Anemia (Part 1)

The primary function of blood, its identification, is oxygen transport. Anemia comes from Greek (Αναιμία), meaning "without blood," referring to a deficit of erythrocytes resulting in a decrease in Hb (found only within erythrocytes), leading to pallor and fatigue.

Although from a pathophysiological perspective, anemia is defined as a reduction in the total mass of circulating erythrocytes, functionally it is defined as a decrease in the blood transport capacity (Hb found only within erythrocytes) for O2, resulting in tissue hypoxia.

The blood's transport capacity for oxygen is reduced by a decrease in Hb levels (the direct transporter of oxygen), with or without a decrease in the number of circulating erythrocytes. All human cells depend on oxygen for survival, and varying degrees of anemia (lack of Hb) will have different clinical consequences, determined by the speed of anemia onset, its severity, patient age, and the Hb dissociation curve from oxygen – as discussed below.

Anemia must be distinguished from hypoxemia (reduction in the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood), although both conditions cause tissue hypoxia.

It is important to note that iron (Fe) pigment provides the red color of Hb. Erythrocytes, and consequently blood, have the majority of colored elements (the remaining part of blood without erythrocytes has no red color).

When the Hb value decreases, with or without a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, there will be a decrease in blood color, resulting in pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, the use of the term "anemia" is not entirely illogical. However, there is no lack of blood (the total volume of blood remains the same, only the volume of erythrocytes will decrease, and the plasma volume will increase, while the volume of the other blood components is constant). A more accurate term would be achromia (an – not, hemi – the pigment that gives color to erythrocytes and all blood). Still, achromia does not imply a complete lack of color, of Hb, so the term hypochromia is used to describe the reduction in erythrocyte color.

Therefore, if there is a decrease in Hb (and/or RBC), there will be a decrease in blood color, resulting in pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The color of the skin and mucous membranes is determined by the amount of Hb, the number of vessels in the submucosa and the mucous membranes' zone, as the epidermis and epithelium do not have blood vessels, so they are transparent. This does not happen if the other two series' volumes decrease or increase.

The more accurate term to describe the decrease in the number of erythrocytes (resulting in a decrease in Hb) is erythropenia.

The term 'anemia' used in clinical medicine refers to the reduction below the accepted normal values of Hb (according to the age and gender of the individual) with or without a decrease in the absolute number of circulating erythrocytes. Anemia is defined as a reduction in the total amount of Hb, compared to normal physiological values. A decrease in Hb, with or without a decrease in the absolute number of erythrocytes, leads to the onset of clinical symptoms and signs of anemia.

In terms of quantity, anemia is a 20% reduction in the respective reference values (for Hb), i.e., less than 12 g% in women and 13 g% in men.

Preferably, Hb is used more than the RBC count because there are hypochromic microcytic anemias (Iron Deficiency Anemia, Thalassemic Syndromes, etc.) where the number of erythrocytes is normal or even above normal (thalassemia).

In daily practice, instead of the less common, more expensive, and time-consuming method of directly measuring erythrocyte mass, which would be more accurate, the following parameters are used:

  • Hb concentration.
  • Hematocrit values (Hct).
  • Number of erythrocytes.

These parameters are expressed as numbers in g/dl, %, and mm3, representing erythrocytes in comparison to plasma (the fluid environment in which they are found).

So when evaluating anemia, the plasma volume must also be assessed (whether it is increased, resulting in hemodilution of blood elements, or decreased, resulting in a not real increase in the number of blood elements). In these cases, the assessment should be made after correcting the plasma volume or after some time.

In normal values, all three parameters are influenced by several important factors such as sex, age, race, and the altitude of the place where they live.

Regulation of Hematopoiesis

A perfect dynamic balance is required between controlled cell death (apoptosis of aging or structurally altered cells) and controlled cell production.

The basic function of erythrocytes is to create and maintain a healthy environment for the physical and functional integrity of hemoglobin.

Erythrocytes are the simplest cells in the body but highly specialized (destined to die after completing their function). They are a sacrificial cell to ensure the structure and function of the primary oxygen transporter in the body, Hb. After the nucleus is ejected (no DNA and RNA), it cannot be considered a complete cell, even though it performs a major duty to provide as much space as possible for Hb. It lacks the essential organelles for regenerating damaged structures during its existence (ribosomes for protein synthesis, enzymes). It lacks mitochondria necessary for energy synthesis through the Krebs cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation but obtains energy through an inefficient pathway like anaerobic glycolysis (cytoplasm) while transporting oxygen. It takes a shape to provide the largest surface area for a specific volume, requiring continuous energy, and obtains the necessary energy through an inefficient pathway like anaerobic glycolysis when it transports oxygen. It follows a unique route, such as the production of 2,3 DPG, which consumes more energy. It circulates many times a day in microcirculation (mechanical stress and hypoxia), makes a circulation every 20 seconds throughout the body (170,000 cycles), and does all this for 120 days (4 months).

The total blood volume is the sum of plasma volume + erythrocyte mass (RCM-Red cell mass). TCRV-total red cell volume or RCM is measured with Cr or Tc radioactively, and normal values in men are 25-35 ml/kg and in women 22-32 ml/kg. Plasma volume is 40-50 ml/kg (2.25 liters of erythrocyte volume in the total circulating blood volume or 2250 ml: 70 kg ≈ 32 ml/kg).

Blood is a special fluid connective tissue. The fluid is plasma water. Therefore, all hydrodynamic laws are used for blood (in the case of blood as a fluid, hemodynamics is spoken). Erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes, lipids, circulating proteins, etc., are spoken of because they are in continuous circulation within a closed system of tubes and a pump that autonomously pushes them continuously. Of an average of 5 liters of blood, only 2.25 liters (45%) are cells. The rest is plasma, which itself is 93% water and 7% solid substances (mostly proteins like albumin, fibrinogen, but also lipids, electrolytes, sugar, etc.). Of 2.25 liters of cells, only 0.037 liters (1.6%) are leukocytes, and less than 0.0065 liters (a teaspoon) is the volume of all circulating platelets.

The diameter of erythrocytes is 6-8 µm (average 7.5 µm).

  1. With normal size, they are called normocytes.
  2. When sizes are < 6 micrometers, they are called microcytes (small cells).
  3. When sizes are > 9 micrometers, they are called macrocytes (large cells).
  4. When sizes are > 12 micrometers, they are called megalocytes.

Regarding color, erythrocytes are normochromic, hypochromic, but not hyperchromic. A normochromic erythrocyte means it is filled to its maximum capacity for its size.

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incomplete article

Sent by teuta dushkaj, më 28 March 2013 në 13:42

The article was very understandable, but I am comparing my analyses and if you could give me an answer. My question is: According to the results of the analyses, it appears that I may have anemia according to point 3 of the morphological classification, and my iron level is 56. Please, what advice can you give if possible?

Sent by Roza Naumi, më 19 June 2013 në 16:39


To give you an accurate answer, I also need the following data: Erythrocytes (RBC), Hemoglobin (Hgb), Ferritin

Sent by Dr. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 June 2013 në 06:13

Thank you for the response. In fact, in previous analyses, my RBC was below 4 million, while in the latest complete blood analysis, it was 4.18*10^6, HGB was 13.7 g/dl. Ferritin was 22.83 ng/ml and serum iron was 51 ng/dl. I wish you all the best

Sent by Roza Naumi, më 24 June 2013 në 15:57

Thank you for the answer. I am sending the other data as well: RBC=4.18*10^6/nl, previously I had them under 4 million, HGB=13.7g/dl, Ferritin=22.83ng/ml, Iron level=51, so not 56. Also, in the WBC results, the NEU% level has always been below 50%, and in the latest analysis NEU=48.3%. SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE, Roza

Sent by ROZA NAUMI, më 25 June 2013 në 06:47

I apologize for not explaining to you that in the analysis of liver function, my ALT (GPT) levels are always above the norm. In the latest analysis, it was 58 U/L, and Alkaline Phosphatase level was 164 U/L. Thank you for your dedication, Roza

Sent by ROZA NAUMI, më 25 June 2013 në 06:52

The number of erythrocytes, the values of Hemoglobin and Ferritin are within normal limits and you currently do not have any problem with anemia.

As for the values of ALT, they are discussed with a gastro-hepatologist, even though they are tests done on peripheral blood

Sent by Dr. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 June 2013 në 04:12

I thank you immensely and wish you all the best

Sent by Roza Naumi, më 26 June 2013 në 04:15

Please, I have a son whose MCV is 56.6 and MCH 19.3, Hgb 11.5, but they have told me he has beta-thalassemia minor. However, we are surprised because in the analysis his monocytes are 13.8 and lymphocytes 45.3. The boy is only 6 years old and we have just discovered this. Please, give me a comment. I am very worried

Sent by amarilda, më 30 Agust 2013 në 08:31

Hello, thank you for the article. I have been concerned for some time due to the presence of some fibroids that I am regularly monitoring. The latest analyses, besides being indicative of this, I would kindly ask you to interpret some elements for me: Wbc 3.4, MON %10.4, NEU % 46.4, NEU 1.6, RDW 16.1, MCHC 29.7, MCH 23.4, MCV 78.8, HCT 27.9, HGB 8.3, and RBC 3.54. Should I be worried and which indicator could suggest another disease, besides anemia? Thank you

Sent by Keti, më 25 September 2013 në 14:46

Hello! The article is very accurate and somewhat understandable for those who are not related to the field of medicine. I would like you to give me an opinion regarding the following elements: WBC 7.8, LYM 2.3, MON 0.5, GRA 5.0, LYM 30.1%, MON 5.3%, GRA 64%, RBC 5.39, HGB 9.7, HCT 32.7, MCV 60.7, MCH 18.0, MCHC 29.7, RDW 14.0. Should I be concerned, and if possible, can you give me a precise answer regarding the type of anemia and if it is problematic. Thank you

Sent by jola , më 02 November 2013 në 15:37

The general blood analysis had these results, please help me understand if I have anemia and if so, which type.

wBC 9.63
RBC 4.65
HGB 11.9
HCT 36.3
MCV 78.1
MCH 25.6
MCHC 32.8
PLT 322
PDW 12.2
MPV 10.8
PCT 0.35
NEUT 6.13
MONO 9.4

Sent by neda, më 19 February 2014 në 20:08

Thank you for the article, Doctor. It is very valuable

Sent by Dhurata Sallaku, më 22 May 2014 në 04:01

For Amarilda,

The child may have Thalassemia Minor (the value of Erythrocytes is also needed), but this has no connection with the values of monocytes and lymphocytes

Sent by Sotiraq, më 25 May 2014 në 06:46

For Keti,

I haven't seen the comments, despite the delay, but if anemia has not been treated, it absolutely needs to be assessed and treated

Sent by Sotiraq, më 25 May 2014 në 06:47

For Jola,

You need to do Ferritinemia and Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. Suspected of Thalassemia Minor

Sent by Sotiraq, më 25 May 2014 në 06:49

For the reason,

You need to do Ferritin and Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Sent by Sotiraq, më 25 May 2014 në 06:50

With all that I have read in this article, I learned that all these concerns that anemia presents, I have them too, and from the few visits I have made, no one has told me that I have them because of anemia. My hemoglobin is 9.7, and I have also done electrophoresis and it showed that I have congenital anemia. Please, I would really like to know which hematologist wrote this article as I am in great need of such a doctor. Best regards

Sent by anisa, më 16 June 2014 në 17:42

a very comprehensive article, thank you. Will you have the opportunity to publish a table with all the blood test indicators of a healthy person?

Sent by leke marku, më 09 September 2014 në 03:17

A fully professional explanation. Thank you for these explanations. Please, if Hemoglobin (but also some other indicators of the blood formula) turns out to be higher than normal, (slightly higher than 14 hemoglobin), what is the problem, or is it just a computer calculation... Regards

Sent by adel, më 26 October 2014 në 10:36

Great article, it couldn't have been more specific than this. Thank you

Sent by alda kamberaj, më 20 February 2015 në 13:53

A correct article. Thank you for the information

Sent by blerina , më 22 March 2015 në 07:51

Complete information, very valuable classifier

Sent by Aurora, më 11 April 2015 në 04:24

I congratulate you on the information and above all on the responses you provide. I have realized for 3 years the lack of iron, ferritin, and sideremia. All other parameters are within the norms, while the ferritin storage is 4.5.
Please give me a comment

Sent by Migena Toto, më 22 April 2015 në 08:48

For Migena,

If you have hemoglobin > 12 gr/dl and ferritin 4.5 ng/ml - you are considered to have an Iron Deficiency. The causes of the deficiency are evaluated = repeated blood loss in most cases and of course, it is treated with a therapeutic dose of iron (180-200 mg elemental iron/day) for at least 2 consecutive months and after 2 months the ferritin is re-evaluated. The goal is > 20 ng/ml and the optimal value for women is about 60 ng/ml. Iron deficiency is impossible to correct with food

Sent by Sotiraq Lako, më 16 April 2016 në 02:54

wbc 7.43
hgb 12.2
mch 28.5
rbc 4.28
mcv 87.9
sediment 15

Sent by ema, më 10 Agust 2016 në 13:03

I need the platelet values as well in order to give you a complete answer. What you have presented so far is normal. However, ferritin levels are always checked too, and only when that is normal, you truly don't have any issues with iron

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2016 në 03:21

Hello, I have done the blood tests and everything has come back good including hemoglobin and erythrocytes, whereas ferritin has come back low (4). What does that mean?

Sent by Greta, më 16 September 2016 në 12:46

Hello, you have iron deficiency without anemia from iron deficiency. It is the largest deficiency problem in the world. The cause of iron deficiency is almost always repeated blood loss. In women, menstruation plays a primary role, but there is also a need to look for occult blood loss in urine and feces. The treatment is with a full dose of medicinal iron (200 mg elemental iron/day) for at least 2 months in a row, and after 2 months, ferritinemia is re-evaluated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2016 në 03:20

Hello, I have done blood tests and everything has come out well including hemoglobin and erythrocytes, whereas ferritin has come out low (4). What does this mean?

Sent by Greta, më 16 September 2016 në 13:04

Hello, you have iron deficiency without anemia from iron deficiency. It is the biggest deficiency problem in the world. The cause of iron deficiency is almost always repeated blood loss. In females, menstruation plays a primary role, but there is also a need to look for occult blood loss in urine and feces. The treatment is with the full therapeutic dose of iron (200 mg elemental iron/day) for at least 2 consecutive months, and after 2 months, ferritinemia is re-evaluated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2016 në 03:19

I recently did blood tests and the following results came back: HGB 9.60, HCT 30.70, MCV 70.10, MCH 22.00, Rbc 4.38, RDW-CV 15.90, and WBC 5.43. I wanted to know if we are dealing with Iron Deficiency Anemia. Thank you

Sent by Xhuljeta , më 19 September 2016 në 16:07

Hello, if you have Hypochromic Microcytic anemia, the main cause is iron deficiency. You need to be treated as I have explained in the article, for the complete correction of hemoglobin and iron stores, which is the cause of anemia from iron deficiency

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2016 në 03:18

Hello doctor! Compliments for the article. I was told that my iron stores are low, please if you could give me an accurate response.

Rbc 4.91
Hgb 13.1
Mct 38.5
Mcv 78.4
Mchc 34.0 34.7
Mch 26.7
Rdw ch 12.3

Ferritinemia 9.2

Thank you

Sent by lorena Hoxha, më 29 September 2016 në 05:29

Hello, you have iron deficiency, without anemia from iron deficiency. It is the biggest deficiency problem in the world. The cause of iron deficiency is almost always repeated blood loss. In females, menstruation plays a major role, but there is also a need to look for occult blood loss in urine and feces. The treatment is with the full therapeutic dose of iron (200 mg elemental iron/day) for at least 2 consecutive months, and after 2 months, ferritin levels are re-evaluated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2016 në 03:16

Hello, if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is at the value of 5, is it within the normal range?

Sent by Adriatik Musliu, më 29 September 2016 në 09:28

Hello, ESR in normal range is up to 20, but it depends on gender, age, number of erythrocytes. A value of 5 is normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2016 në 03:13

When the sediment is 40 from the normal values which are 0-10 what does it mean? What are the additional analyses or further checks that I need to do?? Thank you

Sent by Denada, më 28 November 2016 në 08:08

Hello. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) depends on many factors; age (the older the age, the higher the ESR), gender (females > males), presence of anemia (the deeper the anemia, the higher the ESR), increase in blood circulating proteins with high molecular weight (fibrinogen - an acute phase inflammation protein that can be stimulated by infection, trauma, etc., increase in immunoglobulins. There is a formula for its calculation; for females age + 10 divided by 2 and for males age divided by 2

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 November 2016 në 13:45

Hello, my grandmother's tests showed a GPT=86. The doctor said it was above normal but didn't provide any further details, while my grandmother often complains about noises her liver makes. The doctor told her she has anemia. What is your opinion, doctor?

Sent by Andri Cela, më 01 December 2016 në 11:35

Hello, it is an analysis for which you need to discuss with a hepatologist (liver diseases doctor)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 December 2016 në 08:48

Is a sediment rate of 130 normal?? considering that the person suffers from cancer.
Thank you

Sent by Anna, më 06 December 2016 në 06:58

Hello, the increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is related to many factors; 1) age (aging is associated with an increase in ESR), 2) gender (females>males), 3) anemia (the greater the anemia, the higher the ESR), 4) inflammatory processes (increase in fibrinogen which is a high molecular weight acute phase protein of inflammation) and inflammatory processes can be triggered by infections and non-infectious factors (age, cancer, rheumatic diseases), 5) increase in other high molecular weight proteins (immunoglobulins); 6) their combination. Cancer triggers an inflammatory response and can be a cause for the increase in ESR, but gender, age, existing anemia, the type of cancer (if the cancer is associated with an increase in immunoglobulins, there is also a greater increase in ESR) can also influence

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 December 2016 në 10:21

Hello, I have a 31-day-old son and I have had an anemia test done with these results: hgb 11.1 hct 29.50% mcv 91. I feed my son breast milk. Is there any problem with my child? Because they are telling me here that he might be experiencing blood loss in his body or head. Thank you, doctor

Sent by Anisa, më 09 January 2017 në 15:51

Hello doctor, my brother had his blood tests and these are the results: HGB 7.3 g/dl, MCHC 27.4 g/dl, MCH 19.1 pg, MCV 69.6 fL, HCT 26.6% as well as bilirubin levels of 1.4 mg/dl, ALT 16 u/l. He is following a treatment with Heferol 350 mg, Spazmotek Plus, and vitamin C. Please, is this treatment okay or not? And should we be concerned about the worm in the liver? Please, I need an answer

Sent by Viola, më 25 January 2017 në 16:27

Hello, the fact that the hemoglobin is 7.3 gr/dl indicates that there is anemia classified at its moderate level. It would be good to also write the value of erythrocytes, but the fact that MCV and MCH are low indicates that it is hypochromic microcytic anemia and the most likely possibilities are Iron Deficiency Anemia for which ferritinemia is done and if it is low, treatment continues with Ferroli 350 mg 2 x 1 capsules/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Folic Acid 5 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day, if the patient is an adult, as well as investigating the causes of the reduced ferritinemia (generally repeated blood loss). Another possibility is the combination of Iron-Deficiency Anemia + Thalassemia Minor. You continue the treatment as I have written and after 1 month you will do: complete blood count + ferritinemia + hemoglobin electrophoresis. Also, do an abdominal ultrasound for the size of the spleen, presence or absence of stones in the gallbladder, fecal occult blood, fecal parasites, complete urine. Bilirubin increases for many reasons related to erythrocytes or the liver, but the current value does not interfere with daily life. After 1 month, total and indirect bilirubin should be repeated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2017 në 04:14

I am 48 years old. I had a hemorrhage due to endometritis, which led to anemia of 6.4. I was hospitalized and received 2 bags of blood. The biopsy of the endometrium turned out to be without problems. I stayed in the hospital for 10 days. Afterward, I was treated with iron pills twice a day for 4 months. The latest analyses I have done are WBC 9.2, RBC 4.53, HGB 11.3, HCT 40.8, PLT 223, PCT 158, MCV 90m, MCH 25, MCHC 27.8, RDW 12.5, MPV 7.1, PDW 11.3, differential LYM 20.1%, MON 3.7%, GRA 76.2%, LYM 1.8, MON 0.3, GRA 7.1, leukocyte formula SEG 76, LYM 20, MONO 4, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 19. I have never done a ferritin test. The gynecologist told me not to take iron anymore. Please doctor, with these analyses, should I be calm that they are normal? Besides iron, I have not taken anything else to increase hemoglobin. Should I take folic acid or vitamins B6 or B12? The gynecologist has told me that I don't need any other blood tests because we know the cause of the anemia. To not have hemorrhages anymore, as this was the cause of the current anemia, I am now taking progesterone to normalize the cycle, as it is clear I am in perimenopause. Please doctor, your advice would also help and reassure me as I am very stressed. Respect for your work in serving people

Sent by leta, më 09 March 2017 në 09:02

Hello Leta, your anemia has improved, but it has not been corrected. The treatment will continue firstly with the correction of anemia (> 12 gr/dl and correction of hypochromia) and then of ferritinemia, which is the cause of the anemia. You will check your ferritin level and if it is < 20 ng/ml, it is considered low. If it is at least 20 ng/ml, it is considered normal, but the optimal value is around 60 ng/ml. If you have normal ferritin, you will not take iron and the discussion about the anemia you have will be towards a mild inherited anemia (Thalassemia Minor). If Ferritinemia is low, you will continue the treatment (if you have no reaction) with: Heforol 350 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day and since you have had severe anemia and significant recovery of hemoglobin and the possibility of depletion and emptying of iron stores is possible, you will also take Folic Acid 5 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day. The treatment will continue for at least 3 months with the aim of fully correcting the anemia first and then the ferritinemia. Only when Ferritinemia is corrected (around 60 ng/ml) are you properly treated. If you also address blood loss, the hematologic problem is healed

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 March 2017 në 12:23

Hello doctor, I am LETA. I apologize for bothering you again. I did the ferritin test and the result was 33.4. The laboratory's normal range was 15 to 150 ng per ml for females. I also had an abdominal ultrasound where the spleen, liver, kidneys, pancreas, everything was in normality, no problems. Please, re-evaluating my tests that I sent you in the first message, what should I do? Should I take folic acid or vitamin B12 since I am taking progesterone for menstrual regulation, and also taking medications for blood pressure, amlodipine, and atenolol? Is it normal to have weight loss and frequent defecation? It seems that this situation has caused me a lot of stress since I sleep little at night and am tired. I have bad thoughts and have become very pessimistic. I don't know if I will regain my lost health since I am a mother of 4 children and they need me every moment. Thank you for your dedication, I wish you a long life, doctor

Sent by leta, më 15 March 2017 në 08:27

Hello Leta, Ferritinemia is considered normal and for the mild anemia you have, you will do the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis analysis to confirm or exclude a mild congenital anemia (Thalassemia Minor). If confirmed, it is not an anemia that requires treatment (we help with some vitamins) and moreover, it is not related to the concerns you have. For frequent fatigue and weight loss, initially do the TSH analysis (an increase in thyroid function could be a cause). We will talk again after you have done the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and TSH

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 March 2017 në 09:12

Hello. My 3.5-year-old daughter has ESD 30. What does this mean? What additional tests should I do? Thank you

Sent by Luna, më 22 March 2017 në 16:47

Hello Luna, ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate, it is slightly elevated. There are several causes for the increase, including age, gender, the presence of anemia, any process that promotes inflammation (infections, etc.), and the increase of some proteins in the blood. The increase in Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate does not have any clinical consequences, meaning it is not the cause of any concern for the child. We repeat it after some time, if the child does not have any particular concerns, for example; after 2-3 weeks and it is also accompanied by CRP and Fibrinogen

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 March 2017 në 05:31

Hello, my daughter is 14 years old and now, after doing the tests, it turns out she has mild Thalassemia. I don't understand, to be discovered at this age

Sent by Ala, më 24 March 2017 në 16:42

Hello Ala, Thalassemia Minor is discovered at any age, in most cases when performing a peripheral blood analysis and from there it is suspected and complemented with other analyses (at least Hemoglobin Electrophoresis). It is not treated, you will also do ferritinemia for the girl

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 March 2017 në 11:19

Hello. I have these data regarding the tests done: wbc 6.50, rbc 4.59, hgb 12.2, mchc 346, mch 26.6, mcv 76.9, rdw-cv 12.3%, rdw-sd 41.7, hct 35.4%, mpv 8.6... does it show I am anemic?

Sent by Xhesi, më 20 June 2017 në 08:18

Hello, when hemoglobin is > 12 gr/dl in a woman, it is not considered anemia. But you have low MCV and need to do Ferritinemia and Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. When you have done them, we will discuss again

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 June 2017 në 12:20

Hello doctor! I have these data regarding the tests done: wbc 6.50, rbc 4.59, hgb 12.2, mchc 346, mch 26.6, mcv 76.9, rdw-cv 12.3%, rdw-sd 41.7, hct 35.3%, mpv 8.6, pct 0.206. Do I result in being anemic? Thank you

Sent by Xhesi, më 20 June 2017 në 08:31

Hello, when hemoglobin is > 12 gr/dl in a woman, it is not considered anemia. But you have low MCV and you need to do; Ferritinemia and Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. When you do them, we will discuss again

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 June 2017 në 12:20

Hello! Is it possible for a hematologist to follow a patient for two years for anemia, and not be able to distinguish that the patient has hyperthyroidism!? Does this cause anemia?

Sent by Giulia, më 11 July 2017 në 04:48

Hello Giulia, damage to the function of the thyroid causes anemia. But if the anemia is due to a lack of iron, which is the most common anemia in practice and for this ferritinemia is done, this has nothing to do with the function of the thyroid gland

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 July 2017 në 09:27

Hello doctor, I have these blood test elements out of range: MCH 45.6 pg, MCHC 31.8 g/dl, p-Lcr 45.1, neutrophil segments 34.2%, NEU bands 15%. Am I anemic?

Sent by Eriselda, më 17 July 2017 në 14:56

Hello Eriselda, can you write the entire peripheral blood analysis? Anemia is assessed by the value of hemoglobin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 July 2017 në 01:42

Other data --- Leukocytes 5.08, Erythrocytes 1.89, hemoglobin 12.0 g/dl, hematocrit 37.7%, MCV 80.4 fl, MCH 25.6 pg, MCHC 31.8 g/dl, PLT Platelets 173, RDW-SD 41.3, RDW-CV 14.4, PDW 16.6, MPV 12.6, P-LCR 45.1%, Monocytes 9.6%, Lymphocytes 39.4%,

Sent by Eriselda, më 18 July 2017 në 03:26

Hello Eriselda, we assess anemia based on the value of hemoglobin. According to WHO criteria, anemia in women is when hemoglobin is less than 12 gr/dl (i.e., 11.9, 11.8 ...). Currently, you are not classified as anemic. Perhaps you have written the value of Erythrocytes incorrectly. The other parameters are normal. I recommend doing a ferritin test

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 July 2017 në 09:55

Hello Doctor, the erythrocytes were 4.89, it was written incorrectly. Why should this analysis (ferritinemia) be done, I have also been advised for hemoglobin electrophoresis, why is it necessary?
Thank you for the suggestions!
Thank you!

Sent by Eriselda, më 19 July 2017 në 03:34

Hello Eriselda, ferritinemia is the best indicator of iron stores and iron deficiency is the biggest problem in the world, especially for women. You can have iron deficiency without anemia from iron deficiency. Iron deficiency causes fatigue, breakage, loss of balance, dry mouth, etc. Today, it has been established by law, that every couple that is going to have a child will do Hemoglobin Electrophoresis once in their lifetime. The latter is done to discover carriers of hemoglobinopathies (inherited hemoglobin diseases) - Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 July 2017 në 08:46


Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 July 2017 në 08:48

Hello, doctor. I liked your article. A few days ago, I had a bout of diarrhea in the morning, about 1 hour I went 7-8 times then it stopped. I was taking Augmentin which had been prescribed by my dentist. From lunchtime, I had tachycardia and difficulty breathing. I visited a cardiologist, and he said that the tachycardia was sinus (115 beats per min) and it was the result of the diarrhea condition. In the afternoon, I did some tests. Complete blood work all within normal ranges. Red blood cells 5.05 million, white blood cells 8.9 thousand, hemoglobin 14.1, and others normal. Iron in blood came out 49. Does this indicate an iron deficiency? I am 57 years old. Please, what do you advise? Thank you

Sent by ardiana, më 27 July 2017 në 09:18

Hello Ardiana, the best indicator of iron stores is ferritinemia. Its value for females should be above 20 ng/ml and the optimal value around 60 ng/ml. If it is < 20 ng/ml, it is considered iron deficiency, for females

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 July 2017 në 10:00

Thank you for the reply. I had another question: does the time of taking the analysis (afternoon at 6) and the fact that I had diarrhea affect the level of iron in the blood? Do women have different levels of iron? Forgive me for the inconvenience

Sent by ardiana, më 27 July 2017 në 10:18

Hello Ardiana, ferritinemia is an acute phase inflammation protein, so if diarrhea is a result of acute inflammation, it can be accompanied by an increase in ferritinemia and a decrease in sideremia (which represents the iron circulating in the blood = iron in tests)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 July 2017 në 10:42

Hello doctor! The article is very clear, thank you for the information... I have an 18-year-old son and his erythrocyte count is above normal, 62.5, Hb 11.3, while MCH 17.6, MCV, MCHC, again low below normal. Serum iron level is 88,... they told me that he is a carrier... please tell me if the condition is worrisome and what I can do... thank you..

Sent by linda, më 09 Agust 2017 në 06:09

Hello Linda, according to the data, it appears that your son has Thalassemia Minor, or is a carrier of Thalassemia. We have over 8% of the population with this issue. It will be complemented by Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and Ferritinemia. It is certain that one of the parents is also a carrier of Thalassemia, possibly both. If you have other children, each will undergo: complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. It is not curable, we assess it for the possibility of transmission to children and the main issue is when both parents are carriers of Thalassemia, or sickle cell disease, their combination. So, the greatest importance will be when your son gets married and has children, it will be mandatory for his spouse, wherever she may be from, to undergo the above tests

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 Agust 2017 në 08:59

Thank you, Dr. Sotiraq! I also have 2 other children, the girl has low ferritin 6.7, and serum iron 28, while Hb 11.9.. whereas the other boy has no problems... I have had a bit of anemia in general, whereas my husband has not...

Sent by Linda, më 10 Agust 2017 në 03:51

Hello Mrs. Linda, I do not know how old your daughter is, but if she is an adult (> 14 years old) it is certain that she has an iron deficiency and needs to be treated with iron for at least 2 months consecutively until the complete correction of iron stores (ferritin around 60 ng/ml). The boy will again do the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and other analyses. The most likely possibility is that you are a carrier of Thalassemia. The analyses you need to do are: complete blood count + ferritin + hemoglobin electrophoresis. If you live in Tirana, at the Central Laboratory of the American Hospital (next to the "Geraldine" Maternity) there is an offer for 22,000 old lek for all three analyses and can be done at any time (they are not related to food)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 Agust 2017 në 07:40

Hello. The article is very informative. It is written clearly and understandably even for us who have not studied biology or medicine.
I wanted your opinion, doctor. My son is 2 years old and I had his blood tested. His Hemoglobin came out to 11.4 and Hematocrit 30.8. I am waiting for your professional opinion, because so far I have been given 2 different evaluations by 2 different doctors. Thank you

Sent by Eglantina, më 29 Agust 2017 në 08:13

Hello Eglantina, as you have read, anemia is evaluated based on the value of hemoglobin and according to WHO criteria, it is considered anemia in children 0.5-5 years old if hemoglobin < 11 gr/dl. Therefore, according to these criteria, the boy does not have anemia. It is good to also write the rest of the blood analysis (the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, etc.) and to perform ferritinemia which assesses iron stores. If ferritinemia is also normal, the boy does not have blood problems. If the iron stores are also normal, since children at this age grow quickly and need iron, you can use iron supplements or foods that contain iron (milk, iron-fortified cookies), meat, vegetables, fruits (every plant and animal product contains iron)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 Agust 2017 në 01:27

Hello Doctor,
Please if you could clarify for me regarding the response to the latest tests. The values are as follows:
Hb 10.3
RBC 4.68
WBC 5.72
MCV 70.5
HCT 33.0
MCH 22.0
They told me that I need to do other tests to specify the type of anemia. Please can you specify what other tests I need to do.
Thank you in advance

Sent by Ada, më 31 Agust 2017 në 05:29

Hello Ada, you have mild anemia, likely due to iron deficiency. You need to do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. If you have an iron deficiency (ferritinemia < 20 ng/ml), you will receive treatment for Iron Deficiency Anemia. The most commonly used medication (if you do not have a reaction) is Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day + vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day, for at least 3 months consecutively. After 1 month, a complete blood count will be done and after 3 months of treatment; complete blood count + ferritinemia will be done. If Ferritinemia is normal (for a woman about 60 ng/ml), it is probably Thalassemia Minor, which is not treated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 September 2017 në 07:56

Hello, this article of yours is quite interesting :) I was interested in knowing more about the analyses that I have done, but I can't find similar ones (Complete blood) I am a 26-year-old WOMAN with erythrocytes 4.19mln, hb11.3, sedimentation 35 (WBC 6.7 RBC 4.19, HGB 11.3 HCT 34.4
MCV 82.1 MCH 27.0 MCHC 32.8 PLT 2680

Sent by brunilda, më 10 September 2017 në 16:35

Hello Brunilda, you have mild anemia, probably from iron deficiency. Ferritinemia should be done. It is the most common anemia in practice, especially for women. Can you explain to me the value of the platelets (PLT) 268,000 or 2,680,000 mm3?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 September 2017 në 01:46

Platelet count 268,000/mm3 Thank you for the answer, doctor :) Would it be okay to take medication considering that I am currently on allergy medication, or could I replace it with food? Since I am currently using Medrol, Flonidan, Risonel 0.05, Flusenil, and Amoksilave. I am 54 kg, 169 cm, and my blood pressure is 5 over 8. Thank you for your answer

Sent by Brunilda , më 11 September 2017 në 14:55

Hello Brunilda, as you have read in the article, there is no anemia caused by food and no anemia that is corrected with food. I write this so that people can appreciate and treat the problem appropriately. You will do a ferritin test and if it is low, you will be treated for at least 3 months with iron supplements with the initial goal of correcting the anemia (hemoglobin > 12 gr/dl) and the ultimate goal of correcting the ferritin levels (for women around 60 ng/ml). And you must keep in mind that we are treating the consequence, not the cause. Anemia is caused by a lack of iron, and the lack of iron is almost always caused by repeated blood loss, where in women, the main role is played by blood loss during menstruation (the blood is red because of the iron). Therefore, the possibility of recurrence of iron deficiency, if the cause is not eliminated, is likely and you will receive it alongside other treatments. The therapeutic dose of elemental iron is 200 mg/day and more frequent use (if you do not have a reaction from the medications); Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsules/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 September 2017 në 01:49

Hello doctor! I really liked the material you present. It is a great help for us who have problems. I do blood tests more than twice a year, as I have been diagnosed with thalassemia minor, since 4 years ago when I did the hemoglobin electrophoresis (I can't find the analysis sheet, but the numbers were low, under 80). I'm concerned about ferritin, which is in high quantity, while according to the analyses I also have microcytosis. I don't know when ferritin becomes harmful and how I should act to mitigate the damage. A year ago, ferritin was 521 and sideremia 89, while the analyses from September 15, 2017 give this picture: RBC 6.17 10^12/L; HGB 12.1, MCHC 29.2 g/dL, MCH 19.7 pg; MCV 67.2 fL; RDW-CV 14.2%; RDW-SD 31.5 fL; HCT 41.5%; PLT 252 10^9/L; MPV 8.0 fL; PDW 13.4%; PCT 0.203%; P-LCR 17.1%., total bilirubin 0.64; ALT 21; AST 26. Thank you

Sent by Kastriot, më 26 September 2017 në 06:15

Hello Kastriot, you have Thalassemia Minor = a mild congenital anemia that is not treated. We only consider this a problem due to the possible transmission to offspring and because it favors the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Ferritin levels are usually normal or elevated. Up to 1000 ng/ml, ferritin can cause fatigue, but it does not cause damage to the organism. There are also other factors that can increase ferritin levels (liver diseases, alcohol use, rheumatic diseases, lipid disorders, etc.). You will undergo tests for Serum Iron, TIBC, Lipid Profile, Uric Acid, Transaminases, Bilirubin, GGT, CRP

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 September 2017 në 09:46

Thank you, doctor, for your response! But it seems I provided incomplete data for the tests. In addition to the above, on September 15th, these were also included: sideremia 229, ferritin 681 (these numbers concerned me), as well as: glucose 87; urea 46, creatinine Jaffe 1; triglycerides 204; total cholesterol 182; HDL 73; LDL Cholesterol 121; uric acid 7.1; TPSA 2.32; complete urine test all within norms, except leukocytes 8-10 hpf; WBC 7.36 10^9/L; LYM# 1.91 10^9/L; MID# 0.71 10^9/L; GRA# 4.74 10^9/L; LYM% 25.9%, MID% 9.7%, GRA% 64.4% Thank you!

Sent by Kastriot, më 26 September 2017 në 13:00

Hello Kastriot, the lipidogram and uricemia are normal. Do not use alcohol for some time and repeat Ferritinemia, Sideremia, TIBC, CRP, GGT, Transaminases

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 September 2017 në 01:27

Hello doctor, I believe that the highest level of analyses are done at your hospital and that I can receive medical consultation? When are the most suitable days?

Sent by Kastriot, më 28 September 2017 në 15:56

Hello Mr. Kastriot, these are done at the American Hospital. If you would like to come next week, you can come to American Hospital 1, from 9 to 12 o'clock

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 September 2017 në 01:53

I have done the tests for the second time after undergoing a one-month therapy, and again the values of the blood components have not decreased. Also, my ALT has been elevated two times 62.8%, while AST is within the reference values.
HGB 166 g/l
RBC 5.36 *10^12/l
WBC 9.6*10^9/L
EOS# 0.4*10^9/L
BAS% 1.09%
BAS# 0.105*10^9/L
MON% 9.1%
MON# 0.87*10^9/L
LYM# 3.15*10^9/L

Could you please tell me what to do to find out why the hemoglobin value is high as well as AST?

Thank you in advance!

Sent by Muharrem, më 30 September 2017 në 05:25

Hello Muharrem, I do not know what one-month therapy you have received. Currently, your peripheral blood analysis (lack of platelet) is normal. AST and ALT are parameters that generally assess liver function and should be discussed with a hepatologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 September 2017 në 08:43

Hello doctor,
I have done a complete blood test and the results are:
Hb 10.3 RBC 4.68 WBC 5.72 MCV 70.5 HCT 33.0 MCH 22.0.
Following your advice, I also did the ferritin test and it came out 8.9.
Please, what do you advise me?
Thank you

Sent by Alda, më 04 October 2017 në 03:43

Hello Ana, you have mild hypochromic microcytic anemia, probably due to iron deficiency. You need to be treated with iron supplements. I do not know your age. For adults, the treatment will be (if you do not have a reaction from the medications); Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day. The treatment continues for at least 3 consecutive months. After 1 month of treatment, ferritinemia is done and after 3 months complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (the latter is done only once in a lifetime)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 October 2017 në 04:45

Hello doctor. I did the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis for my daughter and these are the recorded values:
Hb A 57.1
Hb D 40.1
Hb A2 2.8
Please, can you explain more precisely what this is about?

Sent by Ilda, më 12 October 2017 në 09:16

Hello Ilda, can you write the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis again. Is it HbD or HbS? With the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis that we do in Albania, we cannot detect the pathological Hemoglobin D. But in both cases, it is considered as a carrier of Sickle Cell Trait. If your daughter has it, it is certain that one of the parents has it (both of you might have it) and if you have other children, it would be good to do Hemoglobin Electrophoresis for them as well. How are the peripheral blood analysis and ferritinemia?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 October 2017 në 02:42

I am writing to you again, doctor. I had my daughter's tests done a week ago. She is an 8-year-old girl.

Ferritin 79.5
WBC 10.65
LYM# 2.35
MID# 0.42
GRA# 7.88
LYM% 22.0%
MID% 3.9%
GRA% 74.1%
RBC 4.36
HGB 12.6
MCHC 38.7
MCH 28.8
MCV 74.6
RDW-CV 12.3
RDW-SD 40.2
HCT 32.5%
PLT 355
MPV 7.9
PDW 13.4%
PCT 0.281%
P-LCR 15.7%

In the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis, it is noted Hb D and not Hb S because you had asked me in the response you had returned to me earlier. These are the values:
Hb A 57.1
Hb D 40.1
Hb A2 2.8

Please doctor, I ask you to give me a response

Sent by Ilda, më 14 October 2017 në 03:23

Hello Ilda, your daughter is a carrier of Sickle Cell Disease (you can read it under "Hemoglobinopathies", a congenital disease. Peripheral blood analysis and Ferritin levels are normal. There is no cure. One or both parents may be carriers of Sickle Cell Disease (you should also have Hemoglobin Electrophoresis). If you have another child, they should have it done too. Which laboratory did you have the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis at? HbD is not characteristic for Albania, or it might be but we do not detect it in laboratories in Albania. You can ask the laboratory again if it is HbD or HbS (which is more common in our country). Nothing changes from what I wrote above

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 October 2017 në 08:44

I apologize, doctor, because I previously sent the analyses of my 5-year-old son. This is the correct analysis of Electrophoresis. Whereas the other values are those that I wrote previously. Sideremia is 51.

Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
Hb A 59.1
Hb S 38.2
Hb A2 2.7

Sent by Ilda, më 14 October 2017 në 03:45

Hello Ilda, what I wrote in the previous comment still stands. Since your daughter has HbS, it's most likely that your son also has HbS and not HbD. You need to ask the laboratory that conducted this analysis. But it doesn't change anything, both your daughter and son are carriers of Sickle Cell Disease. I have written in "Hemoglobinopathies"

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 October 2017 në 08:47

Hello doctor, the blood test values of my 4 and a half year old daughter are: RBC 5.48 HTC 38.6 HGB 13.7 MCV 70.4 MCH 25.0 MCHC 35.5 RDW-SD 36.9 RDW-CV 14.9 WBC 11.28 LYM% 48 LYM# 5.41 MONO# 0.83. What is your opinion, please?

Sent by Eva Vogli, më 16 October 2017 në 03:36

Hello Eva, when you have the chance, you will also do Ferritinemia + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 October 2017 në 07:17

Hello Doctor! My son is 2 years old and the lab results are: Rbc 5.68, hct 29.4, hgb 9.7, mcv 51.8, mch 17.1, mchc 33, rdw-sd 35.4, rdw-cv 20.9. I should note that I am a carrier of thalassemia minor, while the mother is not. When he was 1 year old, we also did the ferritin test and it came out okay. Thank you, please a response. Blessings

Sent by Fatjon, më 25 October 2017 në 16:55

Hello, according to WHO, it is called anemia in children 0.5-5 years old, when the hemoglobin value is < 11 gr/dl. So, your child has anemia, which is considered mild. It is good to do ferritinemia again, if it is low, it will be treated with iron. If not, Thalassemia Minor may be suspected, but it is good to do Hb Electrophoresis after the age of 4 years, when HbF is almost eliminated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 October 2017 në 02:26

Hello Doctor! I couldn't come to you quickly for other problems, despite it being necessary. But communicating with you helps us a lot, and for that, you are greatly appreciated everywhere. I have informed you about my analyses, and thalassemia minor is confirmed. Your advice has been valuable to me. But my ferritin is still rising, and the latest analyses were: ferritin 797, serum iron 144, total bilirubin 0.65, indirect 0.39 and direct 0.26. C-reactive protein 0.10, GOT 17, GPT 13, triglyceride 168, total cholesterol 184, HDL 44, LDL 119, glucose 87, hemoglobin 13.1, hematocrit 43, leukocytes 8.5, erythrocytes 6.2, MCV 70, MCH 21.3, MCHC 31, RDW 12.4, MPV 6.6, neutrophils 5.1, lymphocytes 2.4, monocytes 0.71, eosinophils, PSA 3.62. 0.2, basophils 0.1. I don't know what to do? Do I need to start a special treatment or should I be careful with foods where there are problems with fats? I don't know how to eat. I started breakfast with oats and milk or blueberries, thinking that the latter prevents the absorption of iron from oats, I rarely eat chicken and fish, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, etc., and after them, tea at all three meals. I don't know what to do and I don't want to go on because I'm getting tired. Thank you!

Sent by Kastriot, më 12 November 2017 në 06:08

Hello Kastriot, Thalassemia Minor usually has normal or elevated Ferritinemia. Ferritinemia can also increase due to other inherited or acquired factors. Acquired factors include liver diseases, rheumatic diseases, other diseases that promote inflammation in the body, alcohol use, and lipid disorders. Inherited pathology = Hereditary Hemochromatosis which to be confirmed requires genetic testing. You will do TIBC and then Transferrin Saturation is determined = Serum Iron/TIBC x 100. If it is less than 45-50%, the increase is acquired. There is no treatment for your current value. Iron is found in red-colored foods, with red meat being the richest in it. You can avoid this, but it is impossible to avoid iron from foods. When ferritinemia is above 1,000 ng/ml it is evaluated and will certainly be treated, to reduce it below this value

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 November 2017 në 02:57

Thank you, doctor, for the very valuable advice. As it is said, and I have also read that the use of tea, coffee, calcium-rich foods, within an hour of consuming plant foods, reduces the absorption of iron in the intestines from these foods, how much can it affect? Sorry for the inconvenience

Sent by Kastrioti, më 13 November 2017 në 03:24

Hello, you can use them. Avoid red meat as well. But it's impossible to completely avoid iron from food intake

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 November 2017 në 08:58

Iron is also obtained from the metal of cooking utensils. Non-metallic materials (stone composition utensils) can be used for cooking

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 November 2017 në 09:13

Hello, I just did a blood test for my child, he is 7 years old, the amount of iron in the blood came out to be 109mg while the ferritin level is 12ng/ml and the hemoglobin is 12.6g. Should I be worried? Please, I am waiting for an answer!! Thank you very much

Sent by Dorina , më 20 November 2017 në 06:17

Hello, the analyses are good. Ferritinemia should be at least 15 ng/ml. You can take iron supplements for 1.5 months. Iron for children is given depending on weight, and you should discuss this with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 November 2017 në 01:43

The description of the blood analysis panel gave me the opportunity to learn to read my own analyses. Congratulations for the understandable way of explanation. Two of my analyses are outside the norms: HCT-36.8 norm 37.0-46.0 and MCHC-37.6 norm 32.0-36.0. Thank you and I would be grateful if you could reply. With respect, Arjana

Sent by Arjana Hoxha, më 23 November 2017 në 06:04

Hello Arjana, the devices give about 15% lower Hct than the normal value and we don't pay much attention to the device's value. MCHC has no practical or clinical significance

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 November 2017 në 09:29

Hello doctor! I have been taking Heferol for 2 months to correct anemia. Before treatment, I had hb 10.2 hct 30.9 mcv 75.9 mch 25.1 Ferritin 5.3. After 2 months hb 11.9 mch 25.1 htc 39.9 ferritin 18.9. Are these normal? What substitute can I use since I have diarrhea from using Heferol. Thank you

Sent by Naevi, më 24 November 2017 në 09:25

Hello Naevi, your anemia has been corrected, but you need to take at least 2 more months of iron supplements for the complete correction of ferritin levels (to increase it to around 60 ng/ml). What is your age? If you are an adult (> 15 years old), instead of Heferol, you can use Tardyferon 80 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day. Currently, there is also a new preparation, FeraMax 150 mg that is taken 1 capsule/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 1 tablet/day. After 2 months, you will do a complete blood count + ferritin levels

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 November 2017 në 01:40

A week ago, I had a blood test MCV 76.6 MCH 24.9 MCHC 32HT 40.6 SE 29 the other parameters were within the norm. Could this be the beginning of anemia? My mother had these results MCV 79 NEUT 43.8 MPV 8.7 Other parameters were normal. Can you tell me what I should do? Thank you!

Sent by albana, më 02 December 2017 në 07:39

Hello Albana, these values you are writing are some constants that have no value without the base values of the peripheral blood analysis: RBC, HB, WBC, Plt. So, you will write these values to me

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 December 2017 në 07:48

Hello doctor! I have done a blood test and it showed these values RBC 3.66×10^6. Hgb 10.3g/dl. HCT 32.8%. MCV 89.6 fl. MCH 28.1pg. MVHC 31.4 g/dl. RDW 12.6%. Please, what kind of anemia are we dealing with and how can I manage it? From Eni, 40 years old. Thank you

Sent by Eni, më 06 December 2017 në 12:55

Hello Eni, you have Mild Anemia, it is hypochromic and in most cases, it is caused by iron deficiency. For this, you will undergo Ferritinemia testing and if the deficiency is confirmed, you will be put on iron medication for at least 3 consecutive months. The aim of the treatment is to initially correct the anemia and ultimately the Ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 December 2017 në 02:10

Hello Doctor. I did a blood test and these results came out:
RBC 3.68. Hgb 10.4g/dl. HCT 32.9%. MCV 89.6 fl. MCH 28.2pg. MVHC 31.2g/dl. RDW 12.6%. Sediment 40. The other data were normal. How can I proceed? Age 42 years, Dita

Sent by Dita, më 09 December 2017 në 10:25

Hello Dita, you have mild hypochromic anemia. You will undergo ferritinemia testing. If it is < 20 ng/ml = Iron Deficiency and Anemia may be due to iron deficiency. You will receive a 3-month treatment with a therapeutic dose of iron. The aim of the treatment is to correct the anemia within 1-1.5 months and after at least 3 months of treatment, the ferritinemia as well

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 December 2017 në 11:26

Hello doctor! I have been experiencing difficulty in breathing for about two months now, it feels like a lack of oxygen. Blood tests show I am anemic with these values WBC RBC 3.91x10 /HGB 10.5 /HTC 34.9 / MCV 89 / MCH 26.9 /MCHC 30.1 /RDW 11.7 and Ferritin 8.30! Age 28.
I would like to know if these values affect the difficulty I have in breathing and what is the appropriate treatment I should use? Thank you

Sent by Ola, më 10 December 2017 në 11:03

Hello Ola, you have mild Anemia from Iron Deficiency. Anemia can be the reason for difficulty in breathing, especially when moving, not when at rest. You will receive iron medication for at least 3 months, with the goal of correcting the anemia (Hb > 12 gr/dl) within 1-1.5 months and after about 3 months of treatment, the ferritinemia (around 60 ng/ml)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 December 2017 në 11:29

Hello doctor! I have been feeling difficulties in breathing for about two months, it feels like not getting enough oxygen. In the blood tests, I resulted anemic with these values WBC RBC 3.91x10 /HGB 10.5 /HTC 34.9 / MCV 89 / MCH 26.9 /MCHC 30.1 /RDW 11.7 and Ferritin 8.30! Age 28 years. I wanted to know if these values affect the difficulty I have in breathing and what is the proper treatment I should use? Thank you

Sent by Ola, më 11 December 2017 në 02:17

Hello Ola, you have mild Anemia, due to Iron Deficiency. Anemia can be a reason for difficulty in breathing, especially when you are moving, not at rest. You will receive at least 3 months of treatment with an iron medication dose, with the goal of correcting anemia (Hb > 12 gr/dl) in 1-1.5 months and after about 3 months of treatment and ferritinemia (about 60 ng/ml)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 December 2017 në 11:29

Hello Doctor! I have been feeling difficulty in breathing for about two months, it feels like a lack of oxygen. My blood tests show I am anemic with these values WBC RBC 3.91x10 /HGB 10.5 /HTC 34.9 / MCV 89 / MCH 26.9 /MCHC 30.1 /RDW 11.7 and Ferritin 8.30! Age 28.
I wanted to know if these values affect the difficulty I have in breathing and what is the appropriate treatment I should use? Thank you

Sent by Ola, më 11 December 2017 në 02:31

Hello Ola, you have mild Anemia from Iron Deficiency. Anemia can be a reason for difficulty in breathing, especially when you are moving, not at rest. You will receive at least 3 months of iron medication treatment, with the goal of correcting the anemia (Hb > 12 gr/dl) in 1-1.5 months and after about 3 months of treatment, the ferritin levels (about 60 ng/ml)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 December 2017 në 11:29

Hello doctor! I am sending you the analysis sheet again RBC 3.66×10 to the 6th power. Hgb 10.3g/dl. HCT 32.8%. MCV 89.6 fl. MCH 28.1pg. MVHC 31.4 g/dl. RDW 12.6%. I also did the ferritin, it came out 25, sideremia 98, sedimentation 40, please how can we follow up. Can I use iron-containing supplements at 40 years old. Thank you

Sent by Eni, më 15 December 2017 në 13:13

Hello Eni, you will take Ironorm 3 x capsules/day during or after meals (you have dark-colored feces from the iron) and after 1 month of treatment, you will do a complete blood test and ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 December 2017 në 09:30

Hello doctor, I have a 3 and a half-month-old son. I did his complete blood analysis with formula, and the results are worrisome.

WBC 18.03 ×10(3)
LYM 12.75×10(3)ul
LYM % 70.7%
GRA% 21.5%
RBC 4.45×10(6) ul
HGB 12g/dl
HCT 37.2%
PLT 483×10(3)ul
P-LCR 11.5%
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 7mm/h.

Please get back to me because I am very worried.

Thank you.

Sent by Julinda, më 24 January 2018 në 13:59

Hello Julinda, in the analyses you present, the boy shows a slight increase in leukocytes and platelets. I don't know why you did it, but there can be many reasons, including possible infections that might cause it. I treat ages > 15 years, and for this age, it's discussed with a pediatric hematologist or directly with the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 January 2018 në 03:49

Hello doctor, I have a son who is 3 and a half months old. I did a complete blood analysis with differential, and these are the values that came out. WBC 18.03 ×10(3) LYM 12.75×10(3)ul LYM % 70.7% GRA% 21.5% RBC 4.45×10(6) ul HGB 12g/dl HCT 37.2% PLT 483×10(3)ul P-LCR 11.5% Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 7mm/h. The rest are within the norms. Please, I am very worried, could you give me your opinion? Thank you. Julinda

Sent by Julinda, më 24 January 2018 në 14:18

Hello Julinda, in the analyses you present, the boy has a slight increase in leukocytes and platelets. I don't know for what reason you did it, but there can be many reasons, including possible infections that might cause it. I treat ages > 15 years and for this age, it is discussed with the pediatric hematologist or directly with the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 January 2018 në 03:49

Dear doctor, I have a 16-month-old son and we did some tests. Wbc 11.2, rbc 6.51, hgb 11, Ht 34, mcv 52.2, mch 16.9, mchc 32.4, plt 562, ly 53.1, mo 3.1, gr 43.8, rdw 16.3, please could you provide me with an answer, thank you

Sent by gentjola, më 23 February 2018 në 08:06

Hello Gentjola, a mild congenital anemia can be suspected. Can you send me your and your husband's peripheral blood analysis?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 February 2018 në 06:33

Hello doctor, I wrote to you about my son, but as a mother, I have not had problems with anemia, not even during pregnancy. However, my husband suffers from anemia, iron deficiency, and has been treated. Does this have any connection with our son? In previous tests, my son was fine and had no problems. Thank you

Sent by gentjola, më 24 February 2018 në 07:33

Hello, I understand it is for the boy. But there is a suspicion of a mild congenital anemia and usually Hemoglobin Electrophoresis is done after the age of 4 years to be accurate. If your husband was treated with Iron, often in Albania mild congenital anemias are mistakenly treated with iron. Could you write me your husband's tests: complete blood count, ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 February 2018 në 10:45

Where can I make a visit for my son, where can I find you? Or should we go to a pediatric hematologist?

Sent by gentjola, më 24 February 2018 në 11:12

Hello, the child currently does not need it. According to the WHO, it is called anemia in children < 5 years old when Hb < 11 gr/dl. And your son has 11 gr/dl of hemoglobin. But he has 6 million erythrocytes. In children, there is always a mismatch between the number of erythrocytes and the value of hemoglobin, but in this case, it is a bit larger. Therefore, Mild Hereditary Anemia (carrier of Thalassemia = Thalassemia Minor) is suspected. If confirmed, congenital anemia is not treated, only identified. You can have your child undergo Ferritinemia and Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. I work at the American Hospital

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 February 2018 në 11:52

Hello doctor. I have done the tests and my platelets came out to be 96 and sedimentation rate 64. I also urinate frequently with blood? I am very worried

Sent by Ela, më 06 March 2018 në 15:53

Hello Ela, the platelets are lower than normal, but they do not cause or justify any concern. As a rule, they will be repeated, but they will be counted on a slide and only the number on the slide is accurate. If they are still low, you will meet with a hematologist to determine the possible cause/causes. You need to write down the other values of the peripheral blood as well. For the urine, you will consult with a Nephrologist/Urologist. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased, but age, the presence of anemia, CRP are assessed. Fibrinogen, Total Protein

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 March 2018 në 03:55

Hello, my mom is 36 years old and suffers from heterozygous sickle cell disease. I would like to know a diet for this disease. What is the probability that it will be transmitted to her 3 children or that they will be carriers?

Sent by Adela, më 07 April 2018 në 07:47

Hello Adela, your mother is a carrier of Sickle Cell Disease. It is a congenital disease and there is no diet for it. If your father does not have this pathology, each of the children has a 50% chance of having this problem and 50% not. All three children will undergo: complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 April 2018 në 08:52

Hello. I have done the tests and my results are HGB 8.7, HCT 28.6, MCV 66.5, MCH 20.3, MCHC 30.4, RDW 15.8, PLT 43.0. Can you tell me what I should use? I also have a tear recently

Sent by Arjana, më 11 April 2018 në 11:22

Hello Arjana, you need to write down the values of RBC and WBC. You probably have Iron Deficiency Anemia (MCV and MCH are low). How old are you?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 April 2018 në 07:26

Hello. I am 44 years old. The value of RBC is 4.30 and WBC 8.1. Thank you

Sent by Arjana, më 15 April 2018 në 09:55

Hello, You have Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia, likely Iron Deficiency Anemia. Grade II (moderate). You will receive for at least 3 consecutive months: Ironorm 3 x 1 capsule/day, during or after meals. After 1 month, you will have a complete blood count and after 3 months of treatment; complete blood count and ferritinemia. The goal of the treatment is to correct the anemia within 1-1.5 months (Hb > 12 gr/dl) and after 3 months of treatment Ferritinemia (> 20 ng/ml, optimal value for females around 60 ng/ml)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 April 2018 në 03:53

I am interested to know what does it mean when the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is 16 and the normal value is <15?

Sent by Eneida, më 25 April 2018 në 14:32

Hello Eneida, the normal value of ESR is up to 20 mm/h. However, the value of the sedimentation rate depends on age, the older the age, the higher the sedimentation rate, it depends on gender (females have it higher than males). There is a formula for assessing ESR according to gender and age: for males - Age/2 and for females Age + 10/2. An 80-year-old male has a normal ESR up to 40 mm/h, an 80-year-old female has a normal ESR up to 45 mm/h

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 April 2018 në 01:24

Hello, I am 23 years old. I have done blood tests and my results are WBC 6.2, RBC 4.28, HGB 11.6, MCH 27.1, MCHC 30.7, HCT 37.8, MCV 88, RDW 12.9. I have all the symptoms of anemia and they told me to do a hemoglobin electrophoresis. Thank you

Sent by Sabina, më 02 May 2018 në 06:12

Hello Sabina, you have Mild Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia, likely Iron Deficiency Anemia. As a rule, ferritin levels are checked first; if low, you are required to be treated with iron supplements. Hemoglobin electrophoresis today is mandatory for every couple wishing to have children, but its value is accurate when ferritin levels are normal. For 1 month, you will take; Ironorm 3 x 1 capsule/day (if you have no reaction) and after 1 month you will do; complete blood count + ferritin levels + Hemoglobin electrophoresis. After 1 month of treatment, we expect the anemia to be corrected if it is due to iron deficiency (Hb > 12 gr/dl) and we continue the treatment until the correction of ferritin levels (about 60 ng/ml), which is usually about 2 months after anemia correction (in total, as a rule, 3 months of treatment)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 May 2018 në 12:42

Hello Doctor,

I thank you for what you do in serving patients. My mother had a lipoma on her thigh which she had kept for 16 years. It was not painful, but the lipoma caused slow growth and became as big as a large grape. She was afraid that it might be something bad, so she did not go to the doctor to have it removed. Four years ago, she had it checked, and the surgeon also performed an ultrasound of the lipoma and told her to have it removed because there was nothing to worry about, but she refused. A month ago, she had another ultrasound of the lipoma, and both the sonographer and the surgeon told her that it could be removed without any problems and assured her that it was not something bad. Three weeks ago, she was convinced and had the lipoma removed by a surgeon in LEZHA. She did all the blood tests, heart, lung, diabetes checks before the operation, and everything came out very well. And the operation went very well. Even after the operation, the doctor spoke highly, saying there was nothing at all to worry about because the lipoma is not something bad. We asked the doctor to do a biopsy of the lipoma, but he told us that it was not necessary since it was guaranteed that it was not something bad. I am still concerned about why the doctor did not do the analysis after the operation and I cannot find peace. Please, could you provide some explanation if it always happens that lipomas are benign and if we can do some blood test for my mother that would give us accurate data that everything is going well with her health and there will not be any problems that might come from the removal of the lipoma. I thank you for the time you are giving us, dear doctor

Sent by LETA, më 02 May 2018 në 15:58

Hello Leta, I am not a specialist for these problems. But a lipoma is usually a benign tumor and there are no consequences from its surgical removal. There is no blood test to assess for any potential near or distant consequences from it

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 03 May 2018 në 11:39

Hello, WBC 7.04, RBC 4.40, HGB 13.1, HCT 37.4, MCV 85, MCH 29.8, MCHC 35, MPV 10.4, PLT 336, RDW-SD 37.6, RDW-CD 12.4, PDW 10.7, PCT 0.35, LYMPH 40.9, NEUT 50.5, MONO 6.1, RET 0.5. Ferritin 30.4 ng/ml, Serum Iron 104 and hemoglobin electrophoresis HbA 97.2, HbA2 2.8. Thank you

Sent by Sabina, më 10 May 2018 në 01:14

Hello Sabina, can you remind me a bit about the above analyses? Have I given you medication for anemia? These analyses are normal. Ferritinemia 30 ng/ml is normal (for women > 20 ng/ml), but the optimal values should be around 60 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 May 2018 në 10:21

These are the values of the second analyses I did, which, to be honest, are a bit different from the first ones. For treatment, I was prescribed ironorm 3×1 capsules/day

Sent by Sabina, më 10 May 2018 në 11:55

The response to the treatment is very good, you no longer have anemia. As I wrote to you, the iron stores are within normal values, but the normal value is around 60 ng/ml. You will continue the treatment for another month and if possible, only do Ferritinemia. If the target value is reached (60 ng/ml, or close to it), stop the medication and after 5-6 months, repeat the ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 May 2018 në 03:33

I did the tests and these are the results: leukocytes 9300, erythrocytes 4410000, hemoglobin 12.7, hematocrit 36.6, platelets 378 000, MCV 83.0, MCH 28.8, MCHC 34.7, lymphocytes 27.9, neutrophils 58.5, monocytes 13.6, and sedimentation rate 34. I am worried about the sedimentation rate because it always comes out high. Does sinusitis affect the sedimentation rate? Thank you

Sent by Migena, më 07 June 2018 në 08:26

Hello Migena, your blood analysis is normal. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate depends also on age, what is yours? Any inflammatory process in the body, including infections, increases the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. You will also do CRP, Fibrinogen

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 June 2018 në 09:29

Hello dear,

The girl is 8 years old and has these results: lymphocytes 58.3%, neutrophils 38.1%, hematocrit (HCT) 34.7%, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 79.9%. I wanted to know what problem exists. Thank you

Sent by Olza , më 08 June 2018 në 10:46

Hello Olza, there's a slight increase in lymphocytes, but I can't help you much with the data you've written. If the girl has no concerns, I would recommend that you repeat the analysis after 2-3 weeks and send it to me again

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 June 2018 në 05:30

Hello, I have done the tests and these are the results: WBC 9.08, RBC 4.14, HGB 12.3 HCT 34.7, MCV 83.6, MCHC 35.4, PLT 333, RDW-SD 39.8, RDW-CV 13.3, PDW 10.2, MPV 9.8, P-LCR 22.5, PCT 0.33, NEUT 5.80, LYMPH 2.41, MONO 0.69, EO 0.17, BASO 0.01 .. And I wanted to know what kind of anemia RDW-SD and RDW-CV are and what is PDW? Thank you!

Sent by eri, më 09 July 2018 në 15:00

Hello Eri, I would like to know your age and gender. If you are a female > 15 years old, your peripheral blood analysis is completely normal. The constants you are interested in are of little practical use. An increased RDW is considered the first indicator of iron deficiency. It would be good to also do a ferritin test

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 July 2018 në 04:08

I have a 10-year-old son and these are his blood test results: RBC 5.71, HGB 10.3, HCT 30.2, MCV 52.9, MCH 18, Sideremia 97, and electrophoresis HbA 94.1, HbF 0.9, and HbA2 5. What do you advise me, doctor, what should I do?

Sent by Moza, më 16 July 2018 në 07:46

Hello Moza, the boy has beta-Thalassemia Minor, which is a congenital disease and cannot be treated. It is certain that one of the parents has it, possibly both. Next time you do tests, do not do sideremia, but ferritinemia. For more advice, you can read in the article on "Hemoglobinopathies", I have written everything that needs to be considered

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 July 2018 në 05:50

Hello Doctor, in my son's analysis, the EO% is high at 11.2, MXD% (Mono+ EO + BZ) 18.10, and MXD (Mono + EO + BZ) 1.52, the other values have come out within the norms. Please, can you tell me what it could be? Thank you

Sent by Dorjan, më 18 July 2018 në 13:45

Hello Dorjan, the boy has an increase in the percentage of eosinophils. It would be good if you could write us the value in their number, or at least the number of white blood cells (WBC). The most common causes of the increase are allergies and parasites. The other two parameters, MXD, are very much related to some types of white blood cells, which include eosinophils, so if at least one of the components increases, the total sum increases as well (as has happened in this case with the increase in eosinophils)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 July 2018 në 04:53

Hello Doctor, in my son's analysis, the EO% is high at 11.2, MXD% (Mono+ EO + BZ) 18.10 and MXD (Mono + EO + BZ) 1.52, the other values are within normal limits. Please can you tell me what it might be. Thank you

Sent by Dorjan, më 20 July 2018 në 13:59

Hello Dorjan, the boy has an increase in eosinophils percentage. It would be good if you could write us the value in their number, or at least the number of leukocytes (WBC). The most common causes of increase are allergies and parasites. Two other parameters, MXD, is very much related to some types of white blood cells, which includes eosinophils, so if at least one of the components increases, the total sum also increases (as has happened in this case with the increase of eosinophils)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 July 2018 në 14:40

Hello Doctor. The boy's WBC is 8.39. Thank you very much

Sent by Dorjan, më 20 July 2018 në 17:12

Hello Dorjan, based on the number of leukocytes, it is confirmed that the number of eosinophils is higher than normal, a slight increase. As I wrote to you before, the two most common causes in medical practice are various allergies and parasitoses. If a parasitosis is confirmed, consult with an infectious disease specialist or pediatrician for treatment. I wanted to add that the word "doctor" is with one "r"

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 July 2018 në 03:29

Thank you, Doctor

Sent by Dorjan, më 22 July 2018 në 09:00

And I greet you

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 July 2018 në 07:58

ALT 10
AST 12
RBC 5,200,000
HGB 14.6
WBC 10,700
PLT 275,000
ESR 25
TSH 2.04
FT4 12.9
FT3 3.73

Sent by Denisa Alla, më 31 July 2018 në 12:39

Hello Denisa, it is observed that only Ferritin < 20 ng/ml = Iron Deficiency. I don't know your age for the possibility of treatment. The treatment will continue for at least 2 consecutive months and after 2 months Ferritin will be repeated, aiming for females 60-75 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 Agust 2018 në 06:59

ALT 10
AST 12
RBC 5200000
HGB 14.6
WBC 10700
PLT 275000
ESR 25
TSH 2.04
FT4 12.9
FT3 3.73

Sent by Denisa Alla, më 31 July 2018 në 12:39

Hello Denisa, it is observed that only Ferritin < 20 ng/ml = Iron Deficiency. I do not know your age for the possibility of treatment. The treatment will continue for at least 2 consecutive months and after 2 months Ferritin will be repeated, aiming for females 60-75 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 Agust 2018 në 06:59

The girl's age is 16 years old and what treatment should we take

Sent by Denisa Alla, më 01 Agust 2018 në 07:07

For 2 months: Ironorm 2 x 1 capsules/day. After 2 months, ferritin levels will be checked. The goal is 60-75 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 Agust 2018 në 06:43

Hello! I have these lab results... WBC 6.51..RBC 4.03...HGB 7.8...HCT 25.5...MCV 63.3...MCH 19.4...MCHC 30.6...PLT 390...RDW-SD 37.7...RDW-CV 17.0..PDW 11.6..MPV 10.3...P-LCR 26.9...PCT 0.40 ...NEUT 4.28 ..LYMPH 1.67...MONO 0.37...EO 0.16..BASO 0.03...ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE 30mm/h
Currently, I am being treated with Tardyferon 80mg

Sent by Rovena , më 06 Agust 2018 në 08:47

Hello Rovena, you currently have Anemia probably from Iron Deficiency, Grade II (moderate). Continue treatment with Tardyferon 80 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day.
3-Vitamin B6 25 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day.
4-Folic Acid 5 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day. After 1 month of treatment, you will do a complete blood count and after 3 months of treatment a complete blood count + Ferritinemia. The first goal of the treatment is Hemoglobin 12 gr/dl and above and the final goal is Ferritinemia 60-75 ng/ml. Only when these values are achieved, you have been properly treated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 Agust 2018 në 07:05

Hello doctor.
My 22-year-old daughter did tests because she was constantly complaining of headaches, general weakness, fatigue, and low blood pressure.
The results were these:
HGB 11.8 HCT 33.5 MCV 77.4
RDW 8.2 MPV 11.6
Could you please tell me what kind of anemia this is?

Sent by Anila Banaj , më 13 Agust 2018 në 08:37

Hello Mrs. Anila, your daughter has mild Anemia, probably due to Iron deficiency. For at least 2 months she will take the medication:

1-Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day.
2-Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day.
3-Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day.

After 2 months of treatment, you will do complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 Agust 2018 në 09:25

Hello doctor! I am bothering you again... I presented my analyses to you two weeks ago, and you prescribed Tardyferon 3×1, vitamin C 3×1, vitamin B6, and folic acid 3×1... I have been brought Ferro-Grad 105 mg from Italy... can I switch and continue with this? And how many times a day should I take it? Thank you, Rovena!

Sent by Rovena, më 14 Agust 2018 në 05:24

Hello Rovena, you can use Ferrograd 105 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day + Folic Acid 5 mg 2 x 1 tablets/day. The treatment continues for at least 3 months in a row. After 1 month of treatment (2 weeks if you have been treated with Tardyferon for 2 weeks), only peripheral blood analysis is done (Hemoglobin > 12 gr/dl) and after 3 months of treatment complete blood work + Ferritinemia (60-75 ng/ml) is done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 Agust 2018 në 08:24

Hello doctor.
I thank you for your dedication and the responses you give to people. I am a 43-year-old male who has had some tests after treatment for anemia; after the treatment, 2 elements are above normal, they are LYM% 46.8 and MXD% (mono+eo+bz) 10.1. What do these results indicate and what other tests should I do if necessary. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 15, Serum iron 90.1, Ferritin 94.86 My code 130856. Test conducted by an American lab. Thank you. I am waiting for your response

Sent by Erli, më 30 Agust 2018 në 17:23

Hello, your blood analysis, including the two aforementioned parameters, are within the normal values we use in hematology. I do not see any current hematological problem

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 31 Agust 2018 në 06:14

Hello doctor, I have done the general tests and some results came back high MXD% (mono+Eo+Bz) 15.88 (WBC 6.6) and total bilirubin 2.3, direct 0.7, indirect 1.6. I also have concerns about the right side, please I am worried, thank you

Sent by bushi, më 05 September 2018 në 08:53

Hello, MXD is not a hematological parameter, it is the sum of monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and normally their maximum sum is up to 15%. We evaluate the individual increase of each of the above elements. Bilirubin is generally discussed with a hepatologist when there are no changes in the peripheral blood analysis. It could be Gilbert's Syndrome, a mild, congenital pathology that our population has a lot of

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 September 2018 në 09:30

Hello doctor, I have done the general tests and some results came back high MXD% (mono+Eo+Bz) 15.88 (WBC 6.6) and total bilirubin 2.3, direct 0.7, indirect 1.6 I also have a concern with the right side please I am worried thank you

Sent by bushi, më 05 September 2018 në 09:51

Hello, MXD is not a hematologic parameter, it is the sum of monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and the maximum normal sum of them is up to 15%. We assess the individual increase of each of the above elements. Bilirubin is generally discussed with the hepatologist when there are no changes in the peripheral blood analysis. It could be Gilbert's Syndrome, a mild, congenital pathology that our population has a lot

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 September 2018 në 14:16

Hello doctor, I have done the general tests and some came out high MXD% (mono+Eo+Bz) 15.88 (WBC 6.6) and total bilirubin 2.3, direct 0.7, indirect 1.6. I also have concerns about the right side, please I am worried, thank you

Sent by bushi, më 05 September 2018 në 10:35

Hello, MXD is not a hematological parameter, it is the sum of monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and normally their maximum sum is up to 15%. We evaluate the individual increase of each of the above elements. Bilirubin is generally discussed with a hepatologist, when there are no changes in the peripheral blood analysis. It could be Gilbert's Syndrome, a mild, congenital pathology that our population has a lot of

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 September 2018 në 14:17

Excuse me, based on the analyses that I sent you, do you think there is anything to be concerned about? And if I need any additional analysis, since I do them every 7 months, the last ones I did in February came out normal, except my bilirubin levels were high. Thank you, doctor, I wish you health

Sent by bushi, më 05 September 2018 në 10:55

Hello, the increased value of bilirubin (> 1.8 mg/dl) causes yellowing of the skin and sclerae. It can promote the formation of stones in the gallbladder. It does not cause other concerns

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 September 2018 në 14:18

Sorry for the analyses I sent you, do you think there is nothing to worry about and if I need any additional analysis since I do them every 7 months, in February, when I did them, all came out normal except the bilirubins came out high, thank you doctor, I wish you health

Sent by bushi, më 05 September 2018 në 11:41

Hello, the increased value of bilirubin (> 1.8 mg/dl) causes the yellowing of the skin and sclerae. It may promote the formation of stones in the gallbladder. It does not cause other concerns

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 September 2018 në 14:18

Sorry for the analyses I sent you, do you think there is nothing to worry about and if I need any additional analysis since I do them every 7 months, in February when I did them, they all came out normal, only the bilirubins came out high. Thank you, doctor, I wish you health

Sent by bushi, më 05 September 2018 në 11:43

Hello, the increased value of bilirubin (> 1.8 mg/dl) causes the yellowing of the skin and sclerae. It can favor the formation of stones in the gallbladder. It does not cause other concerns

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 September 2018 në 14:18

Hello, I have had my daughter's blood tests done and these are the results; Rbc=4.80, Wbc= 8.35, Hgb= 13.2, Mchc=35.2, Mch=27.4, MCV=77.7, Mpv=6.7, P-LCR= 8.2

Sent by Brisida, më 01 October 2018 në 11:00

Hello Brisida, how old is the girl? An element that is missing is the platelet. Anyway, what you have presented are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 October 2018 në 03:15

Hello doctor! I hope you are well! I have thalassemia minor, according to hemoglobin electrophoresis, and I have microcytosis. We have communicated before, where my ferritin reached over 700, and my serum iron fluctuated from 89 to 229, and a year ago it was 144, whereas the analysis from two days ago with ferritin at 494 and serum iron at 317 has worried me. More specifically, the result of the latest analysis is: glucose 79; urea 45; creatinine jaffe 1.2; total bilirubin 1.2; ALT 24; AST 19; triglycerides 131; total cholesterol 178; HDL 73; LDL 121; uric acid 7.1; PSA 3.8; urine normal except for 8-10 leukocytes and some Ca oxalates; WBC 7.85; Lym 2.22; Mid 0.7; GRA 4.93; RBC 6.05; HGB 12.6; MCHC 29.6; MCH 20.8; MCV 70.2; RDW-CV 14.2; RDW-SD 31.5; HCT 42.5; PLT 290; MPV 8; PDW 13.4; PCT 0.234; P-LCR 16.8; prothrombin index 83%, I.N.R 1.11; serum iron 317, ferritin 494. I have listed everything, bothering you doctor, because I don't know what you need in your field. I am committed to dietary care, but I'm not reaching where I need to be. I use free-range chicken, a little fish, and have removed red meat, egg yolks, mussels, clams, peas. Since I am on medication for hypertension because I have now stabilized the fats, I mostly use teas like oregano, blueberry, olive leaves, mountain tea with the thought that in teas the amount of iron is much less than in uncooked ones, but also because these might prevent the absorption of iron from plant foods. Sorry for bothering you doctor but my concern prompted me to tell all and I trust in your professionalism. With respect, Kastriot Kapaj

Sent by Kastriot, më 01 November 2018 në 04:35

Hello Mr. Kastriot, did you also have a liver disease? Ferritinemia 494 ng/ml or 700 ng/ml, although slightly higher than the normal value, does not cause any concern in the body. Nor does it have long-term consequences. If you have liver disease, these are often accompanied by an increase in ferritin. It's worth taking care of the liver more. If the increase in ferritin is due to the liver, it is not related to the diet

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 November 2018 në 07:38

Hello! Today I tried to communicate with the doctor and presented my concerns, while they are not mentioned here to get a response. I am waiting

Sent by Kastriot, më 01 November 2018 në 05:43

Hello Mr. Kastriot, did you also have a liver disease? Ferritinemia of 494 ng/ml or 700 ng/ml, although slightly higher than the normal value, does not cause any concern in the organism. Nor does it have long-term consequences. If you have liver disease, these are often accompanied by an increase in ferritinemia. It is more worthwhile to take care of the liver. If the increase in ferritinemia is due to the liver, it is not related to the diet

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 November 2018 në 07:39

Thank you for the answer, doctor, but I don't understand that I have a liver disease! What are the indicators and how should I act? With respect, Kastrioti

Sent by Kastriot, më 01 November 2018 në 08:01

Hello Kastriot, I remember that you have been ill with liver disease. If you have had liver steatosis, use alcohol, these could be reasons that increase ferritinemia. I don't know if you have had an abdominal ultrasound? If not, other causes need to be looked into. One of the possibilities is thalassemia minor, which in some cases has more iron. Diseases that promote inflammation increase ferritin levels. If you can, also do a TIBC. We determine the ratio between Serum Iron and TIBC and depending on it, whether there is iron overload or not

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 November 2018 në 10:11

Hello doctor, and thank you for your dedication. I have a 19-year-old daughter. Due to some complaints she had, I did a blood test for her and these were the results; wbc 4.0 rbc 4.20 hgb34.6 mcv82.4 mch28.1 mchc34.1 plt181 lym38.6 mxd12.5 neut48.9 RDW-SD39.9 RDW-CV12.5 PDW11.2 MPV9.5 P-LCR21.7 PCT0.17 Also, her serum iron level is 71. I emphasize that she often has headaches, cold hands and feet, while she eats normally. Thank you and I wish you health

Sent by alger xhaferri, më 05 November 2018 në 09:39

Hello Alger, what is the value of hemoglobin? You have recorded it incorrectly. A feeling of coldness is caused by a lack of iron, and for this, you should do ferritinemia. If there is anemia (Hb < 12 gr/dl), headache can be justified, more so in the back of the head. If Hb > 12 gr/dl, there is no justification from the blood for the headache. There are also other causes that are not related to blood problems (neurological, etc.)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 November 2018 në 04:11

Thank you for the response Dr. Sotiraqi. Sorry for the mistake, HGB-11.8g/dl

Sent by alger xhaferri, më 06 November 2018 në 11:04

Hello Alger, Hb 11.8 is considered mild anemia (normal range 12 -16 gr/dl in females). In most cases, hypochromic anemia, as the girl has, especially in females, is due to iron deficiency. It is advisable to perform ferritinemia to confirm iron deficiency (< 20 ng/ml). The treatment, if there is no reaction, will be: Ironorm 3 x 1 capsule/day, during or after a meal. After 2 months of treatment, the following will be performed: complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hb electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2018 në 04:23

For health, doctor, I have done the tests for both girls, and one has low MCHC, while the other, who is the younger one at 14 years old, also has low MCHC, whereas her ferritin is not low, slightly high. The older girl has a lot of hair loss, especially on the top part of her head where the bald area is very noticeable. Both are tired, have headaches, and a lot of bone pain. I have the same problem. What do you recommend? I know they don't need medication, but what should they avoid eating, and I want to find the cause. What tests do you recommend?

Sent by Ariana , më 13 December 2018 në 02:39

Hello Ariana, you will write to me about both girls, the values of RBC, Hb, ferritin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 December 2018 në 07:08

Hello doctor. The analysis of my 3-year-old son are: leukocytes 5.9, neutrophils 2.78, lymphocytes 2.17, monocytes 0.7, eosinophils 0.14, basophils 0.01, neutrophils 47.2%, lymphocytes 39.8%, monocytes 9.4%, eosinophils 2.4%, basophils 0.2%, erythrocytes 4.01, hemoglobin 11.1, hematocrit 31.3, MCV 78.6, MCH 25.9, MCHC 32.9, RDWSd 28.6%, RdWCV 13.5%, Platelets 169, PCT 0.16, MPV 7.6, PDWsd 17.2, PDWCv 38.7%, PLCR 24.38%, PLCC 24, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 16. Iron 31.1, Ferritin 23.73. Please tell me if he has significant anemia or another disease. What treatment should be given? Thank you

Sent by Miri, më 24 December 2018 në 08:38

Hello Miri, according to WHO, anemia in children < 5 years old is defined as Hb < 11 gr/dl. So, the boy does not have anemia. Ferritin levels for his age are within normal values. Currently, there are no hematological problems

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 December 2018 në 04:30

Hello Dr! Can hemoglobin electrophoresis analysis be performed while you are on medication...? Thank you!

Sent by Petriti, më 03 January 2019 në 01:23

Hello Petrit. I don't know what treatment you are undergoing, but Hemoglobin Electrophoresis is usually done at least 1 month from the application of the blood transfusion. Treatment with Hydroxyurea affects the result of the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 03 January 2019 në 02:48

Dr, the treatment is Ironorm 3x1, vitamin B6 2x1, vitamin C 3x1, vitamin B vital total 1 per day, where the treatment continues for about 2 months. Also takes siofor 500mg 3x1, as he has type II diabetes. Could you please explain to me about the Hb electrophoresis, can it be performed during the treatment? Thank you!

Sent by Petriti, më 03 January 2019 në 12:29

Hello Petriti, Ironorm 3 x 1 capsules/day contains iron, vitamin C, vitamin B6, etc. There is no need for additional vitamins. Since it has been 2 months of treatment, you will do: complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin electrophoresis (so there is no problem doing it)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 January 2019 në 07:17

Hello, my daughter is almost 4 years old. The sedimentation rate of erythrocytes is 38, with the normal range for females being up to 15.
TRIGLYCERIDES 1.16, with the normal range being 0.4-1.8.
CREATININE 42, with the normal range for females being 44-88.
HCT 34.6%, with the normal range being 35.0-48.0.
MCHC 317 g/l, with the normal range being 320-360.
RDW-SD 35.3fL, with the normal range being 37.0-54.0.
PLT 508 10^3/uL, with the normal range being 100-400.
PCT 0.44%, with the normal range being 0.10-0.28.
P-LCR 12.0%, with the normal range being 13.0-43.0... could you possibly explain this to me, please?

Sent by lea avdi, më 21 January 2019 në 08:04

Hello Lea, the only parameters that are slightly elevated are the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and platelets. This could be related to a possible infection. Platelets can also increase due to a lack of iron. If an infection has passed, you can repeat the analysis after a few weeks and usually, it will be corrected. For the lack of iron, a ferritin test is done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 January 2019 në 08:33

Hello doctor.
I have been treated for 4 months with Heferol, and my ferritin levels increased from 8 to 13. I have been without medication for 3 months, and in my latest tests, my ferritin was 10. However, what worried me was WBC 4.0 and GRA 48.0; the analysis mentioned Granulopenia. Please, can you tell me what this is about?
Thank you

Sent by Alda, më 22 January 2019 në 05:00

Hello Alda, a white blood cell count of 4,000 is the lower normal limit for white blood cells. It does not cause concern. This also applies to granulocytes.

The ferritin levels, 8, 10, 13, are all low. The normal minimum value is > 20 ng/ml. The optimal value for females is 60-70 ng/ml. You will take Tardyferon 80 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day for 2 consecutive months. After 2 months, you will have a complete blood count + ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 January 2019 në 08:10

Hello doctor, I am 24 years old I have done the tests and these are the data:
WBC 6.05
RBC 4.57
HGB 13.5
HCT 38.3%
MCV 83.8
MCH 29.5
MCHC 35.2
PLT 310
RDW-SD 35.4
RDW-CV 11.8%
PDW 14.6
MPV 11.7
P-LCR 39.3%
PCT 0.36%
NEUT 55.1%
LYMPH 31.9%
MONO 11.1%
EO 1.7%
BASO 0.2%

Glucose 106
Azotemia 16
Creatinine 0.7
Total Bilirubin 0.5
Cholesterol 145
Triglycerides 85
HDL Cholesterol 45
LDL Cholesterol 83

Thank you in advance!

Sent by Vjola, më 26 January 2019 në 07:35

Hello Vjola, the tests you have submitted are all within normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2019 në 13:20

Hello doctor, I am 24 years old, I have done the tests and these are the data:
WBC 6.05
RBC 4.57
HGB 13.5
HCT 38.3%
MCV 83.8
MCH 29.5
MCHC 35.2
PLT 310
RDW-SD 35.4
RDW-CV 11.8%
PDW 14.6
MPV 11.7
P-LCR 39.3%
PCT 0.36%
NEUT 55.1%
LYMPH 31.9%
MONO 11.1%
EO 1.7%
BASO 0.2%

Glucose 106
Uremia 16
Creatinine 0.7
Total Bilirubin 0.5
Cholesterol 145
Triglyceride 85
HDL Cholesterol 45
LDL Cholesterol 83

Thank you in advance!

Sent by Vjola, më 26 January 2019 në 07:43

Hello Vjola, the analyses you have presented are all within normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2019 në 13:20

Hello, doctor! In my blood test results, I have MXD 15.0 and from your responses, I understood that it could be parasitosis or an allergy. I wanted to ask, what causes this? And how should I proceed to understand what it is? (Leukocytes are 5.2) Thank you!

Sent by Klodiana, më 11 February 2019 në 06:52

Hello Klodiana, MXD is not a hematological parameter. It is the sum of monocytes, eosinophils, basophils with each of their maximums being respectively 10%, 4%, 1%. So, their sum = 15%. If the eosinophils are elevated > 4%, it might indicate parasitosis, allergies (etc)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 February 2019 në 07:15

Thank you Doctor for the quick response. In the blood tests I have done, it is not specified which one (Mono+EO+BZ) is elevated, can you guide me to which Specialist I should see for a more detailed check-up if necessary? Thank you in advance!

Sent by Klodiana, më 11 February 2019 në 08:27

Simply, a peripheral blood analysis is conducted, and the leukocyte formula is evaluated under the microscope

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 February 2019 në 06:01

Hello. My mother has a hemoglobin level of 10.1. She is diabetic. You have recommended before Ironorm twice a day and B12 injections. Ironorm has been used for 2 months but there are stomach concerns. Could you please tell me how many B12 injections and for how long to use them? If there are iron injections since there are stomach concerns, but she uses Ulcezol. Wishing you good work

Sent by Ani, më 21 February 2019 në 03:05

Hello Ani, usually the medication is taken for 1 month. After 1 month, a complete blood + ferritin test is done. If there is no increase in hemoglobin from the medication, it indicates that it is not anemia due to a lack of iron and Vitamin B12. If the kidney function is also normal, the discussion is between Anemia from Chronic Inflammatory Disease (which includes Diabetes) or Myelodysplasia (a myelogram is done)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 February 2019 në 06:30

Hello. My mother has a hemoglobin level of 10.1. She is diabetic. You have recommended before Ironorm twice a day as well as B12 ampoules. Ironorm has been used for 2 months but she is experiencing stomach issues. Could you possibly tell me how many B12 ampoules and for how long she should use them? If there are iron ampoules since she is having stomach issues, she could use Ulcezol. Wishing you good work

Sent by Ani, më 21 February 2019 në 03:06

Hello Ani, usually, the medication is used for 1 month. After 1 month, a complete blood count + ferritinemia is done. If there is no increase in hemoglobin from the medication, it indicates that it is not anemia due to iron deficiency and Vitamin B12 deficiency. If the kidney function is also normal, the discussion is between Anemia from Chronic Inflammatory Disease (which includes Diabetes) or Myelodysplasia (for which a myelogram is done).

So, you will do the ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 February 2019 në 06:31

Please forgive me once again, Dr. Sotiraqi. I have been using the B12 ampoules for 3 weeks now (1 ampoule each). I wanted to know how many ampoules I should use. And once again, thank you in advance for the answer

Sent by Ani, më 21 February 2019 në 06:58

You will do these tests for your mother if you have the possibility these days: ferritinemia, azotemia + creatinemia, sideremia, TIBC, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, complete blood count

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 February 2019 në 12:42

Hello Doctor,
I am 23 years old and my latest tests show these results:
WBC 4.99 RBC 4.57 HGB 11.7 HCT 35.6 MCV 77.9 MCH 25.6 MCHC 32.9 PLT 236 Blood sugar 90.2 Urea 14.9 Creatinine 0.63 ALT 6.2 AST 10.6 Total Bilirubin 0.5 Direct Bilirubin 0.16 Cholesterol 143.3 HDL 61.4 LDL 73.5 Triglycerides 47.
Thank you in advance

Sent by Eni, më 06 March 2019 në 03:05

Hello Eni, you have mild anemia, probably due to iron deficiency. You will undergo ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. If ferritinemia is < 20 ng/ml, it is considered iron deficiency and you will be treated with full therapeutic doses for at least 3 consecutive months

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 March 2019 në 06:25

Hello, I did a blood analysis on the 9th and these were the values: wbc 8.07, rbc 3.64, hgb 11.4, mchc 38, mch 31.3, mcv 82.2, rdw-cv 12.7, hct 29.9, plt 252, ers 18. Electrophoresis hba 97.3%, hbf 0, hbs 0, hba2 2.7% could you please tell me what condition they are in?

Sent by Brisida, më 11 March 2019 në 17:33

Hello Brisida, you have mild anemia. If you haven't done so, you will do ferritinemia. If it is < 20 ng/ml, you will take iron medication

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 March 2019 në 10:25

Hello doctor,
I have had concerns these days such as low blood pressure, dizziness, and also blurred vision. I have a 10-month-old baby that I am breastfeeding, and I am also working. Could these two reasons be affecting my condition, or could I be anemic since I was before pregnancy? Please, can you tell me what tests to perform to see if I have an iron deficiency or lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid?

Sent by Erisa, më 20 March 2019 në 10:49

Hello Erisa, to assess the possibility of anemia, it suffices to do a complete blood count and ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 March 2019 në 12:12

Hello, please can you give me answers regarding these parameters. My age is 26 years, WBC 9/ RBC 4.34/ HGB 12.9/ HCT 37.2/ PLT 441/ PCT .310/ MCV 86/ MCH 29.8/ MCHC 34.8/ RDW 14.4/ MPV 7.2/ PDW 15.2/ LYM 4.0/ MON 0.6/ GRA 4.4. Thank you in advance

Sent by ela, më 21 March 2019 në 06:07

Hello Ela, the peripheral blood analysis is normal. It would be good to also do the ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 March 2019 në 12:14

You are truly a compassionate doctor, responding to all the concerns of the patients. I congratulate you greatly for this gesture.
Two days ago, I did blood tests, and the results were as follows:
Wbc-5.62, RBC-4.59, HGB-13.7, HCT-40.2, MCV-87.6, MCH-29.8
MCHC-34.1, PLT-310.

LYMPH% - 42.9 (laboratory norm 25-35)
Mono% - 5.2
Eo% - 1.1
Baso% - 0.4
NEUT% - 50.4 (Norm 55-60)

P-LCR 45.9 (13-43)
MPV 12.6 ((6.5-11.0)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 25 mm/h
PCR 0.27
Please doctor, I am concerned about the increased lymphocytes and decreased neutrophils.
Thank you
I am waiting for your response

Sent by Fiora, më 26 March 2019 në 22:50

Hello Fiora, your analysis is completely normal. Lymphocytes are 20-50% within normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 March 2019 në 08:34

Hello Doctor,
I am 30 years old and according to my blood tests, I have the following values: Erythrocytes 4.11, hemoglobin 11.8, hematocrit 34.8, leukocytes 5.91, neutrophils 2.97, lymphocytes 2.27. MCV 84.7 MCH 28.7 MCHC 33.9 Platelets 284, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 17, Iron 46.7, Ferritin 8.127. Could you please recommend a treatment for these values?

Sent by Nevila , më 03 April 2019 në 03:05

Hello Nevila, you have mild anemia due to iron deficiency. I often use 1-Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day. 2-Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day. 3-Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day.
For 2 consecutive months. After 2 months of treatment: complete blood + ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 April 2019 në 03:28

Hello Doctor,
I am 30 years old and according to my blood tests, I have these values: Erythrocytes 4.11, hemoglobin 11.8, hematocrit 34.8, leukocytes 5.91, neutrophils 2.97, lymphocytes 2.27. MCV 84.7 MCH 28.7 MCHC 33.9 Platelets 284, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 17, Iron 46.7, Ferritin 8.127. Could you please recommend a treatment for these values?

Sent by Nevila , më 03 April 2019 në 10:44

Hello Nevila, you have mild anemia due to iron deficiency. I often use 1-Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day. 2-Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day. 3-Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day.
For 2 consecutive months. After 2 months of treatment: complete blood + ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 April 2019 në 03:28

Hello doctor! My mother is 43 years old and in a recent routine check-up, her RBC was found to be 5.01 M. Is she a carrier of polycythemia?

Sent by Entela , më 07 April 2019 në 19:14

Hello Entela, the RBC value is within the normal range for females (4-5.3 million mm3). What are the values of Hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes, and platelets?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 08 April 2019 në 03:08

Thank you for your response!
Hgb 13.90
Hct 41.50
Wbc 8.93
Plt 385.00

Sent by Entela , më 08 April 2019 në 03:15

Your mother does not have polycythemia. You will do ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2019 në 11:35

Dear doctor, we communicated in February regarding my mother and you told me to get her tests done. The results I received yesterday were: WBC (6.94) MONO 11.0 BASO 1.6 EOS 4.5 RBC (3.39) HTC (30.3) HGB (9.7) URIC ACID (5.4) FERRITIN (52.73) CREATININE (0.89) SERUM IRON (52.13) TRIGLYCERIDES (165) CHOLESTEROL (182) UREA (45.2). She has been diagnosed with a urinary infection but we are waiting for the urine culture. She has been taking vitamin B12 and C. She is diabetic. We kindly ask for your opinion. Wishing you good work. Regards

Sent by Ani, më 09 April 2019 në 01:12

Hello Ani, your mother has mild Anemia, with normal ferritinemia, probably Anemia from Acute and Chronic Inflammation (urinary infection, diabetes is a chronic inflammation, etc.). I don't know if you have done Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. There is no need to take medication for the anemia, if the inflammation is not eliminated, the anemia is not corrected. Diabetes cannot be cured, consequently, the anemia cannot be cured either. Anyway, it is a mild, chronic anemia, it does not cause much concern for the patient

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 April 2019 në 11:42

Hello doctor...I am sending you some test results for a 53-year-old female. WBC 5.8, RBC 4.69, HGB 13.2, HCT 39, MCV 83.2, MCH 28.1, PLT 288, MXD% 10.1, TSH 1.16, AST 18, ALT 23, ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE 48... is there a concern, where does it come from, what can we do? Thank you!

Sent by Dona, më 10 April 2019 në 08:19

Hello Dona, the peripheral blood analysis was normal. The ESR is slightly higher than normal (for the age of 53 years, the normal ESR is 31-32 mm/h

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 April 2019 në 04:30

Hello doctor... I am sending you some test results for a 53-year-old female. WBC 5.8, RBC 4.69, HGB 13.2, HCT 39, MCV 83.2, MCH 28.1, PLT 288, MXD% 10.1, TSH 1.16, AST 18, ALT 23, ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE 48... is there a concern, where does it come from, what can we do? Thank you!

Sent by Dona, më 10 April 2019 në 08:46

Hello Dona, the peripheral blood analysis was normal. ESR is slightly higher than the norm (for the age of 53 years, normal ESR is 31-32 mm/h

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 April 2019 në 04:30

Hello and thank you, doctor. I wrote to you on April 9th sending you the results of my mother's tests. You said to do vitamin B12 and folic acid as well.
Vitamin B12 is 1048 mg and folic acid less than 20.00. Should I continue using vitamin B12? If not, when should I start again since she feels stronger after using it? Thank you

Sent by Ani, më 11 April 2019 në 14:41

Hello Ani, I can't remember what we discussed and I can't find the communication. Did I tell you to get the tests done, or to take medication?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 April 2019 në 14:22

Hello doctor. We communicated in February about my mother and you said to do the tests. The results I got yesterday were: WBC (6.94), MONO 11.0, BASO 1.6, EOS 4.5, RBC (3.39), HTC (30.3), HGB (9.7), URIC ACID (5.4), FERRITIN (52.73), CREATININE (0.89), SERUM IRON (52.13), TRIGLYCERIDES (165), CHOLESTEROL (182), UREA (45.2). She has been diagnosed with a urinary infection E. coli and has started treatment.

She has been taking vitamins B12 and C. B12 slowly 1048 mg and folic acid less than 20.00. Should she continue taking vitamin B12? If not, when should she start again as she feels stronger after its use. Thank you

Sent by Ani, më 14 April 2019 në 07:59

Hello Ani, use for 1 month: Sol. Vitamin B12 500 mcg 2 ampoules per week + Folic Acid 5 mg 3 x 1 tablet/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 3 x 1 tablet/day and after 1 month you will do a complete blood analysis, to see if there is an increase in hemoglobin or not. If it does not increase, the anemia is not related to the lack of Vitamin B12, it is not related to the lack of iron and kidney disease either, probably Inflammatory Anemia or Myelodysplastic Syndrome. In these cases, it is not worth continuing treatment

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 April 2019 në 03:30

I wanted to ask about the values of my analyses. I am a 41-year-old woman. WBC (Leukocytes) 6.97; RBC (Erythrocytes) 4.08; HGB (Hemoglobin) 12.80; HCT (Hematocrit) 38.30; MCV 93.80; MCH 31.50; MCHC 33.50; PLT (Platelets) 162.00; LYM% 32.60; MONO% 8.57; EO% 13.80; BASO% 1.00; Neut% 44.10; Lym 2.27; MONO 0.59; EO 0.96; BASO 0.07; Neut 3.07; RDW-CV 12.60; RDW-SD 38.50; PDW 17.50; MPV 9.57; P-LCR 37.00 while ferritin 11. Thank you

Sent by Blerina, më 18 April 2019 në 05:36

Hello Blerina, the peripheral blood analysis is normal. Ferritin < 20 ng/ml = Iron Deficiency. You will be treated for at least 2 months with an iron therapeutic dose (200 mg elemental iron/day) and at the end of 2 months, the ferritin will be retested. The goal is at least 20 ng/ml. The optimal value for adult females is around 60-70 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 April 2019 në 11:42

For this, I am taking medication doctor, but the high value of EO% 13.80 concerns me. What does this mean?

Sent by Blerina , më 18 April 2019 në 11:48

Hello Blerina, the increase in eosinophils is common among people with allergies and in cases of parasitosis. If it's due to those, it doesn't mean you have a blood disease. Currently, it's the allergy season, and judging eosinophils is debatable. If you are allergic, follow up with an allergist. For parasitosis, the possible presence of parasites is assessed. In our country, almost everyone is positive for Lamblia. If there are parasites, it is managed by an infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 April 2019 në 09:01

Hello. My daughter is 3 and a half years old. I have done her blood tests and the values are as follows:
WBC - 8.93
RBC - 4.66
HGB - 11.30 (low)
HTC - 35.10
MCV - 75.40
MCH - 24.20
MCHC - 32.10
PLT - 222,000 (low)
LYM% - 38.60
MXD% (MONO+EO+BZ) - 11.8 (high)
Neut% - 49.60
Lym - 3.45
MXD (Mono+EO+BZ) - 1.05
Neut - 4.43
RDW-CV - 15.10 (high)
RDW-SD - 47.00
PDW - 12.50
MPV - 8.93
P-LCR - 32.10
Blood glucose - 82
Urea - 18
Serum iron - 20 (low)
Cholesterol - 117
Triglycerides - 46
ALT(SGPT) - 25
AST(SGOT) - 26
Creatinine - 0.23 (low)
Ferritin - 17.00

Sent by Juli, më 13 May 2019 në 05:04

Hello Juli, the analyses are normal. And those that you have marked as low, for the age, are considered normal. Since they are at an age where they grow quickly and require iron, they can use iron supplements for their age

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 13 May 2019 në 05:13

Hello. My daughter is 3 and a half years old. I have done her blood tests and the values are as follows:
WBC - 8.93
RBC - 4.66
HGB - 11.30 (low)
HTC - 35.10
MCV - 75.40
MCH - 24.20
MCHC - 32.10
PLT - 222,000 (low)
LYM% - 38.60
MXD% (MONO+EO+BZ) - 11.8 (high)
Neut% - 49.60
Lym - 3.45
MXD (Mono+EO+BZ) - 1.05
Neut - 4.43
RDW-CV - 15.10 (high)
RDW-SD - 47.00
PDW - 12.50
MPV - 8.93
P-LCR - 32.10
Blood sugar - 82
Uremia - 18
Serum iron - 20 (low)
Cholesterol - 117
Triglycerides - 46
ALT(SGPT) - 25
AST(SGOT) - 26
Creatinine - 0.23 (low)
Ferritin - 17.00

Sent by Juli, më 13 May 2019 në 05:19

Hello Juli, the analyses are normal. And those that you marked as low, for the age that is considered normal. Since they are at an age where they grow quickly and iron is required, they can use iron supplements for their age

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 May 2019 në 04:33

Hello doctor. I would like to consult with you about my 14-year-old daughter's blood test. WBC 8.11..RBC 4.88..HGB 13.2..HCT 39.1..MCV 80.1...MCH 27.0...MCHC 33.8...PLT 314..RDW-SD 39.2..RDW-CV 13.7...PDW 12.8...MPV 11.1..P-LCR 33.4..PCT 0.35..NEUT 4.15*51.2*%...LYMPH 2.68*33.0*%...MONO 0.55*6.8*%...EO 0.69+ 8.5+...BASO 0.04 0.05 ...Waiting for a response. Thank you

Sent by Rovena, më 18 May 2019 në 07:06

Hello Rovena, the analysis is normal. If possible, also do ferritinemia, the analysis for iron deficiency

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 May 2019 në 10:11

Thank you, doctor... the female doctor who gave me the answer, told me that it turned out to be an allergy... where is this distinguished? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate turned out to be 14 mm/h

Sent by Rovena , më 18 May 2019 në 15:09

Hello Rovena, there is a slight increase in eosinophils. Usually, it increases in various allergies or parasitosis. This does not indicate that you have a blood disease. After a few weeks, we will repeat it again. If it remains, a fecal analysis is done to see if there are parasites or not; if so, they are treated by a specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 May 2019 në 09:48

Hello doctor. I was operated on a week ago for appendicitis and the surgery went well, but I ended up with a hemoglobin of 9.8. Should I use the medications that were sent to me from Italy, Ferrograd and Dobetin 5000 micrograms / 2 ml? They are vitamin B12 injections that are accompanied by iron. Please give me a response

Sent by ROVENA , më 21 May 2019 në 15:46

Hello Rovena, after surgery there is a decrease in hemoglobin, which reaches its lowest value after 3-4 days. Afterward, it will increase if iron reserves are normal. So initially do ferritinemia. If it is < 20 ng/ml, you will take Ferrograd 2 x 1 tablets/day, for at least 3 consecutive months

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 May 2019 në 04:44

Hello doctor. I had surgery for appendicitis a week ago and the surgery went well, but I came out with hemoglobin at 9.8. Do I need to use these medications that were sent to me from Italy, Ferrograd and Dobetin 5000 micrograms / 2 ml? They are vitamin B12 injections that are taken along with iron. Please give me a response

Sent by ROVENA , më 21 May 2019 në 16:18

Hello Rovena, after surgery there is a decrease in hemoglobin, which reaches its lowest value after 3-4 days. Then it will increase if the iron reserves are normal. So initially do ferritinemia. If it is < 20 ng/ml, you will take Ferrograd 2 x 1 tablets/day, for at least 3 consecutive months

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 May 2019 në 04:37

Hello doctor. From the blood tests, my MXD% (MONO+EO+BA) result is high at 12.9, with the maximum limit being 10. What does this indicate, please?

Sent by Juela, më 22 May 2019 në 05:05

Hello Juela, this parameter is a sum of 3 components of white blood cells, which has no practical significance. The maximum value of monocytes is up to 10%, of eosinophils up to 4%, and of basophils up to 1%, so the maximum value of the sum = 15%

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 May 2019 në 03:35

Hello Doctor, I have done hemoglobin electrophoresis for my 15-month-old son, the values are Hba 93%, Hbf 4.4%, Hba2 2.6%
Based on these results, does he have congenital anemia?
Thank you

Sent by Mira, më 31 May 2019 në 10:35

Hello Mira, as a rule, we perform Hemoglobin Electrophoresis after the age of 4 years, when the level of HbF reaches its minimum value. So, it cannot be judged yet. But it's very simple: you and your spouse will have a complete blood test + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. If you do not have congenital anemia, the child cannot have it either

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 June 2019 në 08:39

Hello doctor, I have done a complete blood analysis + ferritin... here are my results: WBC 8.18.. RBC 4.22.. HGB 9.9.. HCT 29.9.. MCV 70.4.. MCH 23.5.. MCHC 33.3.. PLT 338... RDW-SD 38.1.. RDW-CV 15.2.. PDW 12.5.. MPV 10.7.. P-LCR 31.5.. PCT 0.36+... NEUT 5.81.. LYMPH 1.78.. MONO 0.48.. EO 0.08.. BASO 0.03... Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 20 mm/h... Ferritin 4.04. The doctor told me that the ferritin level is very low... I am worried because I am in the fifth month of pregnancy... Am I allowed to take medication? I have been given Ferrograd 105 mg from Italy... Can I continue the medication... I am waiting for your response! Thank you!

Sent by Rovena , më 03 June 2019 në 06:51

Hello Rovena, you have Iron Deficiency Anemia, Grade 1, mild. Treatment with iron preparations is very beneficial during pregnancy. Ferrograd is the best preparation. 2 tablets/day, for at least 3 consecutive months. Also, do the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 June 2019 në 04:20

Hello respected doctor. I have done the analyses and have these blood parameters: WBC 6.61, RBC 3.94, HGB 8.99, HCT 28.27, MCV 71.83, MCH 22.84, MXD% 13.31 Ferritin 1, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 48, Reticulocytes 0.2%. I have had problems with anemia for years. A year ago, I took Feramax for 2 months and Hemoglobin went to 13. Is it a congenital pathology or can it be cured? What do you recommend I take and for how long? Thank you. Regards

Sent by Meri, më 06 June 2019 në 16:15

Hello Meri, Iron Deficiency Anemia is always acquired. The goal of the treatment is not only the correction of the anemia, which you achieve, but also the correction of the cause of the anemia, the iron deficiency (ferritinemia should reach 60-70 ng/ml) and this requires about 3 months of treatment. Feramax generally does not manage to replenish the stores

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 June 2019 në 08:02

Doctor, I thank you for the advice. What do you suggest, please?

Sent by Meri, më 07 June 2019 në 08:05

Hello Meri, for the treatment, the age is needed, you need to know the menstrual cycle, the possible current concerns of the stomach, intestines (iron supplements are often accompanied by such problems). Is there visible or invisible blood loss in urine, feces (feces blood occult, feces parasite, complete urine)?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 June 2019 në 08:09

I understand, doctor. I am 44 years old. Four years ago, I had surgery for fibroids and during that time I had persistent anemia. I have not done the ferritin test before, just general analyses, and I have followed the hemoglobin indicators. My menstrual cycle is regular (28 days) but lasts up to 7 days and the quantity is relatively considerable. In the urine and stool tests, no problem with bleeding was found. In your opinion, which medication would be suitable for building up iron reserves? Thank you very much for your time and support

Sent by Meri, më 07 June 2019 në 08:20

Hello Meri, Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day during or after meals. For at least 3 consecutive months, after 1 month a complete blood test is done and after 3 months of treatment a complete blood test + ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 June 2019 në 12:16

I understand, doctor. I am 44 years old. Four years ago, I had surgery for fibromyoma and during that time I had continuous anemia. I haven't done a ferritin test before, just general tests, and I have followed the hemoglobin indicators. My menstrual cycle is regular (28 days) but lasts up to 7 days and the amount is relatively considerable.
In the urine and stool tests, I haven't had any problems with bleeding. According to you, which medication would be suitable to build up iron reserves? Thank you very much for your time and support

Sent by Meri, më 07 June 2019 në 08:21

Hello Meri, Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day + Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day + Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day in the middle of or after meals. For at least 3 consecutive months, after 1 month complete blood work is done and after 3 months of treatment complete blood work + ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 June 2019 në 12:16

Hello Doctor. I am Enxhi, 23 years old.
I had a complete blood analysis + ferritin, with these results:
Leukocytes 7.7, Middle 0.7, Lymphocytes 2.8
Granules 4.2,
lymphocytes 36.7%, Middle 9.5%, Granules 53.8%, Erythrocytes 4, Hemoglobin 11.4, hematocrit 35%, MCV 87.7, MCH 28.5, MCHC 32.5, RDWsd 41.4, RDWcv 12.7%, platelets 196, PCT 0.199%, MPV 10.12, PDW 14.7, FERRITIN 16, IRON 69. Initially, I did the analysis recommended by the infectious disease specialist: Anti-helicobacter pylori IgG 12.4, Helicobacter pylori IgM 9.5, Fecal parasite negative.
Diagnosis: anemia. Treatment: OVIRON 3×1 90
AXONOL 1 CAPSULE 30, FOR TWO MONTHS. Please, can you tell me the type of anemia, and if the treatment is appropriate? Or should I go to other medical specialists to find the cause of the anemia and get other medications?

Sent by Enxhi, më 12 June 2019 në 03:34

Hello Enxhi, you have mild Anemia, likely due to Iron Deficiency. You can continue with OVIRON only, 3 x 1 capsule/day, for at least 3 months in a row. After 1 month of treatment, you will do a complete blood count and after 3 months complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 June 2019 në 10:48

Hello doctor, I am 38 years old and from a complete blood analysis, my erythrocyte sedimentation rate came out as 27. I emphasize that all the other blood parameters came out within the normal range. Please doctor, can you tell me if this is concerning? Thank you

Sent by ada, më 26 June 2019 në 09:36

Hello Ada, with age, ESd increases. The formula that we calculate for females is Age + 10 / 2 = 24 for your case. So, almost in normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 June 2019 në 07:40

Hello, I am 27 years old and from my blood tests, my erythrocyte sedimentation rate has come out 40 and rods 15%. I wanted to know how concerning this percentage is since I am also anemic. Thank you

Sent by orgestiana, më 04 July 2019 në 04:34

Hello Orgestiana, as a rule, they usually indicate an inflammation, probably from an infection. They are not related to anemia, which in most cases is associated with a lack of iron

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 05 July 2019 në 10:59

Hello doctor! I have done blood tests and eos# 0.96 neu% 44.8% eos% 10.6% HGB 114 HCT 32.2 MCV 73.0 MCH 25.7 RDW-CV 16.5 ESR 5mm/h

Sent by Emisa , më 09 July 2019 në 09:17

Hello Emisa, the data is incomplete. Missing are RBC, Plt, WBC (from calculation 9,056 mm3). You also don't have ferritinemia. You probably have mild anemia due to iron deficiency and absolute Eosinophilia (increases in allergies, common parasitosis). You will need to do parasite feces, consult with an allergist if you are allergic, treatment for 3 months with iron supplements, therapeutic dose

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 July 2019 në 07:26

Hello doctor! My mother is 78 years old. Today she did her tests and the results were: WBC 19.32, RBC 4.6, HGB 11.6, HCT 39.3, PLT 596, SED 45. please tell me if she might have any cancerous blood disease?

Sent by Migena, më 13 July 2019 në 09:06

Hello Migena, these are values that need to be assessed by the hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 July 2019 në 07:42

Hello! Taking the occasion from the answers you have provided to the questions above, I thought you might also be able to answer me because the blood tests are just like those I described to you, just like the others to which you have responded with great professionalism

Sent by Migena, më 15 July 2019 në 14:34

Hello Migena, there are values that cannot be responded to without visiting the patient and re-evaluating. You can suspect benign and malignant diseases

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 July 2019 në 13:24

Hello doctor! I have been experiencing hair loss for several months, I did some tests and my Ferritin came out to be 4.26 and LYM% 23.6. It's been about a month and some, that I have been taking iron and zinc and I haven't noticed any kind of improvement, my hair continues to fall out a lot. Could you please tell me if there is something else I can take to stop the hair loss?

Sent by Erisa, më 05 Agust 2019 në 15:46

Hello, what is the value of Hb? Ferritinemia cannot be corrected, and consequently, complaints from iron deficiency, by taking iron supplements. The therapeutic dose is 200 mg of elemental iron per day, for at least 2 months in a row when you have only iron deficiency and for at least 3 months in a row when you also have anemia from iron deficiency

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 Agust 2019 në 05:18

That means it will continue like this... Hemoglobin is 12.8

Sent by Erisa, më 06 Agust 2019 në 09:43

Hello Erisa, you will continue for 2 months with iron supplements, in therapeutic doses. For adults, it is 180-200 mg of elemental iron, with a preference for divalent iron (Heferol, Tardyferon, etc.). After 2 months of treatment, ferritin levels will be checked again. The minimum for females should be 20 ng/ml, and the optimal value 60 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 Agust 2019 në 05:34

Hello Dr.!
I am a 31-year-old man writing to you! First of all, I congratulate you on this very humane and human initiative, and you are certainly a special person as truly humane people have become rare these days!
For several years, I have suffered from the chronic disease of inflamed tonsils and have been treated often with different antibiotics, but it was just a temporary relief. A few days ago, I had a check-up and generally, the parameters are normal except for two components that somewhat worried me. LYM% is 15.9 from 24-44 which is the reference, and WBC (white blood cells) 12.13 from 4.5-11 which is the reference, and MXD (mono+eo+bz) is 1.11 while the reference for this is 0.135–1.1 and another is Neut 9.09 whereas in reference it is 1.8–8.47. With respect and affection, I await an opinion and advice from you

Sent by Arber, më 18 Agust 2019 në 06:32

Hello Arber, in an inflammation, leukocytes increase, mainly neutrophils, and in the leukocyte formula, this is manifested by a decrease in lymphocytes (100% is the maximum, one increases and another decreases, to make the total sum 100%). It doesn't have a consequence. MXD is a sum of elements, it has no practical significance, and the maximum of the norm is up to 15%, so it's normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 Agust 2019 në 05:40

Hello Doctor,
The article is excellent even though I don't understand the scientific terms.
I did some tests on my 14-month-old son and got these results:
And ferritin came out to be 28.5
But after a month and a half, I repeated the ferritin test and it came out
Is this normal, thank you!!

Sent by Alfred, më 22 Agust 2019 në 17:39

Hello Alfred, the boy has a mild anemia. When measured, ferritinemia has a problem; it is an acute phase protein of inflammation, so any acute inflammation, regardless of cause, can increase it, but not the iron stores. Another problem might be a laboratory error. Given that the boy has mild anemia and it is most likely due to iron deficiency, I would place more value on the 13.5 ng/ml. You should discuss with the pediatrician about treating the anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 Agust 2019 në 06:20

Hello Doctor,
The article is excellent even though I do not understand the scientific terms.
I did some tests for my 14-month-old son, and these are the results:
And ferritin came out to be 28.5
But after a month and a half, I repeated the ferritin test, and it came out to be
Is this normal, thank you!!

Sent by Alfred, më 22 Agust 2019 në 17:41

Hello Alfred, the boy has mild anemia. Ferritinemia has a problem when measured, it is an acute phase inflammation protein, so any acute inflammation, for whatever reason, can cause its increase, but not of the iron stores. Another problem could be a laboratory error. Given that the boy has mild anemia and it is most likely due to iron deficiency, I would take the value of 13.5 ng/ml more seriously. You will discuss with the pediatrician about the treatment of anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 Agust 2019 në 06:20

Hello Doctor,
The article is excellent even though I don't understand the scientific terms.
I did some tests on my son who is 14 months old and got these results:
And ferritin came out to be 28.5
But after a month and a half, I repeated the ferritin test and it came out to be
Is this normal? Thank you!!

Sent by Alfred, më 22 Agust 2019 në 17:50

Hello Alfred, the boy has mild anemia. When measured, ferritinemia has a problem, it is an acute phase protein of inflammation, so any acute inflammation, for any reason, can cause its increase, but not of iron stores. Another problem could be a laboratory error. Given that the boy has mild anemia, and it is most likely due to iron deficiency, I would take the value of 13.5 ng/ml more seriously. You will discuss with the pediatrician about the treatment of anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 Agust 2019 në 06:21

Hello Doctor,
The article is excellent even though I don't understand the scientific terms.
I did some tests on my 14-month-old son and these are the results:
And ferritin came out to 28.5
But after a month and a half, I repeated the ferritin test and it came out
Is this normal thank you !!

Sent by Alfred, më 22 Agust 2019 në 17:54

Hello Alfred, the boy has mild anemia. Ferritinemia presents a problem when measured, it is an acute phase inflammation protein, so any acute inflammation, for whatever reason, can cause its increase, but not of iron stores. Another issue could be a laboratory error. Given the fact that the boy has mild anemia and it is most likely due to iron deficiency, I would consider the value of 13.5 ng/ml more significant. You will discuss with the pediatrician about the treatment of anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 Agust 2019 në 06:20

Hello Doctor,
The article is excellent even though I do not understand the scientific terms. I would like to inform you that my son has undergone surgery twice.
I did some tests on my son who is 14 months old, and these are the results:
And ferritin came out to be 28.5
But after a month and a half, I repeated the ferritin test and it came out to be
Is this normal? Thank you!!

Sent by Alfred, më 22 Agust 2019 në 17:57

Hello Alfred, the boy has mild anemia. Ferritin has a problem when measured; it is an acute phase inflammation protein, so any acute inflammation, regardless of the cause, can cause its increase, but not of the iron stores. Another problem might be a laboratory error. Given that the boy has mild anemia and it is most likely due to iron deficiency, I would take the value of 13.5 ng/ml more seriously. You should discuss with the pediatrician about treating the anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 Agust 2019 në 06:20

Thank you very much for the answer!!
Doctor, one more question
Where does this anemia come from and how can it be cured
I mean, is there a factor that causes this anemia (iron deficiency)

Sent by Alfred, më 23 Agust 2019 në 06:45

Hello Alfred, if it's called Iron Deficiency Anemia, from the name itself you understand that the cause of the anemia is the lack of iron. The discussion is where does this iron deficiency come from and for children the most likely causes are; rapid body growth, lack of iron in the mother during pregnancy and in breastfeeding, presence of parasites, etc

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 Agust 2019 në 04:43

Thank you very much for the answer!!
Doctor, one more question
Where does this anemia come from and how can it be treated?
I mean, is there a factor that causes this anemia (iron deficiency)?

Sent by Alfred, më 23 Agust 2019 në 06:53

Hello Alfred, if it's called Iron Deficiency Anemia, from the name itself you understand that the cause of the anemia is the lack of iron. The discussion is where the lack of iron itself comes from, and for children, the most likely causes are; rapid body growth, lack of iron in the mother during pregnancy and in breastfeeding, presence of parasites, etc

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 Agust 2019 në 04:43

Thank you very much for the answer!!
Doctor, one more question
Where does this anemia come from and how can it be cured
I mean, is there a factor that causes this anemia (iron deficiency)?

Sent by Alfred, më 23 Agust 2019 në 07:00

Hello Alfred, if it's called Iron Deficiency Anemia, from the name itself you understand that the cause of the anemia is the lack of iron. The discussion is about where the lack of iron itself comes from and for children the most probable causes are; rapid body growth, lack of iron in the mother during pregnancy and in breastfeeding, presence of parasites, etc

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 Agust 2019 në 04:42

The article is quite informative but I wanted to ask you something... my erythrocyte sedimentation rate came out high, 27mm/hr..what does this mean?? Does it indicate any disease and what is it related to, please give me an answer..thank you, have a good day

Sent by Greta , më 31 Agust 2019 në 06:47

Hello Greta, the current value is almost normal. As you have read, it is influenced by many factors and the ESR value does not cause any disease. We use it as a marker to discover other diseases. When you have the chance, repeat it again

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 04 September 2019 në 11:46

Hello doctor, my mother-in-law's hematocrit came out to 35.4 and P-LCR 17.5. Could you please explain what should be done?

Sent by Adela , më 22 October 2019 në 10:14

Hello Adela, we rarely use the hematocrit (if erythrocytes are normochromic normocytic, hemoglobin should be about 12 gr/dl). Could you write down the RBC and Hb values? If they are normal, at least the red blood cell series is normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 October 2019 në 10:58

Hello doctor! Please read these tests for me and tell me what to do, please.
The person is a boy, 16 years old. Weight about 75 kg.
Complete blood count; WBC 7.2, Lymph 3.0, Mid 0.5, Gran 3.7, Lymph% 41.9%, Mid% 6.7, Gran% 51.4, RBC 5.66, HGB 13.0g/, HTC 38.4%, MCV 68.0 fl, MCH 22.9pg, MCHC 33.8, RDW-CV 16.3%, RDW-SD 37.6, PLT 301, MPV 10.6 fl, PDW 14.7, PCT 0.319%, sediment 5.
Ferritin analysis is 19.21.
He has minor congenital anemia

Sent by Anila, më 26 October 2019 në 04:54

Hello Anila, I returned an answer 2 days ago. Thalassemia Minor + Iron Deficiency. For 2 months, I will take Ironorm 3 x 1 capsule/day and after 2 months, a complete blood count, ferritin levels, and if not done, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis will be repeated. The goal of ferritin levels in males is at least 30-40 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 October 2019 në 14:14

Hello doctor! Please read these analyses for me and tell me what to do, please.
The person is a boy, 16 years old. Weight about 75 kg.
Complete blood count; WBC 7.2, Lymph 3.0, Mid 0.5, Gran 3.7, Lymph% 41.9%, Mid% 6.7, Gran% 51.4, RBC 5.66, HGB 13.0g/, HTC 38.4%, MCV 68.0 fl, MCH 22.9pg, MCHC 33.8, RDW-CV 16.3%, RDW-SD 37.6, PLT 301, MPV 10.6 fl, PDW 14.7, PCT 0.319%, sediment 5.
The ferritin analysis is 19.21.
He has minor congenital anemia

Sent by Anila, më 26 October 2019 në 04:54

Hello Anila, I replied to you 2 days ago. Thalassemia Minor + Iron Deficiency. For 2 months, I will take Ironorm 3 x 1 capsules/day and after 2 months, a complete blood count, ferritin levels, and if not done before, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis will be repeated. The goal for ferritin levels in males is at least 30-40 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 October 2019 në 14:15

Hello doctor, I wanted to ask about my tests where one indicator is not within the expected norms MXD% (Mono+Eo+BZ) 16.60. What does it mean?
What consequences could this disorder have? And how can it be treated?

Sent by Koli, më 27 October 2019 në 17:13

Hello, Koli is an unofficial parameter, a sum of several elements, and the rate should be up to 15%. You have a slight increase. The leukocyte formula is done under a microscope, and it is determined what percentage of monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils are included in this sum

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 October 2019 në 06:43

Hello doctor!
I underwent IV iron therapy a week ago as I have sideropenic anemia, and now I am taking iron niferex. My ferritin on the 24th was lower than today I did the ferritin analysis again and it came out to 820, a frightening number. My hemoglobin from 8.6 today was 10.9, white cells I have 3.74 NEU% 63.4 RBC 5.10 MCV 70.8 MCH 21.4 MCHC 30.2 RDW SD 66.6 RDWSV 26.5. The liver tests AST(SGOT) 25.4 while ALT SGPT 29.6 and vitamin D 12.5. Should I stop taking Niferex during this time?

Sent by Albina, më 06 November 2019 në 15:34

Hello Albina, the value of 820 ng/ml is elevated, but not alarming. However, it is not a normal value. Because when iron is administered with serum, the assessment of ferritin should be done at least 1 month after the application so that the iron that was immediately introduced can be used for the production of new red blood cells (for the increase of hemoglobin), and for the other cells of the body. Therefore, without waiting for 1 month, you will do a complete blood test, ferritin. Depending on their values, it will be determined whether there is a need to take more medication or not. Nirefex is of no value

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2019 në 03:05

Hello doctor, my father is 62 years old and had pain in the right side under the ribs, after an X-ray examination the doctor diagnosed pneumonia, the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes in the initial analysis was 95 and LE 16, after 1 week of therapy SE dropped to 76 and Le 9.9. Now he has no pain but is still on therapy at home, after a week at home the pain completely stopped, he doesn't feel pain anymore but the latest analysis shows everything is normal except that SE had increased to 78, but with ongoing therapy, we are worried why SE is not dropping, is this normal?

Sent by adis, më 24 December 2019 në 09:18

Hello Adis, inflammation induced by infection is one of the causes of increased ESR. You will repeat it after 2-3 weeks along with CRP, Fibrinogen. If it remains elevated and the CRP and Fibrinogen tests are normal, we check other proteins circulating in the blood

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 December 2019 në 11:59

Hello doctor, my 62-year-old father had pain in his right side under the ribs, after an X-ray examination the doctor diagnosed pneumonia, sedimentation of erythrocytes in the previous analysis was 95 and LE 16, after 1 week of therapy SE fell to 76 and Le 9.9
now he has no pain but continues therapy at home, after a week at home he completely stopped feeling pain but the latest analysis still shows everything is normal except that SE has risen to 78 but he continues therapy, we are worried why SE is not falling, is this normal?

Sent by adis, më 24 December 2019 në 09:40

Hello Adis, inflammation induced by infection is one of the reasons for the increase in ESR. You will repeat it after 2-3 weeks along with CRP, Fibrinogen. If it remains elevated and the CRP and Fibrinogen tests are normal, we check other proteins circulating in the blood

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 December 2019 në 11:59

Hello doctor, I had bronchitis and was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and after 2 weeks, I am on home therapy. I did a blood test and my ESR came out as 90 and CRP as 16. I haven't had pain during the therapy, what do you advise me? And is there something that I should be worried about? On the day I was admitted to the hospital, my ESR was 98 and CRP was 17.5

Sent by Rahim , më 25 December 2019 në 11:29

Hello Rahim, both parameters are indicators of inflammation (Bronchitis). You will repeat them after a few weeks

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 December 2019 në 12:43

Hello doctor,
My 24-year-old daughter has these test results:
Hemoglobin 150, Leukocytes 7.0, Hematocrit 41.2, Neutrophils 51.9%, Lymphocytes 41.3%, Monocytes 6.8%. Should I be worried, or is it an infection, and what should she use? Thank you

Sent by Blero, më 22 January 2020 në 12:06

Hello Blero, the values you present are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 January 2020 në 04:49

We contacted you last night. Could you please provide any response? Thank you

Sent by Teuta Tundo, më 24 January 2020 në 11:55

Hello Teuta, write to me again about your problem. I have not been in Albania

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 January 2020 në 04:39

Hello Doctor, the blood tests of my 21-month-old daughter, who is going through a viral infection, show WBC 16.1, RBC 4.01, HGB 9.1, HTC 28.6, PLT 290, PCT .213, MCV 71, MCH 22.8, MCHC 31.9, RDW 16.8, MPV 7.3, PDW 12.6, LYM 24.4, MON 4, %GRA 70.8, #LYM 3.9, #MON 0.7, #GRA 11.5, ferritin 26.26 serum, sideremia 30.54 thank you

Sent by Alba, më 26 January 2020 në 23:42

Hello Alba, there is a slight increase in leukocytes and a slight decrease in hemoglobin. It is good to reassess after the viral condition, if they persist you will be directed to the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 January 2020 në 05:56

Greetings... I am 24 years old, I have done blood tests in Italy and the result was (writing it in Italian)
White blood cells 6.00 k/μL
Neutrophils 3.33 55.5%N
Lymphocytes 1.61 26.9%L
Monocytes 0.947 15.8%M
Eosinophils 0.005 0.091%E
Basophils 0.105 1.75%B

Red blood cells 5.09 M/μL
Hemoglobin 12.6 g/dL
Hematocrit 39.1%
MCV 76.8 fL
MCH 24.8 pg
MCHC 32.3 g/dL
RDW 10.9%

Platelets 270.k/μL
MPV 9.65 fL
PCT 0.260%
PDW 19.3 10(GSD)
Should I be worried... I have had anemia before, lately I feel tired and very sleepy... as a result, I did the tests again to check my condition.. please reply

Sent by Nela , më 31 January 2020 në 03:26

Hello Nela, you need to do ferritinemia. If < 20 ng/ml you have an iron deficiency and need to take iron medication (in Italy - Ferrograd 105 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day, for 2 consecutive months). If the ferritinemia is normal, you will do Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 February 2020 në 05:20

Hello Doctor, I am a 44-year-old woman. For several years, I have had relatively low levels of hemoglobin and ferritin, but lately, this has become more pronounced, I think influenced by some issues with my cycle and increased hemorrhaging. In my latest tests, I have these values: RBC 3.91, HCT 33.7, HGB 10.8, MCH 27.7, Ferritin 6.44, and Serum Iron 23.36.
Please, how is my condition defined, and what would be the most appropriate treatment? Thank you in advance!

Sent by Dona, më 06 February 2020 në 01:23

Hello Dona, currently you have mild Anemia, from Iron Deficiency. Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day, for at least 3 consecutive months is the preparation that I use most often. It is accompanied by Vitamin C and B6

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 08 February 2020 në 13:27

Hello, doctor! I thank you for your dedication and explanations.
I am 52 years old. On the date 01/02/2020 RBC 4.09, HCT 39.7, HGB 13.3, MCV 97.1, ESR 30, CRP 5.7. I need to explain that about 7-8 years ago, I gave blood to my brother as a hospital rule, about 450 grams of blood. Afterward, I suffered from anemia which I corrected only with iron without consulting a hematologist. This is the third time it has recurred. Before I gave blood, I never suffered from anemia. My other blood tests came out fine. The reason I did the tests was because I had been experiencing joint and bone pain throughout my body for about a year. Is there a connection between the anemia and joint pain?
I must mention that on the day I did the tests, I had a mild flu and a fever. I also have a fungus caused by medications about 20 years ago, but I keep it strictly under control thanks to a dietary regimen. What is this, doctor, what do you advise me to do? THANK YOU

Sent by Bujar Cukari, më 10 February 2020 në 10:15

Hello Bujar, your hemoglobin is 13.3 gr/dl and currently, you are not classified as anemic (men < 13 gr/dl). You will undergo ferritin, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid tests

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 February 2020 në 11:27

Hello doctor, I thank you for this valuable article. I am 53 years old and in my recent tests Hgb 9.6 Rbc 4.63 Hct 31. MCV 67 MCH 20.7 RDW 18.2. I also had an abdominal ultrasound and it showed I have a hernia. Could you please tell me if my Anemia is correctable and how it can be treated?

Sent by mirela ckaj, më 19 February 2020 në 11:53

Hello Mirela, you have mild Anemia. Ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 February 2020 në 07:22

Hello doctor! I have done blood tests in France since I live here and some are above normal. (I'm writing them in French in case you don't mind) Hematies 4.67 T/L Hemoglobin 10.8 g/dL Hematocrit 35.0% Mean corpuscular volume 75fl MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) 23.1 pg MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) 30.9% RDW (red cell distribution width) 17.2% Leukocytes 5.26 G/L Corrected Calcium 2.12 mmol/L Ferritin 8.10 ng/ml

Sent by Emisa, më 28 February 2020 në 14:01

Hello Emisa, you have Mild Anemia from Iron Deficiency. In France, if you are > 15-16 years old, they use Tardyferon 80 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day, for at least 3 months in a row

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 February 2020 në 06:29

Hello doctor! I have had blood tests in France since I live here and some are above normal. (I am writing them in French in case you don't mind) Hematies 4.67 T/L Hemoglobin 10.8 g/dL Hematocrit 35.0% Mean Corpuscular Volume 75fl Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin 23.1 pg Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration 30.9% Red Cell Distribution Width 17.2% Leukocytes 5.26 G/L Corrected Calcium 2.12 mmol/l Ferritin 8.10 ng/ml

Sent by Emisa, më 28 February 2020 në 15:54

Hello Emisa, you have Mild Anemia due to Iron Deficiency. In France, if you are > 15-16 years old, they use Tardyferon 80 mg 3 x 1 tablets/day, for at least 3 months in a row

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 February 2020 në 06:29

Thank you, doctor! I am 26 years old, can I take this kind of medication? And one last thing please, regarding the IDR which is above the norm at 17.2% when the normal is 12.0-15.5, is there any problem, please?

Sent by Emisa, më 29 February 2020 në 07:32

Hello Emisa, you can take them. The constant you present is an indicator of iron deficiency

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 01 March 2020 në 03:07

Thank you, doctor! I am 26 years old, can I take this type of medication?? And one last thing, please, regarding the IDR which is above the norm at 17.2% when the normal range is 12.0-15.5, is there any problem, please?

Sent by Emisa, më 01 March 2020 në 07:40

Hello Emisa, you can take them. The constant you present is an indicator of iron deficiency

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 March 2020 në 07:25

Hello doctor, I am 26 years old and 24 weeks pregnant. I did a ferritin test and my level was 16.9 ng/ml. Is this normal, or do I need medication?
Thank you for your answer

Sent by Suzana Hoxha, më 17 April 2020 në 15:17

Hello Suzana, values < 20 ng/ml are considered an iron deficiency and need to be treated for at least 1.5 months to correct it. The optimal value is around 60 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 April 2020 në 02:09

Thank you very much, doctor, for the answer

Sent by Suzana Hoxha, më 20 April 2020 në 13:17

And I greet you

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 April 2020 në 10:50

Hello doctor!
I did my blood tests and got the results.
MCV 82.7 and monocytes mono% 8.2 my only concern is that compared to the tests done 5 months ago, in February I had most of the red cells below normal while the white ones were very okay, now I'm making the comparison and see that the white cells have experienced a drop in values but not below normal. Whereas mono has increased. Also, the iron level is 52.19 but since I was treated with ferritin in veins and with tablets but stopped them 5 months ago, it has dropped from 150 to 52.19.
Thanking you in advance

Sent by Alb, më 05 May 2020 në 12:36

Hello, currently you have normal values. Of course, the parameters of peripheral accuracy are not static

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 May 2020 në 06:33

Hello, currently you have normal values. Of course, the parameters of peripheral accuracy are not static

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 May 2020 në 05:27

Hello doctor, I received an email that you have replied but I can't see the answer.
Thanking you in advance, can you repost the answer?

Sent by Alb, më 07 May 2020 në 12:23

Can you ask me the question again?

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 May 2020 në 09:18

Please ask me the question again

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 May 2020 në 09:19

Hello doctor, I am a 20-year-old male and I had my blood tests done and the results were, Wbc 7.9 Rbc 5.6 Hgb 16.7 Hct 46.8 erythrocyte sedimentation rate 10 Mch 29.8 Mcv 83.6 Mchc 35.5 Plt 27.4 Lym 19.7% Mxd 5% Neut 76% Pdw 12.2 Mvp 9.5 Plcr 22.3

Sent by Klevi, më 20 May 2020 në 09:11

Hello, with the exception of a slight increase above the normal limits of RBC and Hb, nothing else is observed. Recheck after 2-3 months

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 May 2020 në 07:40

Hello, my husband and I have done our tests and we have
MCV 78.5 and 78.1,
MCH 26.5 and 25.7
MCHC 33.9 and 32.7
Is there any problem for me if I get pregnant, does this affect our children.
Thank you in advance

Sent by Entela, më 22 June 2020 në 15:13

Hello Entela, these data are insufficient to judge. You will have a complete blood count, ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 June 2020 në 09:35

Hello doctor, I am Alda, 41 years old, after a blood test WBC 8.77 NEUT 6.26 LYMPH 1.90 MONO 0.51 EO 0.08 BASO 0.02 RBC 4.16 HGB 9.4 HCT 29.9 MCV 71.9 MCH 22.6 MCHC 31.4 RDW-SD 42.5 RDW-CV 16.5 PLT 320 PCT 0.38 MPV 11.8 PDW 14.2 P-LCR 38.0. Please, what do you recommend?

Sent by alda, më 09 Agust 2020 në 06:09

Hello Alda, you have Anemia, Mild degree, likely due to Iron Deficiency. As a rule, ferritinemia is performed and if it is low (< 20 ng/ml), you will be treated with Ironorm 3 x 1 capsules/day, for at least 1 month continuously, doing a complete blood check after 1 month and after 3 months of treatment with complete blood and ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 Agust 2020 në 08:07

Hello doctor, I am Elsa, 30 years old, 15 weeks pregnant. Before pregnancy, my hemoglobin RBC was 12.5. During pregnancy, it has been decreasing from 11.5 in the first month to 10.6 two days ago. Am I anemic, what do you recommend? I have also taken Vitabiotics Pregnancy Max multivitamins. Do you recommend any form of iron to correct anemia during pregnancy?
Thank you

Sent by Elsa, më 22 Agust 2020 në 21:02

Hello Elsa, you currently have mild Anemia. The most common cause is iron deficiency. You will undergo ferritinemia and will start treatment not with supplements, but with the proper dosage of medication, for at least 3 consecutive months (e.g., Ironorm 3 x 1 capsule/day)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 Agust 2020 në 04:12

Hello Doctor.
I have done general exams for my 5-year-old daughter.
TChol 202 mg/dl:
LDL 141 mg/dl
Fer 17.82ng/ml.
Should I be concerned about these results? Can these return to normal values with just a strict diet or is medication absolutely necessary?
Thanking You in advance for Your work,
I wish you health and success

Sent by Miranda Kola, më 19 September 2020 në 13:57

Hello, the values are normal, and there is no need to modify your diet

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 September 2020 në 05:57

Hello Dr. Sotiraq. My 10-year-old son's blood test came out as follows: monocytes 7.01, RdwSD 32.1, PCT 0.39, and Urea 38.0; Currently, the boy has no concerns, I did the tests for a checkup. Please let me know if there is anything that needs further attention. Thank you. With respect, Erinda

Sent by erinda, më 12 October 2020 në 04:07

Hello Erinda, normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 October 2020 në 09:29

Hello esteemed doctor. I have a 12-year-old son and from a routine check-up, his blood test results showed leukocytes 7.63; erythrocytes 4.84; hemoglobin 13; and hematocrit 39.5. However, iron 36.2, and ferritin 8.31. The doctor told us that the boy does not have anemia, but his iron stores are very low along with the circulating iron and that it would be good to use Ferro3Forte for at least a month and then see. Meanwhile, during the summer, after finishing playing, he complained of leg pain and his hair easily falling out. What do you advise doctor, is Ferro 3 Forte a good medication for children or is something else needed? Compared to the analysis from a year ago, both iron and ferritin have decreased because for almost a year we stopped eating dairy and eggs since they caused allergies to the boy, however, I must tell you that the boy does not consume red meat at all. Please, can you help me with an answer? Thank you

Sent by Ornela, më 06 November 2020 në 11:20

Hello Ornela, the boy has a reduction in iron reserves. Ferro3 is not a preparation that replenishes iron stores. You can use it for 1.5 months, Ironorm 2 x 1 capsule/day, if it's possible for him to take the capsules orally. The lack of iron is not related to food. Moreover, as they age, they grow quickly and their consumption of iron increases. Also, a stool parasite test should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2020 në 10:19

Hello Dr. Sotiraq. A week ago, my husband had a complete blood test, and the results are as follows: leukocytes 5.83; erythrocytes 3.72; hemoglobin 11.5; hematocrit 33; MCV 88.6; MCH 31; MCHC 34.9; RDW-SD 36.6, platelets 219. My husband generally has always had a bit of anemia, but there have also been times when the parameters of hemoglobin and red blood cells have been normal. He has never had a ferritin check, as he has always thought that's just how his anemia has been for a while. He does not consume red meat at all. What do you think, is there something to worry about and is treatment necessary? If so, what do you suggest, dear doctor? Thank you

Sent by Ornela, më 08 November 2020 në 16:11

Hello Ornela, your husband currently has mild anemia. Ferritinemia, Vitamin B12, uremia, creatinemia should be done. Every anemia is assessed and if possible, corrected. No anemia is caused by foods and no anemia is corrected with foods

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 November 2020 në 06:14

Hello again, Dr. In fact, along with the complete blood work, my spouse also did these tests:
Urea 20.3; creatinine 0.85; AST 26.3; ALT 16.7; total bilirubin 0.73; direct bilirubin 0.23; indirect bilirubin 0.5; HDL 63.58; LDL 130; triglyceride 64.4. We will do the ferritin and vitamin B12 tests next week. I don’t know if these results we got reflect anything related to anemia. Thank you for your answer

Sent by Ornela, më 09 November 2020 në 09:26

Hello Ornela, they are normal values, they are not related to anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 November 2020 në 04:16

Hello doctor! These 3 months I have only been dealing with analyses and the last time RBC-3.7 HgB-12.3 ferritin-13 while 2 months ago my ferritin was over 20. I have a problem with medications, they cause me a lot of side effects and as soon as I start them for 3 days I stop them afterward. What can you recommend besides heferol, ferramax... does ferrodep affect the good maintenance of iron levels even though it has very little in its composition... thank you very much

Sent by Jona, më 19 November 2020 në 03:04

Hello Jona, if you do not use oral iron supplements due to gastrointestinal side effects, treatment with intravenous iron supplements can be considered. Ferrodep does not help

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 19 November 2020 në 03:23

I have been thinking of coming to the clinic these days for a more detailed consultation, as soon as I get permission from work. Before I make an appointment, what do you recommend? Is Oviron good?

Sent by Jona, më 19 November 2020 në 07:43

Hello Jona, I don't remember what we discussed. Oviron is a good preparation, used 3 times a day and the duration depends on the value of hemoglobin and ferritin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 November 2020 në 04:23

I have been thinking of coming to the clinic these days for a more detailed consultation, as soon as I get a leave from work. Before I book an appointment, what do you recommend? Is Oviron good?

Sent by Jona, më 19 November 2020 në 08:21

Hello Jona, I don't remember what we discussed. Oviron is a good preparation, it is used 3 times a day and the duration depends on the value of hemoglobin and ferritin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 November 2020 në 04:23

I have been thinking of coming to the clinic these days for a more detailed consultation, as soon as I get permission from work. Before I make an appointment, what do you recommend? Is Oviron okay?

Sent by Jona, më 19 November 2020 në 08:33

Hello Jona, I don't remember what we discussed. Oviron is a good preparation, it is used 3 times a day and the duration depends on the value of hemoglobin and ferritin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 November 2020 në 04:23

I have thought about coming to the clinic these days for a more detailed consultation, as soon as I get permission from work. Before I make an appointment, what do you recommend? Is Oviron good?

Sent by Jona, më 19 November 2020 në 09:05

Hello Jona, I don't remember what we discussed. Oviron is a good preparation, used 3 times a day and the duration depends on the value of hemoglobin and ferritin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 November 2020 në 04:23

I have thought about coming to the clinic these days for a more detailed consultation, as soon as I get permission from work. Before I make an appointment, what do you recommend? Is Oviron okay?

Sent by Jona, më 19 November 2020 në 09:25

Hello Jona, I don't remember what we discussed. Oviron is a good preparation, used 3 times a day and the duration depends on the value of hemoglobin and ferritin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 20 November 2020 në 04:23

Dear esteemed doctor, yesterday I had my mother's blood tests done since she had been running a fever up to 38.6°C for two days, and the doctor advised us to get a complete blood count, ferritin, D-dimer, CRP, and fibrinogen tests. I am very worried because her values came back very high, I write them below for you: WBC 4.49; NEU% 28.1; LYM% 55.0; MONO% 16.3; EOS 0.2; NEUT 1.26; RBC 4.09; hematocrit 37.7; HGB 12.3; PLT 135; PDW 24.7; MPV 15; P-LCR 62.3; ESR 45; C-reactive protein 2.70 mg/L; D-dimer 1.01 ug/mL, fibrinogen 465.2 mg/dL, and ferritin 278.4 ng/mL. When she had the tests, she didn't have a fever, but still, these numbers seem frightening to me. My mother has generally enjoyed good health, except for hypertension for which she takes medication, and last year she was treated for Escherichia coli. Is there any blood disease that could cause such high ferritin levels? Or something else? Thank you for your response

Sent by ornela, më 20 November 2020 në 06:17

Hello Ornela, the values are slightly elevated, expected in an inflammatory condition. Repeat in 2-3 weeks

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 November 2020 në 05:50

Hello doctor. I am Klara, 37 years old. I had strong leg pain for many days in a row, and then it also spread to my hand. Currently, the pain is less severe but it continues. My family doctor recommended some tests, among others, Immunofixation, which came back positive. The doctor recommended that I talk to a hematologist or oncologist. Please, I wanted to know if this is a case to be worried about indicating malignant tumor disease? And what should I do moving forward, what actions should I take? Thank you

Sent by klara, më 09 February 2021 në 06:13

Hello Klara, if it's about the analysis of Immunofixation of proteins in blood and it's a result that confirms the circulation of a pathological protein, it is to be evaluated by a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 February 2021 në 03:12

Hello Dr. Lako.
I had a very mild case of Covid-19 in August with two days of a temperature of 37.2, but since then my iron levels have been very low, below normal, and I feel it in my daily life. I have taken a syrup called legofer for 2 months. It increased a bit, but today I did the tests again and it is still below normal. I wanted to know what I could use, please.
Ferritin 9.90 (13-150)
WBC 5.55 (5-10)
RBC 4.21 (4-5)
HCT 36.8 (36-48)
HGB 12.2 (12-16)

Sent by Bora, më 13 February 2021 në 12:05

Hello Bora, the low value of ferritinemia has no connection with Covid. In females, it is usually related to the repeated bleeding of menstruation. Legrofer does not replenish iron stores. Heferol in Albania is the best preparation

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 February 2021 në 03:40

Hello doctor, I congratulate you for your tireless work in serving patients. I need your help with a health problem of mine. I am 77 years old and my left kidney constantly produces stones but is functional. A few years ago, I had my gallbladder removed because it had stones. I frequently have urinary tract infections, and my albumin is also high. For more than a month now, I have noticed that my underwear turns a light green or mint color. I didn't have frequent urination or burning urine. I did blood and urine tests, and these were the results: fasting glucose 83 and after eating 140, azotemia32, creatinine 0.80, uric acid 3.3, total bilirubin 0.86, transaminase SGPT 20, SGOT 16, cholesterol 165, triglycerides 95, leukocytes 12,500, erythrocytes 4,320,000, hemoglobin 11.9, hematocrit 36, mean corpuscular volume 80, MCH 33.3, MCHC 30.7, PLT 227,000, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 70, urine color clear yellow, reaction acid, albumin 1.35, bilirubin negative, motile 10 to 15 in field, white blood cells 1 to 2 in field, and red blood cells 7 to 8 per field, some crystals. I contacted a nephrologist and was given antibiotic medication for the infection and for the albumin for 7 days of injections. On the second day of treatment, the mint color in my underwear disappeared as if by magic, but 1 week after treatment, it started again as before. I don't know where to turn and can't explain this health problem. I have 2 small stones in my left kidney. I am both worried and stressed because we are living in an unusual time of a pandemic from the virus. Please, can you provide an explanation for my health condition? Thank you and I wish you and your family long life and health. Regards, doctor

Sent by Stela, më 16 February 2021 në 15:04

Hello Stela, you will continue the discussion with the nephrologist. The tests you have done show a mild anemia. I would recommend doing these tests as well: total protein, serum protein electrophoresis, serum protein immunoelectrophoresis, calcium, LDH

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 February 2021 në 06:07

Hello doctor, I congratulate you on your tireless work in service of the patients. I need your help with a health problem of mine. I am 77 years old and my left kidney constantly produces stones but is functional. A few years ago, I had my gallbladder removed because it had stones. I frequently have urinary tract infections and also albumin. It has been over a month since I’ve noticed that my underwear becomes a light green or mint color. I didn’t have frequent urination or burning when urinating. I did blood and urine tests and these were the results: fasting glucose 83 and post-meal 140, azotemia 32, creatinine 0.80, uric acid 3.3, total bilirubin 0.86, transaminase SGPT 20, SGOT 16, cholesterol 165, triglycerides 95, leukocytes 12,500, erythrocytes 4,320,000, hemoglobin 11.9, hematocrit 36, mean corpuscular volume 80, MCH 33.3, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 30.7, platelets 227,000, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 70, urine color clear yellow, acidic reaction, albumin 1.35, bilirubin negative, pus cells 10 to 15 per field, white blood cells 1 to 2 per field and red blood cells 7 to 8 per field, some crystals. I contacted a nephrologist and was prescribed antibiotics for the infection and for the albumin, injections for 7 days. On the second day of treatment, the mint color in my underwear disappeared as if by magic, but 1 week after the treatment, it started again as before. I don’t know where to turn and I can’t explain this health problem. In my left kidney, I have 2 small stones. I’m both worried and stressed because we are living in an unusual time of pandemic from the virus. Please, can you explain my health condition? I thank you and wish you and your family long life and health. Regards, doctor

Sent by Stela, më 16 February 2021 në 15:05

Hello Stela, you will continue the discussion with the nephrologist. The tests you have done show a mild anemia. I would recommend doing these tests as well: total protein, serum protein electrophoresis, serum immunoelectrophoresis, calcium, LDH

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 February 2021 në 06:06

Hello doctor! I am 18 years old. Three months ago, I had a complete blood test, and my hemoglobin level was 13 while my ferritin was 19. A few days ago, I repeated the tests and my hemoglobin was 12.9 while my ferritin was 11. Even a year ago, my iron level was 16. I have felt weak for some time. Is this a problem? Should I take medications?

Sent by Alesia aleksi , më 22 July 2021 në 05:11

Hello Alesia, you are diagnosed with iron deficiency and will be treated with iron supplements for 1.5-2 months straight. The goal is to have a ferritin level of at least 20 ng/ml and the optimal value for females around 60 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 July 2021 në 14:18

Thank you for the reply, doctor! Can you send me the name of the iron supplement that I need to take for these 2 months?

Sent by Alesia Aleksi , më 22 July 2021 në 14:50

1-Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day - 60 capsules/month.
2-Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day - 60 tablets/month. The patient will be rechecked after 2 months of treatment with complete blood count + ferritinemia + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (the normal minimum value of ferritinemia for adult females is 20 ng/ml and the optimal value is 60-70 ng/ml)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 23 July 2021 në 04:54

Hello Doctor! I have done a complete blood count and hemoglobin electrophoresis, and the latter results are these: HbA1 94.10% HbA2 4.00%! Is it something to worry about? Thanks

Sent by Xhilda, më 10 Agust 2021 në 03:50

Hello Xhilda, you are a carrier of Thalassemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 04:58

Hello Doctor! I have done a complete blood analysis and hemoglobin electrophoresis, and the results for the latter are as follows: HbA1 94.10% HbA2 4.00%! Is it something to worry about? Thanks

Sent by Xhilda, më 10 Agust 2021 në 17:11

Hello Xhilda, you are a carrier of Thalassemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 04:58

Hello Doctor! I have done complete blood tests and hemoglobin electrophoresis and the latter results are these: Hba1 94.10% Hba2 4.00%! Is it something to worry about? Thanks

Sent by Xhilda, më 12 Agust 2021 në 04:55

Hello Xhilda, you are a carrier of Thalassemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 04:59

Hello, I have done the tests where my ferritin came out to 11, close to the minimum which was 10, and the other data were Hemoglobin 14g/dl, hematocrit 41.1%, MCV 86.9fl, MCH 29.7pg, MCHC 34.2 g/dl, RDW 14.5%, Platelets (PLT) 400 when the max was 370, MPV 9.3 fl, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 9mm/h. Thank you

Sent by Alma, më 12 Agust 2021 në 09:55

Hello Alma, you have an iron deficiency. The minimum normal value of ferritinemia in women is 20 ng/ml and the optimal value is about 60 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 05:00

Hello doctor!
The blood analysis data for my 20-month-old son are as follows:
Wbc 5.12 rbc 3.94..hgb 10.7 hct 29.3 mcv 74.4 mch 27.2 mchc 36.5 plt 247 rdw-sd 33.4 rdw-cv 12.1 pdw 7.8 mpv 8.4 p-lcr 10.9 pct 0.21 neut 0.78 lymph 3.97 mono 0.41 eo 0.05 baso 0.00 ig 0.00 erythrocyte sedimentation rate 15m/h
PCR 8.88

Sent by Rovena , më 12 Agust 2021 në 15:13

Hello Rovena, the values you have written are normal. Do the ferritinemia when you have the chance

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 05:02

Hello Doctor! I have done a complete blood analysis and hemoglobin electrophoresis and the latter results are these: Hba1 94.10% Hba2 4.00%! Is it something to worry about? Thanks

Sent by Xhilda, më 15 Agust 2021 në 05:21

Hello Xhilda, you have Thalassemia Minor, a carrier of Thalassemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2021 në 10:38

Hello Doctor! I have done complete blood tests and hemoglobin electrophoresis, and the latter results are as follows: Hba1 94.10% Hba2 4.00%! Is it a cause for concern? Thanks

Sent by Xhilda, më 17 Agust 2021 në 02:45

Hello Xhilda, I have replied to you many times

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 Agust 2021 në 03:29

Hello doctor! I did the tests on my 10-month-old son and the results are as follows: leukocytes 11.41, lymphocytes 6.56, monocytes 0.99, basophils 0.21, neutrophils 28.1, lymphocytes 57.5, erythrocytes 4.93, hemoglobin 9.2, hematocrit 29.7, RDW-CV 19.6, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30, ferritin 4,558, iron 13.62

Sent by Emisa, më 29 Agust 2021 në 06:05

Hello Emisa, the boy has mild anemia from iron deficiency. You will be treated with iron supplements, by the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 Agust 2021 në 06:24

Hello doctor! I have done the tests for my 10-month-old son and the results are leukocytes 11.41, lymphocytes 6.56, monocytes 0.99, basophils 0.21, neutrophils 28.1, lymphocytes 57.5, erythrocytes 4.93, hemoglobin 9.2, hematocrit 29.7, RDW-CV 19.6, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30, ferritin 4,558, iron 13.62

Sent by Emisa, më 29 Agust 2021 në 06:36

Hello Emisa, the boy has a mild anemia, due to iron deficiency. You will be treated with iron supplements, by the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 Agust 2021 në 06:25

Hello doctor! I have done the tests for my 10-month-old son and the results are leukocytes 11.41, lymphocytes 6.56, monocytes 0.99, basophils 0.21, neutrophils 28.1, lymphocytes 57.5, erythrocytes 4.93, hemoglobin 9.2, hematocrit 29.7, RDW-cv 19.6, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30, ferritin 4,558, iron 13.62

Sent by Emisa, më 29 Agust 2021 në 07:38

Hello Emisa, the boy has mild anemia due to iron deficiency. You will be treated with iron supplements, by the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 Agust 2021 në 06:24

Hello doctor! I have done the tests for my 10-month-old son and the results are leukocytes 11.41, lymphocytes 6.56, monocytes 0.99, basophils 0.21, neutrophils 28.1, lymphocytes 57.5, erythrocytes 4.93, hemoglobin 9.2, hematocrit 29.7, RDW-CV 19.6, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30, ferritin 4,558, iron 13.62

Sent by Emisa, më 29 Agust 2021 në 08:23

Hello Emisa, the boy has a mild anemia, due to iron deficiency. You will be treated with iron supplements, by the pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 Agust 2021 në 06:24

Hello doctor, I am a young person with allergies
the analysis showed WBC 8000 NEU3.66 45.3%, LYM 3.2 39.5% MONO 0.83 10.2% EOS 0.35 4.3% BASO 0.06 0.7% RBC 6 MILLION HCT 49,

Sent by Anxhelo, më 27 September 2021 në 08:40

Hello Angelo, the values of the red blood cells are higher than usual. There are a number of factors that you can discuss. You will do a consultation with the hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 28 September 2021 në 05:12

Hello doctor! I have had a complete blood test and the lymphocytes came out 20.8
Neutrophils 73; Erythrocytes 4.09 Hemoglobin 12.1; hematocrit 36.4; while ferritin 52.82
Due to a fungal infection, the gynecologist suspected anemia since I still have concerns even though I have been treated

Sent by Ada, më 05 November 2021 në 11:05

Hello Ada, you have normal values and there is no need to take anything

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 November 2021 në 03:39

Hello Doctor,

As a result of viruses, I have done blood tests in September and a week ago. The September tests showed high values as below:

WBC - 10.92
NEU% - 78.8
LYM% - 14.7
NEU% - 8.61
ESR - 29
Other values were normal.

The tests I did a week ago show low values in:
MCHC 30.7
RDWsd 35.0

High values:
PCR - 6.45 from 5.00
ESD - 42mm/h

The other values were normal. Meanwhile, I am again with a virus. Please, if you can advise me if I should follow up further.

Thank you,

Sent by Valmira, më 09 November 2021 në 04:18

Hello Valmira, the only thing to be evaluated is the slight increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, probably related to the condition you are going through. Also do a complete urine analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 November 2021 në 07:55

Hello Doctor,

As a result of the viruses, I have done blood tests in September and again a week ago. The tests in September showed high values as below:

WBC - 10.92
NEU% - 78.8
LYM% - 14.7
NEU% - 8.61
ESR - 29
The other values were normal.

The tests I did a week ago show low values in:
MCHC 30.7
RDWsd 35.0

High values:
PCR - 6.45 from 5.00
ESR - 42mm/h

The other values were normal. Meanwhile, I am again with a virus. Please if you can advise me if I should follow up further.

Thank you,

Sent by Valmira, më 09 November 2021 në 04:19

Hello Valmira, the only thing to be evaluated is the slight increase in erythrocyte sedimentation, probably related to the condition you are going through. Also, do a complete urine analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 November 2021 në 07:55

Hello Doctor! I hope you are in good health! I have done a complete blood test and these are the values that came out: WBC-12.53, NEU 67.3, LYM 24.9, MONO 0.85. Red series-RBC 5.34, HCT 34.7, HGB 10.6, MCV 65.0, MCH 19.9, MCHC 30.5, RDW-CV 18.5. PLT -446, PCT -0.46. And ESR -20. I feel very tired, weak, I have hair loss, cracks at the corner of the lip, and I had a flu-like condition at the time I did the analysis

Sent by Ana, më 26 November 2021 në 14:31

Hello Ana, you have mild anemia probably due to iron deficiency. 1-Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day – 60 capsules/month. 2-Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day – 60 tablets/month. 3-Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day – 60 tablets/month. During or after meals, for at least 3 consecutive months. The patient will be re-examined with a complete blood count after 1 month of treatment and after 3 months of treatment with a complete blood count + ferritin levels + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (the minimum normal value of ferritin for adult females is 20 ng/ml and the optimal value is 60-70 ng/ml)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 November 2021 në 09:13

Hello Doctor! I hope you are in good health! I am 21 years old and I've had a complete blood test and these values were found: WBC-12.53, NEU 67.3, LYM 24.9, MONO 0.85 Red series-RBC 5.34, HCT 34.7, HGB 10.6, MCV 65.0, MCH 19.9, MCHC 30.5, RDW-CV 18.5 PLT -446, PCT -0.46 And ESR -20. I feel very tired, weak, I have hair loss, cracks at the corner of the mouth, and I had a flu-like condition at the time I did the analysis

Sent by Ana, më 26 November 2021 në 14:35

Hello Ana, you have mild anemia likely due to iron deficiency. 1-Heferol 350 mg 2 x 1 capsule/day – 60 capsules/month. 2-Vitamin C 100 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day – 60 tablets/month. 3-Vitamin B6 25 mg 2 x 1 tablet/day – 60 tablets/month. Take either during or after meals, for at least 3 consecutive months. The patient will be re-checked with a complete blood count after 1 month of treatment and after 3 months of treatment with complete blood count + ferritin + Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (the minimal normal value of ferritin for adult females is 20 ng/ml and the optimal value is 60-70 ng/ml)

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 27 November 2021 në 09:13

Doctor hello.
I have done some blood tests and these are the results that came out WBC 11.76
RBC 6.03 HGB 14.7 HCT 44 MCV 73 MCH 24.3 MCHC 33.3 RDW CV 13.7 RDW SD 35.2 PLT 276 MPV 10.5 PDW SD 12.6 PDW CV 15.8 PCT 0.290 P LCR 30.4 P LCC 84. I don’t have a specific concern, I had a bit of unstable blood pressure and palpitations arrhythmia but the heart turned out to be fine, I was advised to do the tests and the RBC value concerns me

Sent by Elsi, më 10 December 2021 në 11:59

Hello Elsi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 December 2021 në 10:21

Doctor hello.
I have done some blood tests and these are the results that came out WBC 11.76
RBC 6.03 HGB 14.7 HCT 44 MCV 73 MCH 24.3 MCHC 33.3 RDW CV 13.7 RDW SD 35.2 PLT 276 MPV 10.5 PDW SD 12.6 PDW CV 15.8 PCT 0.290 P LCR 30.4 P LCC 84. I don't have a specific concern, I had some unstable blood pressure and palpitation arrhythmias but the heart turned out fine, I was advised to do the tests and the RBC value concerns me

Sent by Elsi, më 11 December 2021 në 09:20

Hello Elsi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 December 2021 në 10:20

Doctor, hello.
I have done some blood tests and these are the results I got: WBC 11.76
RBC 6.03 HGB 14.7 HCT 44 MCV 73 MCH 24.3 MCHC 33.3 RDW CV 13.7 RDW SD 35.2 PLT 276 MPV 10.5 PDW SD 12.6 PDW CV 15.8 PCT 0.290 P LCR 30.4 P LCC 84. I don't have a specific concern, I had some unstable blood pressure and palpitations arrhythmia but my heart came out fine, they advised me to do the tests and the RBC value concerns me

Sent by Elsi, më 11 December 2021 në 12:11

Hello Elsi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 December 2021 në 08:52

Doctor hello.
I have done some blood tests and these are the results I got WBC 11.76
RBC 6.03 HGB 14.7 HCT 44 MCV 73 MCH 24.3 MCHC 33.3 RDW CV 13.7 RDW SD 35.2 PLT 276 MPV 10.5 PDW SD 12.6 PDW CV 15.8 PCT 0.290 P LCR 30.4 P LCC 84. I don't have a specific concern, I had a bit of unstable blood pressure and palpitations arrhythmia but the heart turned out fine, they advised me to do the tests and the RBC worries me with the value it has

Sent by Elsi, më 14 December 2021 në 09:10

Hello Elsi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 December 2021 në 04:48

Doctor, hello.
I've had some blood tests and these are the results I got: WBC 11.76
RBC 6.03 HGB 14.7 HCT 44 MCV 73 MCH 24.3 MCHC 33.3 RDW CV 13.7 RDW SD 35.2 PLT 276 MPV 10.5 PDW SD 12.6 PDW CV 15.8 PCT 0.290 P LCR 30.4 P LCC 84. I haven't had any specific concerns, I've had some unstable blood pressure and palpitations arrhythmia but the heart turned out fine, they advised me to do the tests and the RBC value concerns me

Sent by Elsi, më 14 December 2021 në 15:20

Hello Elsi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 December 2021 në 04:48

Doctor hello.
I have done some blood tests and these are the results I got: WBC 11.76
RBC 6.03 HGB 14.7 HCT 44 MCV 73 MCH 24.3 MCHC 33.3 RDW CV 13.7 RDW SD 35.2 PLT 276 MPV 10.5 PDW SD 12.6 PDW CV 15.8 PCT 0.290 P LCR 30.4 P LCC 84. I don't have a specific concern, I had some unstable blood pressure and palpitations arrhythmia but the heart turned out fine, they advised me to do the tests and the RBC concerns me with the value it has

Sent by Elsi, më 15 December 2021 në 04:00

Hello Elsi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 December 2021 në 04:49

Doctor hello.
I have done some blood tests and these are the results I got WBC 11.76
RBC 6.03 HGB 14.7 HCT 44 MCV 73 MCH 24.3 MCHC 33.3 RDW CV 13.7 RDW SD 35.2 PLT 276 MPV 10.5 PDW SD 12.6 PDW CV 15.8 PCT 0.290 P LCR 30.4 P LCC 84. I don't have a specific concern, I had some unstable blood pressure and palpitations arrhythmia but the heart turned out fine, they advised me to do the tests and the RBC value concerns me

Sent by Elsi, më 15 December 2021 në 04:01

Hello Elsi, you will do the ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 December 2021 në 04:49

Hello doctor, I did the tests you advised and FER2P 103.6 ng/Ml
While HB A 95.1 HB A2 4.9

Sent by Elsi, më 15 December 2021 në 10:51

Hello Elsi, you are a carrier of Thalassemia, a mild congenital anemia, it is not treatable

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 December 2021 në 06:29

Hello doctor, I did the tests you advised and FER2P 103.6 ng/ml
While HB A 95.1 HB A2 4.9

Sent by Elsi, më 16 December 2021 në 05:54

Hello Elsi, you are a carrier of Thalassemia, a mild congenital anemia, it is not treated

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 16 December 2021 në 06:30

Hello Doctor, I have a concern, my back hurts behind the waist, it stops my breath and causes me to have tingling sensations while my blood values are these: MCV 83.7fL, MCH 26.6 pg, MCHC 318 g/L, RDW 13.5%, MPV 7.6 fL, SE 3 mm/3.6ks, Urea 2.5 mmol/L, Bilirubin 28 mol/L, thank you

Sent by Xhejlan, më 16 December 2021 në 14:44

Hello Xheljan, you will consult with the gastroenterologist, the values you have presented are normal

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 17 December 2021 në 03:37

Hello doctor, I did the tests you advised and FER2P 103.6 ng/ml
While HB A 95.1 HB A2 4.9

Sent by Elsi, më 18 December 2021 në 04:01

Hello Elsi, you are a carrier of Thalassemia, a mild congenital anemia, not treatable

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 18 December 2021 në 04:33

Hello, Doctor! I did a blood test today and my MCV is 74.6 and MCH is 25.6, and on the analysis sheet, it shows that they are lower than normal. Is there a problem and what can I take as medication, please?

Sent by Emisa Kalavace, më 27 January 2022 në 05:39

Hello Emisa, they need to be accompanied by the values of RBC, Hb, ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2022 në 01:58

Hello Doctor! I did a blood test today and my MCV is 74.6 and MCH is 25.6, and the analysis sheet shows that they are lower than normal. Is there a problem and what can I take as medication, please?

Sent by Emisa Kalavace, më 27 January 2022 në 05:41

Hello Emisa, they need to be accompanied by the values of RBC, Hb, ferritinaemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2022 në 01:59

Hello Doctor! I did my tests today HGB 11.2, HCT 32.6, MCV 74.6, MCH 25.6, MCHC 34.4, PLT 181, and serum iron 70. But on the analysis sheet, only my MCV and MCH values came back low. Is there a problem, and what treatment can I take, please?

Sent by Emisa Kalavace, më 27 January 2022 në 05:44

Hello Emisa, you have mild anemia, but you need to write down the number of erythrocytes (RBC). Anyway, you will do a ferritinemia and will be treated with iron supplements

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2022 në 02:03

Doctor hello! I did my tests today HGB 11.2, HCT 32.6, MCV 74.6, MCH 25.6, MCHC 34.4, PLT 181 and serum iron 70. But on the analysis sheet, only MCV and MCH came out below value. Is there a problem and what treatment can I take, please?

Sent by Emisa Kalavace, më 27 January 2022 në 07:53

Hello Emisa, you have mild anemia, but you need to write down the number of red blood cells (RBC). Anyway, you will do ferritinemia and will be treated with iron preparations

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2022 në 02:03

Hello doctor.
I am a 27-year-old guy, I have done some blood tests and these are the results:
RBC 5.2, HGB 12.5, HCT 37.6, MCV 72.3, MCH 24.1, MCHC 33.4, RDW 12.9
WBC 6.7, Neutrophils ABS 3.1, Lymphocytes ABS 3.2, Monocytes ABS 0.2, Eosinophils ABS 0.2, Basophils ABS 0.0, Neutrophils 45.8, Lymphocytes 48.1, Monocytes 3, Eosinophils 2.8, Basophils 0.3
Platelets PLTs 55, PDW 17.1, MPV 10. I have had COVID and I find it concerning that the PLT is below normal plus I have been diagnosed with thalassemia minor

Sent by Iris, më 27 January 2022 në 08:10

Hello Iris, you will do: complete blood count (repeat), platelets on slide, ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2022 në 02:00

Hello doctor.
I am a 27-year-old guy and I have done some blood tests and here are the results:
RBC 5.2, HGB 12.5, HCT 37.6, MCV 72.3, MCH 24.1, MCHC 33.4, RDW 12.9
WBC 6.7, Neutrophils ABS 3.1, Lymphocytes ABS 3.2, Monocytes ABS 0.2, Eosinophils ABS 0.2, Basophils ABS 0.0, Neutrophils 45.8%, Lymphocytes 48.1%, Monocytes 3%, Eosinophils 2.8%, Basophils 0.3%
Platelets PLTs 55, PDW 17.1, MPV 10. I have had COVID and I find it concerning that PLT is below normal plus I have been diagnosed with thalassemia minor

Sent by Iris, më 27 January 2022 në 09:01

Hello Iris, you will do: complete blood count (repeat), platelets on slide, ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2022 në 02:00

Hello doctor.
I am a 27-year-old male who has done some blood tests and these are the results:
RBC 5.2, HGB 12.5 HCT 37.6 MCV 72.3 MCH 24.1 MCHC 33.4 RDW 12.9
WBC 6.7 Neutrophils AB 3.1 Lymphocytes AB 3.2 Monocytes AB 0.2 Eosinophils AB 0.2 Basophils AB 0.0 Neutrophils 45.8 Lymphocytes 48.1 Monocytes 3 Eosinophils 2.8 Basophils 0.3
Platelets PLTs 55 PDW 17.1 MPV 10. I have had COVID and it seems concerning that the PLT is below normal plus I have been diagnosed with thalassemia minor

Sent by Iris, më 27 January 2022 në 11:03

Hello Iris, you will do: complete blood count (repeat), platelets on slide, ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 30 January 2022 në 02:00

My mother has done her tests, and her red blood cells are 6.05, hemoglobin 11.5, hematocrit 37.3, RDW-CV 15.5, PCT 0.39, MCV 61.7, MCH 18.8, MCHC 30.6.
Meanwhile, after these tests, she also did ferritin, vitamin B12, and folic acid, and all three came back normal.
Please, based on this data, what could be the issue? How can we rule out polycythemia? Thank you

Sent by Mebjus Dedej, më 21 March 2022 në 15:04

Hello Mebjus, your mother probably has Thalassemia Minor. She will undergo Hemoglobin Electrophoresis, and all the children should do this as well

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 March 2022 në 04:04

Hello doctor! I am 52 years old, I have done a complete blood test and my results are: leukocytes 4.7; erythrocytes 4.74; hemoglobin 13.2; hematocrit 38.5; MCV 81.2; MCH 27.8; MCHC 34.3; platelets 176; LYM% 40.4; MONO% 6.8; EO% 6.2; Baso% 0.2; neut% 46.4; Lym 1.90; MONO 0.32; EO 0.29; Baso 0.01; Neot 2.18; RDW-CV 13.2; PDW 15.2; MPV 12.1; PCT 0.21; From what I see, the EO% value of 6.2 is above normal, should I be worried? What causes this value to be elevated? Thank you!

Sent by Zana, më 25 March 2022 në 13:15

Hello Zana, you have a slight increase in eosinophils. First and foremost, we evaluate for allergies and the presence of parasites. Each of these is followed up by an allergist and an infectious disease specialist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 March 2022 në 06:30

Hello doctor! I have done the tests and my hemoglobin came out to 14.8, ferritin 6.97, I have been taking Ferro 3 forte capsules 570 mg for a few days, does this medication affect the hemoglobin by having it at normal levels? Thank you!

Sent by Nertila, më 11 April 2022 në 06:13

Hello Nertila, you have an iron deficiency and the supplement you are using does not replenish your iron stores

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 April 2022 në 06:20

Hello doctor! I have done the tests and my hemoglobin came out 14.8, ferritin 6.97. I have been taking ferro 3 forte capsules 570 mg for a few days, does this medication affect the hemoglobin by having it at normal levels? Thank you!

Sent by Nertila, më 11 April 2022 në 06:37

Hello Nertila, you have an iron deficiency and the supplement you are using does not replenish your iron stores

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 April 2022 në 07:23

Hello doctor. I am 31 years old, I was diagnosed with iron storage anemia since I was 20 years old, I visited you about 3 years ago, and the reason turned out to be the menstrual cycle. I repeated the tests and the result was ferritin 6.44 ng/ml. I feel fatigue, breathlessness, hair loss. What treatment do you recommend, please?

Sent by Evalina Islamllari, më 11 April 2022 në 06:55

Hello Evalina, Iron Deficiency and Anemia from Iron Deficiency are recurrent, as long as only the consequence is treated and not the cause, which is the repeated loss of blood with menstruation. You will be treated again as you were treated a few years ago

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 April 2022 në 07:25

Hello doctor, my name is Andi, I am 27 years old and I have done a complete blood test and these are the results I got: Rbc 5.94 Hgb 13.7 Hct 43.4 MCV 73 mch 23 mchc 31.5 rdw 14.7
Wbc 11.7 Neutrophils abs 5.1 Lymphocytes abs 5.7 Monocytes abs 0.7 Eosinophils abs 0.4 Basophils abs 0
Neutrophils 42.7% Lymphocytes 47.9% Monocytes 5.5% Eosinophils 3.7% Basophils 0.2%
Plt 273 PDW 13.6 MPV 11.2
Because some components came out a bit above the norm like MPV, absolute lymphocytes, lymphocyte %, RDW, I wanted to write to you since the other part is anemia which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 22 April 2022 në 07:56

Hello Andi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. Probably Thalassemia Minor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 April 2022 në 03:54

Hello doctor, my name is Andi, I am 27 years old and I have done a complete blood analysis and these are the results I got: Rbc 5.94 Hgb 13.7 Hct 43.4 MCV 73 mch 23 mchc 31.5 rdw 14.7
Wbc 11.7 Neutrophils abs 5.1 Lymphocytes abs 5.7 Monocytes abs 0.7 Eosinophils abs 0.4 Basophils abs 0
Neutrophils 42.7 % Lymphocytes 47.9% Monocytes 5.5% Eosinophils 3.7% Basophils 0.2 %
Plt 273 PDW 13.6 MPV 11.2
Because some components came out a bit above normal such as mpv, absolute lymphocytes, lymphocyte percentage, rdw, I wanted to write to you because the rest is anemia which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 23 April 2022 në 05:38

Hello Andi, you will undergo ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. Probably Thalassemia Minor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 April 2022 në 03:55

Hello doctor, my name is Andi and I am 27 years old and I have had a complete blood analysis and these are the results Rbc 5.94 Hgb 13.7 Hct 43.4 MCV 73 mch 23 mchc 31.5 rdw 14.7
Wbc 11.7 Absolute Neutrophils 5.1 Absolute Lymphocytes 5.7 Absolute Monocytes 0.7 Absolute Eosinophils 0.4 Absolute Basophils 0
Neutrophils 42.7% Lymphocytes 47.9% Monocytes 5.5% Eosinophils 3.7% Basophils 0.2%
Plt 273 PDW 13.6 MPV 11.2
Since some components came out a bit above the norm like mpv, absolute lymphocytes, lymphocyte percentage, rdw, I wanted to write to you because the other part is anemia which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 23 April 2022 në 11:03

Hello Andi, you will undergo ferritin and hemoglobin electrophoresis tests. Probably Thalassemia Minor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 April 2022 në 03:54

Hello doctor, my name is Andi and I am 27 years old. I have had a complete blood analysis and these are the results: Rbc 5.94 Hgb 13.7 Hct 43.4 MCV 73 mch 23 mchc 31.5 rdw 14.7
Wbc 11.7 Absolute Neutrophils 5.1 Absolute Lymphocytes 5.7 Absolute Monocytes 0.7 Absolute Eosinophils 0.4 Absolute Basophils 0
Neutrophils 42.7% Lymphocytes 47.9% Monocytes 5.5% Eosinophils 3.7% Basophils 0.2%
Plt 273 PDW 13.6 MPV 11.2
Since some components were a bit over the norm, such as MPV, absolute lymphocytes, lymphocyte percentage, RDW, I wanted to write to you because the rest is anemia which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 24 April 2022 në 19:22

Hello Andi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. Probably Thalasemia Minor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 April 2022 në 03:54

Hello doctor, my name is Andi and I am 27 years old. I have done a complete blood test and these are the results: Rbc 5.94 Hgb 13.7 Hct 43.4 MCV 73 MCH 23 MCHC 31.5 RDW 14.7
WBC 11.7 Neutrophils abs 5.1 Lymphocytes abs 5.7 Monocytes abs 0.7 Eosinophils abs 0.4 Basophils abs 0
Neutrophils 42.7% Lymphocytes 47.9% Monocytes 5.5% Eosinophils 3.7% Basophils 0.2%
Plt 273 PDW 13.6 MPV 11.2
Because some components are slightly above normal such as MPV, absolute lymphocytes, lymphocyte %, RDW, I wanted to write to you since the other part is anemia which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 25 April 2022 në 03:43

Hello Andi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. Probably Thalassemia Minor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 April 2022 në 03:54

Hello doctor, my name is Andi and I am 27 years old. I have had a complete blood analysis and these are the results that came out: Rbc 5.94 Hgb 13.7 Hct 43.4 MCV 73 mch 23 mchc 31.5 rdw 14.7
Wbc 11.7 Absolute Neutrophils 5.1 Absolute Lymphocytes 5.7 Absolute Monocytes 0.7 Absolute Eosinophils 0.4 Absolute Basophils 0
Neutrophils 42.7% Lymphocytes 47.9% Monocytes 5.5% Eosinophils 3.7% Basophils 0.2%
Plt 273 PDW 13.6 MPV 11.2
Because some components came out a bit above the norm like mpv, absolute lymphocytes, percentage of lymphocytes, rdw, I wanted to write to you since the other part is anemia which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 25 April 2022 në 03:49

Hello Andi, you will do ferritinemia and hemoglobin electrophoresis. Probably Thalassemia Minor

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 April 2022 në 03:54

Doctor, hello! My son is 18 months old and for about 10 days, he has had a fever once every 2-3 days, while yesterday he had a fever of 39.5°C all night. The pediatrician said there is no tonsil enlargement, therefore we did a blood test where WBC 14.91 NEUT% 45.5 LYMPH% 42.2 MONO 11.9 EO 0.3 NEUT 6.78 LYMPH 6.29 MONO 1.78 EO 0.04 BASO 0.02 RBC 4.63 HCT 28.7 HGB 9.7 MCV 62.0 MCH 21.0 MCHC 33.8 RDW-SD 44.0 RDW-CV 20.1 PLT 292 PDW 13.1 MPV 9.7 P-LCR 25.8 PCT 0.28 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30 PCR 11

Sent by Emisa Kalavace, më 28 April 2022 në 07:55

Hello Emisa, the boy has slight hematological changes, expected in this situation. Follow up with the pediatrician and after the temperature issue is resolved, repeat the complete blood analysis and ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 April 2022 në 05:16

Hello doctor, my name is Andi, I am 27 years old and I have had a complete blood analysis. These are the results I got: Rbc 5.94, Hgb 13.7, Hct 43.4, MCV 73, MCH 23, MCHC 31.5, RDW 14.7.
Wbc 11.7, Absolute Neutrophils 5.1, Absolute Lymphocytes 5.7, Absolute Monocytes 0.7, Absolute Eosinophils 0.4, Absolute Basophils 0.
Neutrophils 42.7 %, Lymphocytes 47.9%, Monocytes 5.5%, Eosinophils 3.7%, Basophils 0.2%.
Plt 273, PDW 13.6, MPV 11.2.
Since some components have come out a bit over the norm, such as MPV, absolute lymphocytes, % lymphocytes, RDW, I wanted to write to you because the other part is anemia, which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 01 June 2022 në 08:43

Hello Andi, you will have ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis. Peripheral blood analysis, repeated after 2-3 weeks

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 June 2022 në 07:25

Hello doctor, my name is Andi and I am 27 years old. I have done a complete blood analysis and these are the results I got: Rbc 5.94, Hgb 13.7, Hct 43.4, MCV 73, MCH 23, MCHC 31.5, RDW 14.7. Wbc 11.7, Absolute Neutrophils 5.1, Absolute Lymphocytes 5.7, Absolute Monocytes 0.7, Absolute Eosinophils 0.4, Absolute Basophils 0. Since some components came out a bit above the norm like MPV, absolute lymphocytes, lymphocyte percentage, RDW, I wanted to write to you because the rest is anemia, which I know I have

Sent by Andi, më 01 June 2022 në 08:43

Hello Andi, you will do ferritinemia, hemoglobin electrophoresis. Peripheral blood analysis, repeated after 2-3 weeks

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 June 2022 në 07:25

Three weeks ago, I had my hemoglobin at 136, and now it has dropped to 93. Please tell me what I should use

Sent by Samire, më 23 July 2022 në 10:52

Hello Samir, such a rapid drop in hemoglobin requires immediate evaluation by a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 25 July 2022 në 02:46

Dear doctor. I thank you for being in touch with patients. I am concerned about my daughter's analysis Ferritin 22.06 ng/ml and Iron 181.15 ug/dl. The girl is 28 years old. The others are normal HGB 14.6. Erythrocytes 5.02. She had ferritin 4ng/ml and has been taking iron supplements for two months. Thank you

Sent by mira, më 04 Agust 2022 në 10:08

Hello Mira, the girl currently has analyses within normal values. Ferritinemia is at the lower limit of normal and she needs to take iron supplements for about 1-1.5 months to bring it to the optimal values, 60-70 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 Agust 2022 në 08:40

Hello Mira, the girl currently has blood tests within normal values. Ferritin is at the lower end of normal and she needs to take iron supplements for about 1-1.5 months to bring it to the optimal levels, 60-70 ng/ml

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 Agust 2022 në 08:40

Hello doctor, I just had my blood tests done since I was diagnosed with anemia in previous tests and I have been treated by you with heferol a year ago and my ferritin level was about 52. Now my values are: HGB 11.8; serum iron, 33; ferritin 7.16. I also did the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis analysis and it was normal. 97.6.
What do you recommend I do?
Thank you

Sent by Xhesika, më 06 September 2022 në 05:39

Hello Xhesika, I have replied to you

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 September 2022 në 05:55

Hello doctor, I have just had my blood tests done because I was found to be anemic in previous tests and I was treated by you with heferol a year ago and my ferritin level went up to 52. Currently, my values are: HGB 11.8; serum iron, 33; ferritin 7.16. I also had the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis analysis and it was normal, 97.6.
What do you recommend I do?
Thank you

Sent by Xhesika, më 06 September 2022 në 05:39

Hello Xhesika, I have replied to you

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 September 2022 në 05:55

Hello doctor, I just did my blood tests after having been diagnosed with anemia in previous tests and was treated by you with heferol a year ago, and my ferritin went up to around 52. Currently, my values are: HGB 11.8; serum iron, 33; ferritin 7.16. I also did the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis analysis and it was normal. 97.6. What do you recommend I do? Thank you

Sent by Xhesika, më 06 September 2022 në 05:39

Hello Xhesika, I have replied to you

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 September 2022 në 05:55

Hello doctor, I just did my blood tests after being diagnosed with anemia in previous tests and I was treated by you with heferol a year ago and my ferritin level went to about 52. Respectively, my current values are: HGB 11.8; sideremia, 33; ferritin 7.16. I also did the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis analysis and it was normal. 97.6. What do you recommend I do? Thank you

Sent by Xhesika, më 06 September 2022 në 05:41

Hello Xhesika, I have replied to you

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 September 2022 në 05:55

Hello doctor! I have done the blood tests and it turns out I have anemia? RBC 4.73 HGB 11 HCT 34.8 MCV 73.6 MCH 23.3 RDW-CV15.2. PCT 0.36. Ferritin 8 and I also tested positive for Helicobacter pylori. What do you recommend?

Sent by Elsa, më 20 September 2022 në 07:55

Hello Elsa, you have mild anemia, probably due to iron deficiency. You need to be treated for at least 3 months in a row. The best medicine is Heferol

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 21 September 2022 në 02:53

Hello, I have done a blood analysis and the values are as follows: Erythrocytes 5.66, hemoglobin 17.7, indirect bilirubin 0.7, direct bilirubin 0.6, total bilirubin 1.34 mg/dl. Are these values problematic, doctor? Thank you very much

Sent by Ledi Vataj, më 06 October 2022 në 01:55

Hello Ledi, you have elevated levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and possibly hematocrit higher than normal. We will reassess several times over a few months; if there is a tendency for further increase, you will be referred to a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 October 2022 në 06:43

Hello, I have done a blood analysis and the values are as follows: Erythrocytes 5.66, hemoglobin 17.7, indirect bilirubin 0.7, direct bilirubin 0.6, total bilirubin 1.34 mg/dL. Are these values problematic, doctor? Thank you very much

Sent by Ledi Vataj, më 06 October 2022 në 04:58

Hello Ledi, you have elevated levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and likely hematocrit above the norm. We will re-evaluate several times over a few months, and if there is a tendency for further increase, you will be consulted with a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 October 2022 në 05:26

Hello, I have done a blood test and the values are as follows: Erythrocytes 5.66, hemoglobin 17.7, indirect bilirubin 0.7, direct bilirubin 0.6, total bilirubin 1.34 mg/dl. Are these values problematic, doctor? Thank you very much

Sent by Ledi Vataj, më 06 October 2022 në 07:54

Hello Ledi, you have elevated levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and likely increased hematocrit compared to the norm. We will reassess several times over a few months, and if there is a tendency for further increase, you will be consulted with a hematologist

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 October 2022 në 05:26

Hello doctor!
I am 17 years old, female, and my blood tests showed erythrocytes 4,580,000, sedimentation rate 32, platelets 220,000, and leukocytes 8,100.
Is the sedimentation rate normal?
Thank you!

Sent by Ada, më 10 October 2022 në 07:36

Hello Ada, they are normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 11 October 2022 në 06:19

My 1 and a half year old child, routine checkup Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9 and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 05 November 2022 në 06:26

Hello Bledi, there are some changes that you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:31

My 1 and a half year old child, routine check Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 05 November 2022 në 06:51

Hello Bledi, there are changes for which you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:33

My 1 and a half year old child, routine checkup Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9 and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 05 November 2022 në 14:47

Hello Bledi, there are changes for which you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:32

My 1 and a half year old child, routine check Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, Hgb 10.9 and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 06 November 2022 në 01:09

Hello Bledi, there are changes that you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:35

My 1 and a half year old child, routine check Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 06 November 2022 në 06:05

Hello Bledi, there are changes that you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:35

My 1 and a half year old child, routine check-up Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 06 November 2022 në 10:06

Hello Bledi, there are changes that you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:32

My child is 1 and a half years old, routine check Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9 and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 07 November 2022 në 04:35

Hello Bledi, there are changes that you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:32

My child is 1 and a half years old, routine check-up Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9 and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 07 November 2022 në 04:49

Hello Bledi, there are changes that you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:32

My child is 1 and a half years old, routine checkup Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 07 November 2022 në 06:06

Hello Bledi, there are changes that you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:32

My 1 and a half year old child, routine check Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9 and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 07 November 2022 në 06:34

Hello Bledi, there are changes which you need to discuss with a pediatrician

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 November 2022 në 08:32

My 1 and a half year old child, routine checkup Wbc 16.58, Rbc 4.6, Plt 365, hgb 10.9 and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 78

Sent by Bledi, më 07 November 2022 në 09:04

Hello doctor, I have done blood tests and my results are WBC 10.78; RBC 5.11; HGB 13.2; HCT 38.9; MCV 76.1; MCH 25.8; MCHC 33.9; PLT 336; LYM% 23.3; EO 6.1 (elevated, normal range 0-5); Neut% 63.4 (normal range 40-60); RDW-CV 16.9 (normal range 0-14.5); PCT 0.39 (normal range 0.17-0.35); Neut 6.84; Mono 0.73; do I have a liver dysfunction?

Sent by Ardita, më 14 December 2022 në 02:28

Hello Ardita, you have not done an analysis for the liver. This is the analysis of circulating blood, peripheral. There is a slight increase in eosinophils, which occurs more in the context of allergies and the presence of parasites. Do ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 14 December 2022 në 08:09

Hello doctor,
I am 41 years old and have done my blood tests: wbc 6.3, neu 57.6, lym 30, mono 11.1, baso 0.3, eos 1, neu 3.63, lym 1.89, mono 0.7, baso 0.02, eos 0.06, rbc 3.98, hct 35.8, hgb 11.9, mcv 89.9, mch 29.9, mchc 33.2, rdw sd 36.7, rdw cv 11.2, sedimentation 25, pcr 1.79, ferritin 39.77. Monocytes are high and rbc and hgb are low. What do you advise? Thank you

Sent by Marjeta, më 24 February 2023 në 11:36

Hello Marjeta, I do not see any problems with your analysis. Repeat the analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 February 2023 në 04:07

Hello doctor,
I am 41 years old and have done blood tests: wbc 6.3, neu 57.6, lym 30, mono 11.1, baso 0.3, eos 1, neu 3.63, lym 1.89, mono 0.7, baso 0.02, eos 0.06, rbc 3.98, hct 35.8, hgb 11.9, mcv 89.9, mch 29.9, mchc 33.2, rdw sd 36.7, rdw cv 11.2, sediment 25, pcr 1.79, ferritin 39.77. Monocytes are high and rbc and hgb are low. What do you recommend? Thank you

Sent by Marjeta, më 24 February 2023 në 11:46

Hello Marjeta, I don't see any problems with your analysis. Please repeat the analysis

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 February 2023 në 04:07

Hello esteemed Doctor, I have conducted a blood analysis for my 7-month-old daughter and the following values came out: high leukocytes 12.18, lymphocytes 6.81, basophils 0.17, low neutrophils 31.9, and besides these Hb 10.9, hematocrit 33.9, MCV 73.2, MCH 23.6. High platelets 476 from a normal of 400. And RDW-CV 16.4 from 16 which is normal. What problem do the high white blood cell counts and low hemoglobin indicate, is there a need for additional iron intake? Ferritin came out with a value of 70.43, we also did hemoglobin electrophoresis: HbA 94%, HbF 3.6% HbA2 2.4%. Is it normal for a child who just turned 7 months old the value of HbF or is there something? Thank you and I wish you well!

Sent by Marsida, më 25 April 2023 në 06:34

Hello Marsida, the values are normal. Hemoglobin electrophoresis should be done after the age of 4 years, when the level of HbF reaches the minimum value

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 26 April 2023 në 06:21

Please can you resend the answer to my question again as I am searching and it does not show up! Sorry!

Sent by Klaudia , më 28 April 2023 në 07:59

Hello Klaudia, write me your concern again

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 29 April 2023 në 10:53

Hello doctor! I am resending it once more and thank you for the opportunity you give us!
A few days ago, my 17-month-old daughter went through a viral illness and I decided to do a blood test for her, from which the results are these: lymphocytes 50.6, erythrocytes 5.57, hemoglobin 10.3, hematocrit 31.1, MCV 55.8, MCH 18.5, MCHC 33.2, RDWcv 22.7, PCT 0.09.
While ferritin is 110.7.
My husband is a carrier of thalassemia minor and after these results, I also suspected for my daughter, could she be a carrier according to these results? I have not done the electrophoresis because I am waiting for a response from you! All the best I wish you and endless thanks!

Sent by Klaudia , më 02 May 2023 në 02:56

Hello Klaudia, your daughter is probably a carrier of Thalassemia. Hemoglobin electrophoresis should be done

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 02 May 2023 në 06:30

Hello again doctor, after performing the electrophoresis, it turns out my daughter is a carrier of beta thalassemia minor with these results: Hb A 87.0, Hb F 8.0, and Hb A2 5.0. They told me it needs to be repeated at the age of 4, is there a problem or is it just that at that age the values are more accurate? Should iron be used even though my daughter had a ferritin level of 110.5? Thank you very much!

Sent by Klaudia, më 06 May 2023 në 08:41

Hello Klaudia, there's no need to repeat it. There will be more HbA and less HbF, but HbA2 will be what it is. She is a carrier of Thalassemia. There is no need for iron treatment

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 06 May 2023 në 10:43

Appreciation for you, lucky to have doctors like you in our country! All the best!

Sent by Klaudia, më 06 May 2023 në 17:42

And I greet you, Klaudia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 May 2023 në 04:10

Grateful to you, lucky to have doctors like you in our country! All the best!

Sent by Klaudia, më 06 May 2023 në 17:45

And I greet you, Klaudia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 07 May 2023 në 04:11

Hello, I am a 31-year-old mother. I gave birth to my children through cesarean section. I gave birth to my daughter at the age of 17 and my son at the age of 19. After 7 years, I underwent surgery again because I had been experiencing pain over these years. The surgery revealed glands, and I had a cleaning procedure. During these years, I was hospitalized 3 times because I had anemia and ovarian cysts. I took various medications prescribed by doctors, but I continued to suffer from anemia even after finishing the medications, and the fatigue caused by the anemia persisted, as they told me after each visit. They changed my medication after three years, and then I underwent surgery again because I had mild pain but a lot of burning in the part of the wound from giving birth. For 6 months, they couldn't figure out what I had, even at the emergency department they just gave me strong sedatives, but the burning in the lower part of my abdomen was very intense until a doctor saw the wound on an ultrasound and noticed it was open 3cm and had an infection that had affected the muscles around the wound. They removed it and cleaned it. For three years, I continued to suffer from anemia. I went to the doctor again after an ultrasound and my period occurred twice within a month. Once again, it turned out I had ovarian cysts and uterine issues, and in October 2022, I underwent surgery with a probe to remove the cysts because the surgery from my childbirth could not be opened again since it had been done 4 times. After the surgery, my cycle is normal, but the anemia continues. I have done many tests; I don't have enough vitamins, and my body doesn't absorb the food I eat. The latest tests I did were a month ago; I have been taking iron and folic acid that the doctor prescribed before the last test. Before the last test, I had insomnia, numbness in my hands and feet, my feet were throbbing and burning, they were so hot that they would block me from walking, and I had difficulty br

Sent by Irena Qoku , më 08 Agust 2023 në 07:32

Hello Irena, what is your ferritin level? If it is below 20 ng/ml, you will receive iron supplements for at least 3 months in a row. Recheck after 1 month from the start of the treatment with complete blood count and after 3 months of treatment with complete blood count and ferritin

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 Agust 2023 në 12:51

Hello, I am a 31-year-old mother. I gave birth to my children via cesarean section. I had my daughter when I was 17 years old and my son when I was 19 years old. After 7 years, I underwent surgery again because I had been experiencing pain over those years. During the surgery, they found glands and I had a cleaning done. Over these years, I have been hospitalized 3 times because I had anemia and ovarian cysts. I was taking various medications prescribed by my doctor, but I continued to suffer from anemia after finishing the medications, and the fatigue that anemia caused me. They used to tell me after every visit that they were changing my medication. Three years later, I underwent surgery again because I had mild pain but a lot of burning in the area of the wound from my previous childbirth. For 6 months, they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, not even at the emergency room; they just gave me strong sedatives, but the burning in the lower part of my abdomen was very strong until a doctor saw the wound on an ultrasound and noticed it was open 3cm and had an infection that had even affected the muscles around the wound. They removed and cleaned it. For three years, I continued to suffer from anemia. I went to the doctor again after an ultrasound visit and my menstrual cycle occurred twice in a month. It turned out I again had cysts in the ovaries and uterus. In October 2022, I underwent surgery with a probe to remove the cysts because the surgery from my childbirth could not be opened again as I had been operated on 4 times. After the surgery, my cycle is normal but the anemia continues. I have done many blood tests and it turns out I do not absorb vitamins; the food I eat is not absorbed by my body. My latest blood tests were done a month ago. I have iron, folic acid now prescribed by the doctor. Before the last blood test, I had insomnia, numbness in my hands and feet, my feet would sting and burn, they were so hot that they would block me from walking an

Sent by Irena Qoku , më 08 Agust 2023 në 07:33

Hello Irena, what is your ferritin level? If it is below 20 ng/ml, you will receive iron supplementation for at least 3 consecutive months. Recheck after 1 month from the start of the treatment with complete blood count and after 3 months of treatment with complete blood count and ferritin level

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 Agust 2023 në 12:51

Hello, I am a 31-year-old mother who gave birth to my children via cesarean section. I gave birth to my daughter at the age of 17 and my son at the age of 19. After 7 years, I underwent surgery again because I had been experiencing pain over the years. The surgery revealed a gland which was cleaned out. During these years, I was hospitalized 3 times due to anemia and ovarian cysts, taking various medications prescribed by doctors. Despite this, my anemia persisted after completing the treatments, and the fatigue it caused was severe, as I was told after every visit. They changed my medication after three years, and I underwent surgery again because I had mild pain but severe burning in the area of the scar where I had given birth. For 6 months, they couldn't figure out what was wrong, even at the emergency department they just gave me strong tranquilizers, but the burning in the lower part of my stomach was very strong until a doctor saw the wound on an ultrasound and noticed it was open 3cm and had an infection that had even affected the muscles around the wound. They removed and cleaned it. For three years, I continued to have anemia. After another ultrasound visit and having my menstrual cycle twice in a month, I once again had ovarian cysts and uterine cysts. In October 2022, I underwent surgery with a probe to remove the cysts because the surgery from my childbirth could not be opened again since it was my 4th time undergoing surgery. My cycle is now normal, but the anemia continues. I have done many detailed tests; my body doesn't absorb the vitamins from the food I eat. My latest tests were done a month ago; I have been taking iron and folic acid as prescribed by the doctor. Before the last test, I had insomnia, numbness in my hands and feet, and my feet were burning and felt hot making it difficult to walk, and I struggled to breathe. Now I don't have these symptoms but continue to feel very tired, heavy, and depressed. I have to make a great effort to do da

Sent by Irena Qoku , më 08 Agust 2023 në 07:35

Hello Irena, what is your ferritin level? If it is below 20 ng/ml, you will receive iron supplementation treatment for at least 3 consecutive months. Recheck after 1 month from the start of the treatment with a complete blood count and after 3 months of treatment with a complete blood count and ferritin level

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 10 Agust 2023 në 12:51


Sent by Irena Qoku , më 10 Agust 2023 në 14:49

Hello Irena, you will receive for 3 months, Ironorm 3 x 1 capsules/day, during or after meals. After 1 month of treatment, a complete blood recheck and after 3 months of treatment a complete blood recheck and ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 Agust 2023 në 12:07

Hello, sorry for the bother, but the analysis letter writes these numbers: sideremia result 14.9, normal values F 37-145ng/dl; ferritinemia result 2.1, normal values 20-250ng/ml; calcemia result 8.2, normal value 8.6-10.3mg/dl. These are written in the letter, thank you!?

Sent by Irena Qoku , më 11 Agust 2023 në 05:34

Hello Irena, you will take for 3 months, Ironorm 3 x 1 capsule/day, either during or after a meal. After 1 month of treatment, a complete blood recheck and after 3 months of treatment, a complete blood recheck and ferritinemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 12 Agust 2023 në 12:08

Hello doctor, I took Ironorm capsules for 3 months last year in January, February, March, plus I took Omega 3 1,000mg, Vitamin C 500mg for Ancopir Nystatin since I also had a fungal infection for 3 months which really helped me, but after 2 months my body weakened again, maybe my menstrual cycle which had cysts affected it, but I am taking Ironorm again maybe now that my cycle is regular it will do me good. Thank you very much, doctor, for your understanding, sorry to bother you but it's because I have been to many doctors and have not found a solution. Thank you very much

Sent by Irena Qoku , më 13 Agust 2023 në 08:05

Hello Irena, you will go to the hematologist in the city where you live, to get treated. It is difficult to solve everything by email

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 15 Agust 2023 në 01:33

Hello doctor.
I underwent a treatment with oviron for 3 months, three times a day, and my parameters improved: my hemoglobin went to 14 from 10, whereas my ferritin increased to 24 from 2. Except for leukocytes and neutrophils which continue to be low, respectively 2.64 and 1.23, the other parameters are ok. Should I continue with this treatment to increase ferritin or should I look for something more economical? Thank you!

Sent by Aurela , më 21 Agust 2023 në 05:13

Hello Aurela, the part about leukocytes/neutrophils needs to be discussed with a hematologist. It is not as simple as treating anemia from Iron Deficiency

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 Agust 2023 në 07:47

Hello doctor.
I underwent a treatment with oviron for 3 months, 3 times a day, and my parameters improved: my hg went to 14 from 10 which I had, while ferritin increased to 24 from 2 which I had. Except for leukocytes and neutrophils which continue to be at low levels, respectively 2.64 and 1.23, the other parameters are ok. Should I continue with this treatment to increase ferritin or should I look for something more economical? Thank you!

Sent by Aurela , më 21 Agust 2023 në 05:13

Hello Aurela, the part about leukocytes/neutrophils needs to be discussed with a hematologist. It is not as easy as treating anemia from Iron Deficiency

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 Agust 2023 në 07:47

Hello, doctor.
I underwent a 3-month treatment with Oviron, three times a day, and my parameters improved: my Hg went from 10 to 14, while my ferritin increased to 24 from 2. Except for leukocytes and neutrophils, which continue to be at low levels, respectively 2.64 and 1.23, the other parameters are ok. Should I continue with this treatment to increase the ferritin or should I look for something more economical? Thank you!

Sent by Aurela , më 21 Agust 2023 në 05:14

Hello Aurela, the part about leukocytes/neutrophils needs to be discussed with a hematologist. It's not as simple as treating Iron Deficiency Anemia

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 22 Agust 2023 në 07:47

Hello doctor. I wanted to ask about my 2-year-old son who is constantly pale and has not gained weight for almost 6 months despite eating well. His blood parameters are as follows:
Ferritin 14.2
RBC 4.6
Hgb 12.4
HCT 35.9
MCV 77.9
MCH 26.9
MCHC 34.5
RDW-SD 10.7
RDW-CV 33.3
PLATELETS 301 /microliter
PCT 0.19
MPV platelets 6.2
PDW 17.4. I would like an assessment from you if there is any kind of anemia. I have not done electrophoresis. I am not a carrier of thalassemia since I did the tests during pregnancy and was followed up with you for the problem of thrombophilia and the treatment with LMWH anticoagulants. Thanks to which I enjoy having two children

Sent by Matilda Senka , më 23 October 2023 në 15:57

Hello Matilda, they are normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 October 2023 në 04:27

Hello doctor. I wanted to ask you about my 2-year-old son who has been looking pale all the time and hasn't gained weight at all for almost 6 months despite eating well. The blood parameters are as follows:
Ferritin 14.2
RBC 4.6
Hgb 12.4
HCT 35.9
MCV 77.9
MCH 26.9
MCHC 34.5
RDW-SD 10.7
RDW-CV 33.3
PLATELETS 301 /microliter
PCT 0.19
MPV platelets 6.2
PDW 17.4. I would like an assessment from you if there is any kind of anemia. I haven't done electrophoresis. I am not a carrier of thalassemia as I have done the tests during pregnancy and have been followed up by you for the problem of thrombophilia and the treatment with LMWH anticoagulants. Thanks to which I enjoy having two children

Sent by Matilda Senka , më 23 October 2023 në 16:08

Hello Matilda, these are normal values

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 24 October 2023 në 04:27

Hello doctor, I hope you are well and healthy.
My problem is that I have beta thalassemia minor and so does my son. I wanted to show you the results of the tests I did a week ago, and these are the results: RBC 5.19, HGB 10.5, HCT 32, MCV 61.7, MCH 20.2, MCHC 32.8, RDW-CV 18.3, MONO 10.3, WBC 5.5, LYM 31, EOS 2.9, BASO 0.4, PLT 380, Ferritin 74.78, vitamin B12 783, folic acid >20, A/G 1.5. Please, can you tell me with these results if I can start a second pregnancy? Almost similar results I had before giving birth to my son. I live in Greece, and the gynecologist has given me these medications to take: Fylacia syrup (folic acid) and Fysiofol in small bottles. Please, what do you advise me to take additionally to increase my hemoglobin or any food what do you recommend?
Sorry if I have not written the data correctly as I sent them as they are written in the response. Thank you and all the best

Sent by Ida, më 31 December 2023 në 05:11

Hello Irda, you have a mild congenital anemia, which does not prevent you from having as many children as you want. The only thing that matters is your spouse, whether they have such a problem or not. If not, your children have a 50% chance of being like you and 50% like your spouse. You can take vitamins. Congenital anemia cannot be treated, it is not affected by diet

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 31 December 2023 në 05:40

Thank you very much, doctor, for the response.
My husband does not have anemia at all, and he has blood type O positive, whereas I have blood type B positive. With these results, I don't have any risk of miscarriage because I am very afraid that with these results the child might not develop and I am at risk. I emphasize that I had a miscarriage with my first child because it did not develop, and I had an abortion when I was 4 weeks pregnant. With these results, can I start trying for another child, and if possible could you recommend any vitamins or something to take besides the two medicines that the gynecologist has recommended?
Thank you and Happy New Year

Sent by Ida, më 31 December 2023 në 05:56

It is sufficient for the spouse to not be a carrier of hemoglobinopathies. For everything else, continue with normal life

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 31 December 2023 në 06:59

Hello doctor, I hope you are well. I had my blood tests done and the values are as follows: ferritin- 20.6 ng/ml; HGB- 12.8. I consulted with you two years ago and followed a treatment with Heferol for 3 months. Then my ferritin went up to 52 and I stopped. Since then, I have been taking Heferol every month for 5 days during my periods to compensate for the iron loss, but my ferritin is still low. Because of this, I am experiencing significant hair loss.
Please, what do you recommend I do?

Sent by xhesika, më 03 January 2024 në 12:04

Hello Xhesika, your problem is the significant loss of blood, hence iron during the menstrual cycle. For this reason, the iron stores are depleted and need to be corrected with medication

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 03 January 2024 në 12:54

Hello doctor! I suffer from anemia and 3 weeks ago I received blood twice because my anemia level went down to 6.7. I have taken folic acid, iron, and vitamin C. From the tests I did yesterday, the anemia is at HGB - 10.9 g/dcl, HCT 34.0%, MCV 74.5 fL, MCH 23.8 pg, MCHC 31.9 g/dl, RDW 19.5%. What do you recommend?

Sent by Kudrete, më 08 March 2024 në 08:34

Hello Kudrete, you probably have anemia from iron deficiency. Ferritin levels need to be checked. The proper medication must be taken, the right dose, at the right time. It matters if you have blood loss

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 08 March 2024 në 09:00

Hello doctor! I suffer from anemia and three weeks ago I had blood transfusions twice because my anemia level went down to 6.7. I have taken folic acid, iron, and vitamin C. From the tests I did yesterday, the anemia is hgb -10.9 g/dcl, hct 34.0%, MCV 74.5 fL, MCH 23.8 pg, MCHC 31.9 g/dl, RDW 19.5%. What do you recommend?

Sent by Kudrete, më 09 March 2024 në 03:18

Hello Kudrete, you probably have anemia from iron deficiency. Ferritinemia should be done. The correct medication, the right dose, the right time must be taken. It matters if you have blood loss

Replay from Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako, më 09 March 2024 në 03:24

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