesi, më 09 October 2023 në 06:30

Hello, Xhesi has only a slight increase in lymphocytes. It's not worrisome

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 October 2023 në 08:40

I have a 2-year-old daughter. Since she was 4 months old, she hasn't been gaining weight properly and after some tests, it turned out she was anemic with a ferritin level of 5 and vitamin D level of 19. I repeated the tests now after she hasn't received iron (ferritin went up) for 4 months.
And the values are:
WBC 22.0
LYM 56.1
RBC 5.39. MCV 67.5 RDW-CV 17.1 PLT 540. MPV 7.2 ESR 13
FERRITIN 8.35 and vitamin D 26.0. I am very worried. Thank you

Sent by Liljana, më 10 October 2023 në 00:40

Hello Liljana, I am not familiar with the problems of young ages. If you do not solve the problem with your pediatrician, you will be referred to a pediatric hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 October 2023 në 07:39

Hello Dr. My 3.5-year-old daughter has these test results that are out of the normal range. MCHC 35.5. RDW-SD 34.5. PLT 567. PDW 8.3. MPV 8.2. PCT 0.46 P-LCR 10.6. Is this something to be concerned about? Thank you very much

Sent by Xhesi, më 11 October 2023 në 09:10

Hello Xhesi, slight increase in platelets. Evaluated by the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 October 2023 në 10:55

Hello Dr. My 3.5-year-old daughter got these test results that are outside the normal range. MCHC 35.5. RDW-SD 34.5. PLT 567. PDW 8.3. MPV 8.2. PCT 0.46 P-LCR 10.6. Is this something to be concerned about? Thank you very much

Sent by Xhesi, më 13 October 2023 në 07:02

Hello Xhesi, a slight increase in platelets

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 October 2023 në 08:01

Hello Xhesi, a slight increase in platelets

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 October 2023 në 08:01

Hello Dr. Sotiraq Lako, my mother, who is 57 years old, has been experiencing a decrease in leukocytes for 13 years now and has been under antidepressant treatment. However, during the COVID period, when routine analyses were mandatory in 2020, my mother underwent routine testing and we noticed a decrease in leukocytes. Fearing it might be leukemia, she did not repeat the tests, but now she has completed all the analyses: WBC 1.9, Lym% 70.1, Mid% 14.2, Gra 0.2, Gra% 8.5, RBC 4.04, HGB 124, HCT 35.1, PLT 303, LDH-283.9. Uric acid 307, liver is enlarged at 166mm with diffuse steatosis, spleen is normal in size and shape with homogenous echo structure, no enlarged lymph nodes, peripheral blood smear shows normochromic normocytic erythrocytes, leukocytes without morphological changes, and platelets are present. Clinically, she is doing very well with no fatigue or paleness, and she doesn't get sick often despite the low leukocytes. But the concern is whether they can be corrected or if they might stay low for life

Sent by Jeta Ademaj, më 18 October 2023 në 10:41

Hello Jeta, you need to go to a hematologist for the proper assessment. It's difficult to resolve it this way

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 October 2023 në 09:20

Hello Dr. Sotiraq Lako, my 57-year-old mother has been having issues with decreasing leukocyte levels. She has been on antidepressants for 13 years. However, during the COVID period when routine tests were mandatory, in 2020, my mom did her routine tests and we noticed a decrease in leukocytes. Fearing it might be leukemia, she has not repeated the tests since. But now she has completed all the tests: WBC 1.9, Lym% 70.1, Mid% 14.2, Gra 0.2, Gra% 8.5, RBC 4.04, HGB 124, HCT 35.1, PLT 303, LDH-283.9, Uric Acid 307. Her liver is enlarged to 166mm with diffuse steatosis, her spleen is of normal size and shape with a homogeneous echo structure, no enlarged lymph nodes, peripheral blood smear shows normochromic normocytic erythrocytes, leukocytes without morphological changes, platelets present. Clinically, she is in very good condition with no fatigue or weakness and doesn’t fall ill often despite the low leukocytes. But the concern is whether this can be corrected or if it might remain for life

Sent by Jeta Ademaj, më 18 October 2023 në 10:41

Hello Jeta, you need to go to a hematologist to get the proper assessment. It's hard to solve it this way

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 October 2023 në 09:20

Hello Dr. Sotiraq Lako, my mother, who is 57 years old, has been having issues with low white blood cells for 13 years and has been under antidepressant treatment. However, during the COVID period, when routine analyses were mandatory, in 2020, my mother had her routine tests and we noticed a decrease in white blood cells. Fearing it might be leukemia, she hasn't repeated them since. But now, she has completed all her analyses - WBC 1.9, Lym% 70.1, Mid% 14.2, Gra 0.2, Gra% 8.5, RBC 4.04, HGB 124, HCT 35.1, PLT 303, LDH 283.9. Uric acid 307, her liver is enlarged at 166mm with diffuse steatosis, the spleen is of normal size, shape, and homogeneous echostructure, no enlarged lymph nodes, peripheral blood smear shows normochromic normocytic erythrocytes, white blood cells without morphologic changes, platelets present. Clinically, she is in very good condition, not experiencing fatigue or paleness, and she doesn't get sick often even though her white blood cells are low. But the concern is whether this can be corrected or if it might stay this way for life

Sent by Jeta Ademaj, më 18 October 2023 në 11:36

Hello Jeta, you need to go to a hematologist, to get the proper assessment. It is difficult to solve it this way

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 October 2023 në 09:20

Hello Dr. Sotir Lako, my mother, who is 57 years old, has been having problems with low white blood cell counts for 13 years now and has been on antidepressant treatment. But during the COVID period, when routine tests were mandatory, in 2020, my mother did the routine tests and we noticed a decrease in white blood cells. Fearing it might be leukemia, she did not repeat them. But now, she has done all the tests: WBC 1.9, Lym% 70.1, Mid% 14.2, Gra 0.2, Gra% 8.5, RBC 4.04, HGB 124, HCT 35.1, PLT 303. LDH-283.9. Uric Acid 307, liver enlarged 166mm with diffuse steatosis, spleen of normal size and shape with homogeneous echo structure, no enlarged lymph nodes, peripheral blood smear showing normochromic normocytic erythrocytes, leukocytes without morphological changes, platelets present. Clinically, she is in very good condition, no fatigue or pallor, does not get sick often even though the white blood cells are low. But the concern is whether they can be corrected or might remain low for life

Sent by Jeta Ademaj, më 18 October 2023 në 11:37

Hello Jeta, you need to go to a hematologist for the proper assessment. It's hard to solve it this way

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 October 2023 në 09:20

Hello Dr. Sotiraq Lako, my mother, who is 57 years old, has been having problems with low leukocyte levels for 13 years now and has been on antidepressants. However, during the COVID period when routine tests were mandatory, in the year 2020, my mother had her routine tests done and we noticed a decrease in leukocytes. Fearing it might be leukemia, she hasn't repeated the tests, but now she has done all the tests: WBC 1.9, Lym% 70.1, Mid% 14.2, Gra 0.2, Gra% 8.5, RBC 4.04, HGB 124, HCT 35.1, PLT 303, LDH-283.9. Uric Acid 307, liver is enlarged at 166mm with diffuse steatosis, spleen is of normal size and shape with homogeneous echo structure, no enlarged lymph nodes, peripheral blood smear shows normochromic normocytic erythrocytes, leukocytes without morphological changes, platelets present. Clinically, she is very well, she doesn't feel tired or weak, doesn't get sick often even though her leukocytes are low. But our concern is whether this can be corrected or if it can remain this way for life

Sent by Jeta Ademaj, më 18 October 2023 në 11:38

Hello Jeta, you need to go to a hematologist for the proper assessment. It's difficult to solve it this way

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 October 2023 në 09:20

Hello Dr. Sotiraq Lako, my mother, who is 57 years old, has been having issues with low white blood cell counts for 13 years now while being on antidepressants. But during the COVID period, when routine tests were compulsory, in 2020, my mom did her routine tests and we noticed a decrease in her white blood cells. Fearing it might be leukemia, she hasn't repeated them since. But now she has done all the tests - WBC 1.9, Lym% 70.1, Mid% 14.2, Gra 0.2, Gra% 8.5, RBC 4.04, HGB 124, HCT 35.1, PLT 303. LDH-283.9. Uric Acid 307, liver is enlarged at 166mm with diffuse steatosis, spleen is of normal size, shape, and homogeneous echo structure, no enlarged lymph nodes, peripheral blood smear shows normochromic normocytic erythrocytes, white blood cells without morphological changes, platelets present. Clinically, she is in very good condition with no fatigue or weakness and does not fall ill often even though her white blood cells are low. But the concern is whether this can be corrected or if it could remain for life

Sent by Jeta Ademaj, më 18 October 2023 në 11:38

Hello Jeta, you need to go to a hematologist for the proper assessment. It is difficult to solve it this way

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 October 2023 në 09:19

Hello doctor! Thanking you for every answer you have provided, I want to ask you once more. I have done the blood tests for my 6-year-old son and his complete blood count showed Monocytes at 8.2, with the reference value being less than 5; PLT 489 where the reference value is up to 450, and PCT 0.42 where the value is up to 0.35%. What do these indicate, please? The boy has had laryngitis and has been treated with aerosol with CLENIL Compositum, Aria Des syrup for allergies, and three days ago with Etason, a medicine similar to Sintredius. Could the medication have affected these results?

Sent by Eri, më 21 October 2023 në 06:59

Hello Eri, they are normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 October 2023 në 04:26

Hello doctor,
My mother has had a complete blood test and these are the results
Can you tell me if they are normal
Thank you
WBC (Leukocytes) 5.86 x10^3/uL 4 - 11
RBC (Erythrocytes) 4.29 x10^6/uL 4 - 5
HGB (Hemoglobin) 12.3 g/dL 12 - 15
HCT (Hematocrit) 37.0 % 36 - 44
MCV 86.3 fL 80 - 100
MCH 28.7 pg 26 - 34
MCHC 33.2 g/dL 31 - 37
PLT (Platelets) 294 x10^3/uL 150 - 450
LYM% 28.5 % 24 - 44
MONO% 8.79 % 3 - 10
EO% 3.71 % 0 - 5
BASO% 1.51 % 0 - 1 *
Neut% 57.5 % 40 - 60
Lym 1.67 x10^3/uL -
MONO 0.515 x10^3/uL -
EO 0.218 x10^3/uL -
BASO 0.088 x10^3/uL -
Neut 3.37 x10^3/uL 1.8 - 8.47
RDW -CV 11.2 % 0 - 14.5
PDW 20.8 fL 9.5 - 18.5 *
MPV 6.37 fL 8.5 - 13.5 *
PCT 0.187 % 0.17 - 0.35

Sent by Erika, më 22 December 2023 në 14:53

Hello Erika, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 December 2023 në 09:02

Hello Erika, normal analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 December 2023 në 09:02

Hello doctor, I have done my blood tests and 4 of them came out elevated. I wanted to ask if they are okay.

HCT 50.6 0.0-1.0

PCT 0.313 0.108-0.282

BAS 1.1 0.0-1.0

P-LCC 117 30-90

Sent by ilhan tahiri, më 29 January 2024 në 12:14

Hello Ilhan, normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2024 në 05:11

Hello doctor, I have done my blood tests and 4 of them came out elevated, I wanted to know if they are okay
HCT 50.6 0.0-1.0

PCT 0.313 0.108-0.282

BAS 1.1 0.0-1.0

P-LCC 117 30-90

Sent by ilhan tahiri, më 29 January 2024 në 12:15

Hello Ilhan, normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2024 në 05:12

Hello doctor, I have done my blood tests and 4 values have come back elevated. I wanted to know if they are okay.

HCT 50.6 0.0-1.0

PCT 0.313 0.108-0.282

BAS 1.1 0.0-1.0

P-LCC 117 30-90

Sent by ilhan tahiri, më 29 January 2024 në 12:15

Hello Ilhan, normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2024 në 05:11

Hello doctor, I have done the blood tests and 4 results came out elevated I wanted to know if they are okay

HCT 50.6 0.0-1.0

PCT 0.313 0.108-0.282

BAS 1.1 0.0-1.0

P-LCC 117 30-90

Sent by ilhan tahiri, më 29 January 2024 në 12:15

Hello Ilhan, normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2024 në 05:11

Hello doctor, I am 28 years old. My PDW is 24.65%.
Is this a worrying problem?

Sent by Mario , më 03 February 2024 në 14:28

Hello Mario, it's not a problem

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 February 2024 në 04:38

Doctor, after the blood tests, my Basophils came out as 0x10, MCV 79.2, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30, ferritin 37.2, vitamin D 14.4, and D-dimer 793. Three weeks ago, I went through a viral infection, possibly COVID. What should I do about these values? Thank you

Sent by Manjola, më 24 February 2024 në 11:38

Hello Manjola, except for the decrease in Vitamin D, the others are unimportant

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 February 2024 në 09:57

Hello doctor!
I have been treated by another doctor with ferramax once a day for 2 months, with initial ferritin 10.

From the last visit to you, you told me to do
1-) Ferritin
2-) Serum iron
3-) Blood panel
Those which are not normal are;

Neutrophils, my value 41.3, norm (50-62%)
Lymphocytes, my value 43.9, norm (25-40%)
Monocytes my value 11.2, norm (3-7%)

Hemoglobin my value 12.0, norm (12-16)

PDW my value 8.7, norm (9-17)
Mean platelet volume 8.6, norm (9-13)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 14, norm (<20)

Ferritin 29, norm (7-227)
Serum iron 52, norm (37-145)

I am 36 years old.
Thank you!

Sent by Anjeza Hoxha, më 04 March 2024 në 06:18

Hello Anjeza, Feramax does not fill iron stores. I never look for sideremia. What treatment did you take? How long have you taken it? What were the hemoglobin and ferritin levels before and after treatment?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 March 2024 në 07:23

Pershendetje doktor desha Pak mendimin tend per analizat
WBC 3.0
NEU 49.6
EO 0.7
CRP 2.64
Rruazat ekuqe te gjakur kane Dal shum mir faktikisht ne po kalojme nje grip te temerrshem familjarisht zuri goce gripi pastaj Mua desha te dij mendimin tend UN nje muaj para ketyre analizave Kisha bere dhe me kishin Dal shum mir

Sent by Mirela, më 01 April 2024 në 17:46

Pershnedetje Mirela, nje ulje e lehte e rruazave te bardha, probabilisht e lidhur me virozen. Nuk ka nevoje per mjekim. Rikontroll me analizen e gjakut.

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 May 2024 në 10:27

Pershendetje doktor desha Pak mendimin tend per analizat
WBC 3.0
NEU 49.6
EO 0.7
CRP 2.64
Rruazat ekuqe te gjakur kane Dal shum mir faktikisht ne po kalojme nje grip te temerrshem familjarisht zuri goce gripi pastaj Mua desha te dij mendimin tend UN nje muaj para ketyre analizave Kisha bere dhe me kishin Dal shum mir

Sent by Mirela, më 01 April 2024 në 17:51

Pershendetje Mirela, nje ulje e lehte e rruazave te bardha, probabilisht e lidhur me virozen. Nuk ka nevoje per mjekim. Rikontroll me analizen e gjakut.

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 May 2024 në 10:28

Pershendetje i kam bere manit analizat e gjakut dhe me shqeteson pak.
Azoti qe e ka 52.0
PCT 0.45
Ka problem?

Sent by Dea, më 14 April 2024 në 22:10

Pershendetje Dea, vlera normale.

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 May 2024 në 10:32

Pershendetje i kam bere manit analizat e gjakut dhe me shqeteson pak.
Azoti qe e ka 52.0
PCT 0.45
Ka problem?

Sent by Dea, më 14 April 2024 në 22:12

Pershendetje Dea, vlera normale.

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 May 2024 në 10:32

Pershendetje doktor jam perseri mirela UN Kam dhe nje shqetesime TJ Kam problem me faktorin e 12 NGA 70 qe duhet te jet UN e Kam 50 she kjo gje me Sjell nje anomali Tek APTT e Kam APTT 44 dhe kur vritem ose heq dhemb Kam hemoragji UN madje Kam lindur nje femije me lindje normale por nuk pata problem problemi ateher nuk e dija tani e Kam kapur desha te doje mendimin tend sepse Kam deshir te bej dhe femije theater po Kam frik mos pesoj dicka cfar a duhet te ndjek ndonje procedur dhe faleminderit shum

Sent by Mirela , më 20 May 2024 në 20:51

Pershendetje Mirela, ju keni nje rritje te lehte te APTT, qe ne jeten e perditeshme nuk ju sjell shqetesime. Ne rast nderhyrje kirurgjikale diskutohet me specialistin.

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 May 2024 në 09:07

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